Monday, September 1, 2014

Wisdom of literacy

There are many languages in the world. However, great and classical literature which people in all countries need to read is found onlyin a few languages. Among them one such great language is Sanskrit.It is one of the oldest languages. It is the mother of several other languages such as Hindi, Bengali and Marathi in the North. Kannada and so on.
The genius of poets and Sages who create literary epics and great hymns composed to achieve world-renown in the Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very smooth and melodious to Sages' celebration of the wonders of nature,the sky, the stars, mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, theclouds, fire and their earnest ,sincere hearty offering of prayers to the universal power are all found in the Vedic classics which are in Sanskrit. Puranas and historical epics like the Ramayanam and Mahabharatm lively describe the battle between the good and the evil. Sanskrit language can boast of a rich treasure house of plays,poems and many scientific and philosophical subject deals systematically with its principles and conclusions...
A poet who has made a distinct and glorious contribution luxuriously fine, and splendidly Sanskrit literature is Kalidasasa. He has pictured in his works the beauty in life and considered deeply upon how we can give pleasure to others by generous and graceful behavior.His description is very bright and pleasant and his word power is unique. His writings touchingly show up a noble, meaningful method for the people to pursue. His works are an intellectual treat to a mankind.

Kalidasa’s personal life and background,history is not much known but there are several myths and legends about it. Kalidasa lost his parents while he was a baby of six months. A cowherd brought him up; he had no schooling of any sort.only his appreciable quality is very honest and he was very innocent. lover of eating.
On that period there was a king named Bheemashukla ruled over Kasi .The king had a daughter named Vidyottma who is highly learned scholar.. .
The princess was determined to marry someone who would defeat her in a Philosophy (Sastrartha) debate about the scriptures.

But the King wished his daughter Vidyottma to marry Vararuchi, a scholar one of the greatest of that times. But she refused and said that “I am greater scholar than he, however who ever win my debate so I will marry him”
Vararuchi felt that she indirectly insulted him , On that time he decided to teach a nice lesson to the arrogant princess.
One day, the King’s minister happened to see this cowherd-man sitting on top a tree in a forest and attempting to fell the tree by axing its roots. But the foolish, senseless man was sitting on the wrong end of the branch, so when he finally sawed through the branch,fall down and he tumbled! This act of sheer stupidity was observed by some shrewd pundits minister passing by.
This message passed to the great scholar varoruchi. As soon as he heard this message a plan struck in his mind so he came to the cowherd man and the scholar told him that if he act according to his advice then he will get lot of sweets to eat and he can eat nice food every day.So the cowherd man agreed...Tne cowherd brought to the capital to Varoruchi's palace and gave instruction what he has to do in the royel court.. In the beginning he was disagree but because of their force and compulsion at last he agreed. Later he dressed up like a real pundit and told him that should act as a real scholar and he should answer the question only on act he should not open his mouth.
Information  went to the king and the next day the debate is started. In the beginning told to the princess that “This scholar absorbing silent so he will answer by his action. The debate started the princess asked the cowherd showing her one finger and asked the meaning. in reply he showed his two, the princess showed her five fingers in reply he saw there was no fingers so he folded all his fingers showed to the princess .. the princess asked the other followed pandit what does mean he showed all his actions.
The pandit told her “your majesty you told him that the world created with the only one bramam but the sagely scholar told that world  created bramam and maya that's why he showed two fingers. Mejesty asked showing five fingers that five 'indiriyas' our sage replied that we should control the five indiriyas he said.
she was very impressed so she agreed to marry him

Once finished the debate all came out and asked him why you showed your two fingers he said” that lady showed her one finger “I beat you” in reply I told I will poke your two eyes then she showed her five fingers saying slapp me that I got very angry I told her I give you a punch on your face” Varoruchi was delighted and he thought that he taught an excellent lesson to the princess. Deliberately he arranged a stupid to marry the princess but unknowingly he showed a path to introduce a famous poet.
cowheard stupidity could be keep secret for only for few hours , and the night of the wedding the cowherd told out the secret.The princess realized that she had married a prize fool. Furious and greif stricken she insulted him by saying his head is full of mud and stones Dont show her his face till he is rid of all idiocy thrown him out of her palace, and her life.
That incident was ashamed and he never saw a lady spelled out that kind of harsh words so he felt ashamed of his ignorance, the cowherd becomes a seeker of knowledge and he ran to his favorite sri Kali devi temple pleaded day and night without food even a drop of water, Kali devi was pleased with his devotion and blessed him with extraordinary intellect and excellence in Art of Poetry. His wish fulfilled , his true prayer was granted; education and poetical power descended miraculously to dwell  who in gratitude, his first hymn came out from his mind like a pouring a heavy rain that slokam was “Sri Syamala tandagam””Manikya veenam mubalayantheem madhalasam manjula vag vilasam”
then his name became “Kalidasa,” (devotee of Kali). and is bestowed with wisdom by the goddess Kali devi. This moving story of love and enlightenment is based on legends surrounding real-life of poet Mahakavi Kalidasa....
Kalidasa wrote seven works. ‘Kumarasambhavam’ and ‘Raghuvamsham' are his two epic poems. ‘Malavikagnimitra’, ‘Vikramorvashiya’ and‘Abhijnana Shakuntala’ are his celebrated plays. ‘Meghaduta’and ‘Ritusamhara’ are also poetical works of great distinction.
Kalidas’s contribution and his literature is tremendous, though his writings were in Sanskrit, they have been translated into majar languages. Kalidas is best known for the play Shakuntalam, which has gone on to receive world wide attention. Shakuntala was first translated into english, then into german, and then into several other western languages.

The greatest poet and dramatist the world has ever seen. MahakaviKalidasa lived in the era of 2500 years ago legendary King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. He was one of the nine Gems of king's court of Vikramaditya with the title “Kavikula Guru ”the meaning (Preceptor of All Poets)...
It was only by the grace of Devi kali, he got extraordinary intelligence and excellence in art of poetry.
All world wide scholars comprehensive view is that Kālidāsa may have lived either near the Himalayas or in the vicinity of Ujjain or in Kalinga. The three are based respectively on Kālidāsa's detailed description of the Himalayas in his Kumārasambhavam, the display of his love for Ujjain in Meghadota and his highly superior quotes for Kalingan emperor Hemāngada in Raghuvaṃsa (sixth sarga). 

Sarva-Theerthatmeke,Sarva-Mantratmeke, Sarva-Thantratmeke,
Sarva-Sabthatmeke,Sarva-Visvatmeke Sarva-Deekshatmeke,
Sarva-Swaratmeke,Sarva he Jaganmatruke Pahimam,
PahimamDevi dhubyam namo, Devi dhubyam namo,
Devidhubyam namo namaha.

(fromKalidasa's Shyamala-dhandagam) 
Meaning of the above sloka:

Youare all the holy water; You are all the 'Mantras'; You are all theIngenuity; You are all the 'Yantras'; You are all the abodes of Gods;You are all the principles; You are all the energy; You are all thewisdom; You are all the decibels; You are all the sounds; You are allthe world; You are all the preceptor; You are all the Rythms; 'Jaganmata' the mother of the universe - bless me; Bless me mother I bow tothee; I pray to thee; I perostrate before thy holy feet.    
  (Kalidasa composition Manikya veena) enjoy 

Press ctrl and click on the URL and enjoy the slogam 


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