Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Some philosophical aspects of Ramayanam

Sita Lakshmana Baradha Chatrukana Hanumat Sametha 
Sri Ramachandraya Namaha.

A pandit was giving lecture about the moral truth in front of his Audience, comparing with Ramayanam. When he was discoursing about Ramayanam there was a man raised his hand and wished to ask a question to the Pandit. Noticed this he agreed to ask question to that man...
“Swamy Pranams...Sri Rama is considered as a god, to kill a demon no need to struggle that much, he could kill them directly from where he is. Apart from this sending a pregnant lady to the forest because of a lay man's word where is Dharmam in Ramayanam story?
The Pandit accepted about his question and begins to answer and explain that Gentle man's question.
"Gentleman you asked in one word and two kind of questions, so I explain the both of your questions separately. Good thought and good questions. He begins to explain about his questions.
“Ramayanam is one of the richest elements of the Culture, enriches and makes it a unique one in the world. Very interesting and intelligible aspects meant to convey rules and maximum guide of daily life to a mankind and powerful messages to the younger generation. The result of the natural evolution and its stories have gone in the process of being down from centuries. Ramayanam is in philosophically a logical epic of right: family, civil society, status, the highest moment in the development of absolute devotion.
The Ramayanam talks about life of Rama, who lived his entire life by the rules of dharma. When Rama was young, he shows his obedience to wards his teachers, (Guru) he was the perfect son, an ideal husband, and a responsible ruler. However, I come to his first question why Rama didn't kill the demon directly without struggles. Here is the brief answer.

There were demon's trouble intolerably cruelly gave to all sages, hermits, saints all people and gods. because of their problems all sages went to Vaikuntam to meet Lord Mahavishnu to pray and solve their problems. When sages try to enter in to sanctum, the twarapalagar called Jaya Vijay stopped them. Sages were so upset because of their bad behavior, they got very angry and cursed them to have birth as demon. Yogamayasakthi made them to get curse like that. Jaya Vijaya went in with all sages, and sages did prayer to Sri Vishnu and talked about their problems. Lord Vishnu said to the sages that “do not worry and I will take necessary actions in right time”. Happily, all sages went. Jaya Vijaya realized their mistake and prayed Vishnu to revive the curse. The Lord said that, he cannot revive sages, hermits, saints, and Guru's, courses but I can give suggestions that either as my enemy in 3 births or you can come back in 7 births as my devotee. They were very reluctant for 7 births so They agreed as three births so they born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasibu as their first birth and they took their second birth as Ravana and Kumbhakarna.  
Ravana was Siva's devotee. He put his nerves as Veena's string and sung samaganam, (normally people will say "Rakshasa pooja" as the same he worshipped Lord Siva) instead of Lord Siva Brahma appeared in front of him and advised to ask the boon as his wish. Happily, he asked boon that he should never die, and live for ever and ever.!  Lord Brahma said that apart from this boon ask some other thing. He thought for some time and asked the boon that he should not have death either by gods, demons and animals and so on, but he had not ask about a human being.  He forgot to ask. Lord Brahma granted the boon as he wished and disappeared. Ravana became as Ravaneswara and he became very stronger than before, he conquered all the demons’ kingdoms and he setup as all-in-one demon kingdom. As Mareecha Subagu like head demons became Ravana's slaves.  In the meantime Lord Vishnu told  Indira before he takes his embodiment in earth,  send an Apserass to Kekaya as a well-wisher to princess Kaikeyi. So, Indira sent an apserass to Kekaya as princess Kaikeyi's stepmother and well-wisher named Mandara and she instructed that should be a character of being Partial and dislike the first Dhasarata's child.  Lord Vishnu incarnated to King Dasaradha as his first son, Adhishesha and Shankam as the king’s twin sons and his Chakkaram incarnated as second child. His Majesty Dhasaradha gave names, first son is Raman the second son is Bharadha and 3rd and 4th Lakshmana and Chatrukna. Sri MahaLakshmi incarnated from the earth in Mithila as Janaka Maharishi's daughter and named Sita. The Lord's Padmam born as Ravana's Brother named Vebeeshana. Lords Gadha born as son of Vayu named Hanuman. So, all incarnated to “Dushta Samharam and Sishta Paripalanam. (Which means annihilations of evil forces and Protection of the universe) All Sages, Hermits, saints, devas felt very happy to see through their spiritual vision that the Lord incarnated in Ayodhi and all their problems will be set right soon. All trees’ and plants bloomed with colorful flowers, the rain showered tenderly, blew gentle and cool breeze with nice smell, all the greenish grosses rhythmically nodded their head, The thunder lighting played like drums, all birds sung melodiously, Age old Monarch Dasarada was walking to royal assembly hall  happily like a young man, People in Ayodhi were very happy. These all are essence of Ramayanam and we all know very well. Now the reply of why God struggled to kill a demon. The Pandit continued and said: he killed not only one demon; he annihilated a huge evil force.

