Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Magnificent Wisdom

Sri Ganesaya Namaha
Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave
Namovai Brhamanidhaye Vasishtaya Name Namaha”

Almighty of god the universally given wisdom is Sanadhana dharmam..
All those are the basic principle centered on the Divine with a great interest as in a spirit of Truthful, and sincere devotion,and action.. Ones performing duties (Karma) without any desires, righteousness, devotion etc, the explanation is just like a lotus leaf and Swan..the lotus leaf is always in the water but it won't attract the wet, in the same way The Swan will walk in the wet mud but its claws will not stuck with wet mud and it will walk without sticking the mud.. This rule applicable to all common men ,women, Kings, even gods (means gods aspects) ..
Saint Gyaneshwar, a Marati saint and a great preceptor had written the book, called Bhavartha deepikai or also called  Gyaneswari...The saint lived in 1283. the saint written from within essence the Geeta is accessible to all the common people , who had less command or access over Sanskrit, and used Marathi in their day to day life. The Saint attempt has been very successful, due to the nature of the writing and the depth with which the prose style and clarifies the original concepts. It is widely studied and regularly recited, in homes and religious places, all across Maharashtra.(That book is translated in English also)
The saint said and emphasized that, although there may be many different living forms,Human, Nonhuman, and any of various kind of animals that crawl or creep trees plants including the whole universe all have the same life and physical strength within them. The significance of God as a supreme energy to all, and manifestation of a high mental capacity... The meaning is All people should understand that all our energy and intelligence are connected with the supreme of god and who provides all principles, to follow and achieve the same.
Two examples:
Once Indiran while he was going to his abode on his Iravatham (White elephant) Durvasa rishi was coming his opposite side from Sri Vishnu's abode Vaidundam, as soon as the Rishi saw Indiran he wished to give a pearl chain to Indiran so he stopped him and gave it to him, Indiran too proudly without alighting form the elephant he received that chain with his left hand and he thrown it on his elephant.. Rishi got very angry and said “ O Indira you are very proud I got that chain from Sakshat Sri Mahalakshmi I gave it to you with love but you insulted Sridevi as well as me so you will lose all your wealth and will live without Sri Lakshmidevi's blessings” The curse became true.. Here Indiran is a god one of the ashtadik palagar. He use to pray god as well as he worship his guru Brahaspathi why he suffered? Because of his misdeed and committed sin, there is a curtsy that if any sages, sages wife, Guru or god if one see any of them immediately should celebrate with greetings and haply invite them that is called Karma or Dharmam This is a lesson even god if entered into the sin they can not escape from the punishment..
Another example:
Indiran committed a sin that he slaughtered a demon called Vritra unrighteously so being ashame of his action and ran away from his kingdom hence Nahusha became the king of the Indiralogam.
Nahusha was a king in the earth..The assumption of the kingship of the gods filled him with arrogance, He lost his condition of being humbleness and became filled with lawless desires.
One day, he saw Indra's wife and became mad of her. Possessed by evil thoughts, he spoke immense of command to the assembled gods:
He told that "Why has not Indirani, the wife of the Indiran, come to me? Now I am Indiran send her to my house soon."
When she heard this, Indra's wife was upset in fear and distress, she went to Brihaspati and cried out: "Preceptor, save me from this wicked man."
Brihaspati offered her protection and said” Do not worry Indran will be back soon . Stay here with me. You will regain your husband."
When Nahusha learnt that Indiran's wife did not agree to fall in with his wishes and that she sought and obtained shelter under Brihaspati's roof, he became exceedingly angry.
The king's uneasiness frightened the other gods. Even though They protested: and said Your anger will make the world sad. Indrani is another's wife, leave your wrongful desire . Do not cross from the path of righteousness."
But Nahusha did not care any one but he was stick to bring Indiran's wife to his home ..
In mean while Brahaspathi indicated a way to escape from this danger that he asked Indirani to go bravely to his place,as Guru's advice reluctantly she went to his house.. As soon as he saw Indirani in his place he started to blabber and said "O fair one, do not be unhappy. I am the lord of the three regions. There can be no sin in your becoming my wife."
Hearing the wicked man's words, the virtuous Indrani, Indra's wife, trembled for a moment. Soon regaining self-controlled state of mind and replied: "King of the gods, before I become yours, I have a request to make. Is Indran being alive or dead? If he is alive, where is he? If, after making inquiries and searching for him, I do not find him, then no sin will attach to me and I could become your wife with a clear conscience."
As this words he was the searching work..In the mean time Indirani prayed to the goddess Durga, and, by her grace, reached where Indra was in hiding. Indra had reduced himself to the size of an atom and hid himself in a fiber of the stem of a lotus plant growing in Manasarovar. He was doing penance to Lord Siva in that state waiting for better days. Indirani could not control herself . For sorrow at her husband's plight and burst into tears. She was informing him about her personal having troubles with Nahusha.
Indra spoke words of courage to her. "Nahusha's end is drawing near," he said. "Go to him by yourself and tell him that you agree to his proposal. Ask him to come to your residence in a palanquin carried by Rishis. Then Nahusha will be destroyed."
Accordingly Indirani went and said "Yes, I have come back. You may be my husband. Only my wish is that you should come majestically to my house in a grand manner, but the palanquin be carried by the seven rishis. I shall then be glad and receive you and bid you welcome,"
Nahusha caught into the trap. "What a grand idea! Your imagination is wonderful. It pleases me exceedingly. It is but proper that the great rishis should carry me, I shall do exactly as you have wished,"said he, and sent her back home. The sinful Nahusha called the Rishis and ordered them to carry him on their shoulders.
He was dreaming about Indirani Nahusha was impatient to reach her soon. So he began Urging and wickedly kicking sage Agasthiyar the rishi-bearers of his palanquin to go faster. saying Sarpa” Sarpa” (Sarpa the word has two meanings in sanskrit language one is move fast and another is Snake.) Sage Akastya got very angry and cursed Nagusha that you will be the same as a “surpa”
"offensive of the mean, went to low degree he fall from the heaven and He became a python in the jungle and had to wait for several thousand years for his deliverance. Indra was restored to his state. He became the king of the gods and Indirani's grief ended.
All those examples given by the Lord through epics that people should not be alike, should do pious deeds (Karma)
A common manner of describing darma is a person who follows is as a correct way of life, is "Dharma." It offers effective resistance system of principle and thus seeks to instead align the human body, mind, soul and harmony with nature.
Our very limitation is guided under a universal understanding, that of Dharma. The Atharva Veda, utilizes symbolism to describe dharma's role. Thus we are bound by the laws of time, space and causation according to the reality, which itself is a limitation imposed by the self-projection of the immeasurably great humans a complete, orderly, harmonious system. Dharma is the foundation of this causal existence, dharma is the projection of divine order from Brahman...

"Prithivim Dharmana Dhritam"
"This world is upheld by Dharma"
 -- (Atharva Veda)

Vanamali Gadi Sharangi Shankhi Chakri Cha Nandak
i Shriman Narayano Vishnur-Vasudevo-Abhirakshatu

Kayena-Vaacha Mana-Sendhriyerva
Buddhyatma-Naavaa Prakrute-Swabhawat Karomi Yadyat
Sakalam Parasmai Naaraa-Yanayeti Samarpayami 

Sarvam Shree-Krishnar-Panamastu

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