Monday, September 1, 2014

Honorable Treasure

    “Thasmin brahmani advideeye kevale paramatmani
    Brahma Rudra ucha bothani bedhena aggayana adhigacchadhi”
    (Sri Bhagavatham 4th skantham)
The Mahabharata is the ancient known epic poem and has been described as "the longest poem ever written". Its longest version consists of over100,000 slokams or over200,000 individual verse lines (each slokam is a couplet), and long prose passages. about 1.8 million words in total, and it is considered as fifth veda.
Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra war and the consequences of the Kaurava and Pandava princes, outcome result and it has contains philosophical and devotional material, such as a discussion of the four "goals of life" (Purusharthas) through the important value of stories... This great epic has revealed Bhagavat Gita. The author isSri Veda Vyasar.
The greatness of this epic it suits for any of followers Vaishnavas Saivam, Saktham, Ganapatram, and Sowram.
After Yudhistra deceived by Sakuni's challenge in the game of dice, the Pandavas were punished to be exile for 13 years, which included one year in anonymity.
Once they reached a place they were thinking about their food because lot of people followed with them so they have to have food supply to them so according to Sri Krishna's advice Ydhirstra went to a Dyana Yogam to Sungod so god appeared in front of him and said “Yudhirtra I am very happy with your Prayer so ask me whatever your wish I fulfill it” Yudhirtra told his wish so sungod gave an “AkshayaPatram” and told him that Yudhirstra it will give food how much ever your wish but once Dropathi finish eating her food it will stop giving ” Yudhirtra happily accepted so it was serving them food as much as they wish. Later after for some time Yudhirtra convinced the followed people and sent them back to the country.
One day while Yudhistra and his brothers were discoursing about their fate SriKrishna came in and asked the problem Drowpathi explained to him then Sri Krishna said “Arjuna there is no use of discoursing about the past, you have to think the feature so you may have go for a penance on Lord Siva to get more equipment, it may need for the feature use” yet Arjuna was not interested, unexpectedly sage Vyasa entered to Pandavas place . The Pandavas welcomed him in a grand manner, and they were happily conversing with him, during their conversation Sage Vyaser advised to Arjuna to do penance to Lord Siva. He reluctantly looking at him, Sage noticed his reluctance then he began to explain about Siva thatvam “Arjuna Siva thatvam is huge and Parabrahma thatvam ., The four vedhas are significant to mankind, among which the Yajur Veda is deemed most important.Because Rudram is centered in Yajurveda , the middle part of Sri rudram is “Namasomayacha”( Anuvaham). When chant Namasomayacha will be reveal Siva panchakshari “ Om Nama Sivaya”. Si-va this two letters are so auspicious Devoutly people only will chant Siva panchakshari , no one hate Siva and should not hate Siva ,Devathi devas are worshiping him, if we think about them we are nothing listen to Sr iKrishna do penance on Lord Siva I incite the hymn”, Arjuna thoughtfor some time then delightfully he accepted Vyasa incited the hymn Siva Panchakshari and the sage blessed Arjuna and took leave from Pandavas. Arjuna also departed for his penance, he travelled  to Himalaya and he did severe penance to Lord Siva, by standing pose right leg folded on his left thigh with on one leg and rising his both of the hand touching palms together observe to chanting the hymn, years passed,because of his extreme sever penance the blazing heat went to the deva's abodes and they became restless and all they went to lord Siva and requested him to bless Arjuna. Lord Siva accepted their request.
In the mean time Duryodhan had sent a demon named Mooka to kill Arjuna. Mooka changed his appearance as a boar and went to Arjuna. Arjuna was occupied completely in his meditation, when suddenly his concentration got disturbed by a loud noise. He opened his eyes and saw a wild boar he chased and shot it unexpectedly by a band of Kirats appeared and he also did shoot theboar the both Arjuna and Kirats arrows struck the boar at the same time, the boar was killed.

Kirat sent his group to bring back the arrow. Similarly Arjuna too went near the dead boar to bring his arrow. Arjuna found his arrow lying on the ground. He picked it up . Right then the group of the Kirat arrived there and asked Arjuna to return that arrow as it belonged to their master . But Arjuna refused to give his arrow. Instead he asked the Kirat's men , to convey his challenge to their master to have a dual with him.
The group went back to Kirat and told the whole story to him. Kirat boldly accepted Arjuna's challenge and .Kirat went to Arjuna with his group of soldiers. First the Kirat sent his men to fight with Arjuna, but Arjuna defeated all the group of Kirat . In the end Kirat him self came forward to have a dual fight with him. But Arjuna could not stand his manner of fight he defeated,surprisingly Arjuna thought “ What a courage a normal human can not win on my weapons then how he did?” just thought a second immediately he recited the Siva hymn and he passed on the Kirat as it hit on him he revealed as his original Supreme Being. Arjuna felt sorry and he did humble pranams and said “O Lord unknowingly it happened to fight with you kindly pardon me” as he asked his pardon many time. Lord Siva felt so happy and very much impressed by his boldness, determination in facing style. The Lord consoled him and blessed Arjuna with the Pashupatastram. Then Lord disappeared and Arjuna returned to their place.

Subsequently Arjuna's succession of pashupathastram Lord Sri Krishna came to participate on the delighted event with Pandavas . During their chat Sri Krishna told Yudhirstra that he has to do Sri Durga sahasra chandi means (sahasram means 1000 )Yagam for the group strength.Yudhistra agreed so Sri Krishna told Yudhistra to invite Garga Rishi and Vyaser to fix the time the hymn initiation. Accordingly Yuthirstra invited Vyasa and Garga rishi and they came and fixed the date and time. This news spread and Duriyodhana came to know this so he wished to ruin the Yagam so he was exchanging his ideas with his uncle, Fortunately Doorvasa came with lot of rishs to Duriyodhanas palace, as soon as he saw the rishi he felt happy and told the rishi that to go to pandava at 1.00 pm for their lunch. As duriyodhana's word doorvasa came to Pandava's place and said “We all go to river and have bath and we come to have food at 1.00 O clock,all went to have bath to a river. Yudhisrtra was so confused because drowpathi has finished her lunch so that Akshaya Patram will not give food so they were worried at that time Abatpanthava Sri Krishna entered and hared the problem He asked drowpathi to bring that patram and he saw some loft over food was there so Krishna took that left over and happily called Nakula and asked him to invite Doorvasa Rishi for lunch but unknowing the reason all Rishis felt stomach full. as sri krishna's advice Nakula went and call them for lunch they told him that “we all are feeling no hungry our stomach is full so we all are going inform this to Ydhirstrra”conveyed their message and went so all have gone, when Nakula told the news Sri Krishna smiled and alert them to prepare for Yagam and went
As they fixed the time the Sahasra chandi Yagam went on well Ashta buja devi Durga appeared from the homa kuntam and said “Yuthirstra I am so happy with your yagam and prayer ask your wish happily I give you”Yudhirstra asked that the Pandava Brothers will have mighty strength and unforgettable her name and hymn Devi blessed them as their wish and said “Drowpathi once you fulfilled your promise I bless you that you will have Nakshatra Padavi “ than devi disappeared.All were happy, all Rishis had nice food and all of them blessed Pandavas and they took leave. The auspicious event successfully wentwell

“Trayanam YegabavenamYona pasyathi Bavenam
Sarva boothanam BrammimSa santhtim Adhigaccadhi”
(Sri Bahavadha puranam 4thSkantham)
Message: The epic Mahabharatam taught a beautiful messages to the world wide people.. .


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