Monday, September 1, 2014

Wisdom of old man

In the ancient time the Romanians use to kill the aged people because they can not work hard , physically they are very week and also very burden so they published an order that to kill all the aged people...When a boy reading the roman history he got very upset and he went to his teacher and asked that” if aged people in a house or a country is that burden sir..”? “No.. they did not aware that their loss and the wisdom.. distracted the lived trasher, knowledgeble and experienced library”..
Then the teacher came to the class room and said “Students I tell you a related story listen carefully.”.

There was a man who had a great love and respect for his father. He did not wished him to be killed. So he hid and put him in a secret place and took good care of him. He always consulted him in the time of difficulty and trouble. Nobody knew that the old man was living.

As the years passed heavy drought overtook the country happened to face acute shortage of food.. The people were suffering for food. The stores of food grains were completely exhausted.
They had been ill and incapacitated. to solve this problem. Everybody looked worried at home...
The old man saw from his hide out and asked his son the cause of his worry. The son explained him all problem the country was facing. The old man thought for a while and then said. “Don’t worry, my son!..For the time being don’t tell it to any one. Take a plow and plow up deep many time in front of the house and the adjoining road , then rake it over.” see some thing you will benefit, from that we can with stand till the next season That man did according to his father's advise . .What a pleasant surprise.. wheat, barely, oats and beans began to sprout out of the ground at some places. The people were surprised to see a man reaping when he had not sown anything.

This news went to the king and he ordered the man to tell the truth secret of his wisdom. Very reluctantly he told to the king that his old father had advised him to do so. The king was wonder-struck at the wisdom of the old man. He told the man to bring his father to the kingdom court ..he was very sad to bring his old father to the court, because he was killing the old people, after a long hesitation he brought his father to the court...The king saw that aged man...and asked..” you are the master of the idea...? The old man replied, "Yes your Majesty..all throughout the year transports having a loaded with all kind of seeds and corn are passing through . Some of the corn falls to the ground, the seeds fall on the ground and are trampled heavily into the earth by the passers-. All will be usually rot, but if the ground is plowed up, and is moist favorable for the growth, and also no one passing on that part of the ground, some of the corn has a chance of growing. That was I relied, and succeeded in the effort.. we have now a rich crop, not only for our necessities, but also to provide you all with enough necessary seed for your own fields in near future." The king heard his self confidence and the presence of mind the king felt ashamed and guilty shedding tears from his eyes and embarrassed that man and said “Yes I am a king but I do not have such a good adviser so I declare that from now on this man is my adviser” ...hearing that news the young man was very happy....and. every body were happy in that kingdom...After this incidence people start to love their old people and respect them.

If a person feels happy he will have young heart and brine forever even in his old ages . . !!!!

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