Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Arrogance will never be glorified

Once there was a knowledgeable pandit who was giving philosophical lecture about Sri Bhagavat gita in his neighbouring kingdom in front of the Monarch...
The Pundit won plenty of distinctions from many kingdoms and was honoured for his power of speaking and his literacy of research and had immense of titles. Hence the particular kingdoms monarch invited him to give a lecture of Bhagavat Gita.
He was engaged to give a lecture for one week. Four days are over the fifth day he has to analysis of the particular hymn and give the meaning.
The pandit begins the hymn and started to give explanation enthusiastically watching the king... (because if the King  shake his head that he be sure for his bumper prize,) so he explained the slokam impressively.. the king instead of shaking his head he said that the meaning is wrong. The first time pandits face begins sweating.. sadly flash a smile at the king and told sorry again he told changing the words and explained but, that was also wrong ..and many way he tried and failed.. the entire courtiers opposed about his wrong meaning of the hymn. The king was very angry and sent him home and ordered him to find the accurate answer..and asked him to come next day...
The pandit was returning home unhappily . on the way home he was thinking about his honers, and his ability, and the power of literacy, and his knowledge...every thing has gone he felt loudly to cry.
At last he reached home and sadly went to bed and lay down. Seeing this his wife asked him the reason why he is very sadly returned home...? he was insulted than happened in the kingdom that she asked question about literature, he thought him self about her “ what does she knows except cooking in the kitchen and than eating”..thinking meanly about her... and reluctantly  he told her the entire story happened in the kingdom...
The wife was thinking for some time and asked her husband to repeat the meaning what he told and which place of the hymn..
The Pandit flash a smile mockingly at her and reluctantly told the meaning that how he explained in the kingdom ...
Thinking a long time his wife told him that “yes the king is absolutely right'.. The explanation you gave to the hymn was incorrect, in this kind of wrong meaning how the king approved..? inaccurate and fancy mare truths furnishing to king won't work...The pandit became very mad with his wife and asked her that..what does mean about those words that you spelled to me..? I am not illiterate, That king may have money and you have big mouth but no brain”...! His wife kept quite for some time and told him “ see anger cannot make wrong to right.. repeat the hymn once again think with calm mind you will arrive the correct answer”..The pandit repeated the same hymn loudly word by word but he was struggling to land to the correct answer... his wife saw his struggle and she felt pity on him and said “My respected husband I tell you the accurate meaning if you think is right then you go to kingdom tomorrow and give a speech..listen “Sri Krishna said very clearly in those verses “If one always think and worship him(Lord Sri Krishna) and total surrender to Sri Krishna he will full fill all his salvation”..
Also she explained the inner meaning that “Yogam..Means if one get things unexpectedly..that is called Yogam (Luck) Kshemam means one already having things keep safely”..is called kshemam (cautious) this is what the following hymn's meaning

Anayachinthayato mam...ye jana paryupasate
tesam nityabiyukthanam...yogakshemam vahamyagam
The pandit heard his wife's explanation he stunned... he felt ashamed to see her  and quietly went to his bed..
Arrogant man learnt a good lesson 


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