I explain briefly as per my knowledge, the beautiful strategy, about divine’s annihilation of the evil force by step by step.

First step he made his own people as Ravana and Kumbakarna and many demons kingdom made as one. (Made for easy operation) The second step: was he put a person as informer Vebeeshana born as Ravana's own brother (to know the depth of strength) The third step all the devagana's born as monkeys and bears in between the place called Kiskinda. The Head Vali, Sugriva, Hanuman, Jambavan, and so on disguise in appearance of animals and monkeys. If anything passes that way so to get some evidences and also no one can find because they are animals.      The fourth step:

When Sage Viswamitra was doing his deep penance. when all other co working sages where worried about the safeguard of the penance. At that time Sage Visvamitra saw in his spiritual vision that Sakshat Sri Vishnu incarnated as Rama” Very happily opened his eyes and told this to all sages that he will bring Rama for their proposed Mahayagam. As he said he brought Rama and Lakshmana, to protect for their Mahayagam, On the way to Rama destroyed Thataki, then they destroyed during the yagam Subagu and a group of demons. The Mahayagam is been saved.  The fifth step:  Mandara's advice to Kaikeyi’s promises gave a way to Rama, Lakshmana and Sita go to the forest and stayed a place called Panchavadi That was Ravana's area. Because of Soorpanaga assaulted by Lakshmana, Ravana's angry motion of the scheme and arrangement and cruel motivation took to the huge destruction of the whole demon kingdom. That he sent Mareecha as a golden deer cub to he kidnap Sita. When the golden deer was playing near the hermitage Sita found that he was a demon. Rama too knew. She thought if miss the chance perhaps have to waiting for more years, so Sita humbly asked Rama, that she wanted the golden deer cub, and Rama chased to catch the deer cub, and it went too far from their hermitage and with no other choice, he shot an arrow at it. At the moment of its death turned into a demon as his original form, changed his voice like Rama and shouted out in a loud voice, "O Lakshmana, save me" As soon Sita hears his words, she got worried and sent Lakshmana to save Rama. As soon he saw that demon and thought that when he had been in Sidhasramam to protect the yagam he escaped from my arrows but now he was caught.

Sita is Sakshat Mahalakshmi she herself is a golden treasure trove, why does she need this monstrous fawn? because they incarnated as human beings so acted as such. Ok I come to the story.

During this time Ravana came as a sage to their hermitage asking something to eat. Sita was in worried mind, so she did not notice the fake sage. she was looking forward for Rama and Lakshmana arrival. He again asked food little loud voice. Sita noticed him and she went in to bring some fruits offer to him, and when she was to give those fruits to him but that Lakshmana's safety line stopped her. she went back. He arose very angry yet suppress his anger and he inquired about the details as if he knew nothing. She raised her head and told him why they have come to the place and about her worry regarding her husband and his younger brother and why delayed arrival with great pain. Angrily he laughed at her and said: "Sita I am Lankapuri king Ravaneswara I have come to take you to my country". as soon she heard his words very angrily saw him and then she ran into the hermitage. He was shouting and was calling her. she did not come out, and he cut up the earth include with Sita, and then he took with Sita the cut in to a piece of the earth and flown away. Rama and Lakshmana came to their hermitage and they found that Sita was not in their hermitage. Very worriedly Rama was searching everywhere in that forest, but Sita was not found anywhere. Without food they wandered somewhere in search of Sita.

In this part I would wish to write a small and very interesting incidence in Ramayanam.

When Rama was looking Sita through the places thoroughly, he happened to hear a faint voice that calling his name Rama, and he went through the direction of the voice, and there he found Jatayu was calling him in the state of death. Rama could see the marks of Jatayu last great fight all around. Unarmed he had opposed the Rakshasa who had all his weapons and his protection and magnificence of his pride at the cost of his own life. Tears flowed from Rama's eyes as he listened to Jatayu's tale. He flung aside his bow, and embraced the bird. The prince's sorrow knew no bounds. He lamented loudly, rolling on the ground and dust all over the body, with tears from his eyes.  The divine awesome actions are endless.  they have suffered with grieve like mortals.  Rama was sad that Sita was not with him when he was performing the last rites of Jatayu (wife's presence is a must when husband performs funeral rites.) Amazingly Site's shadow stood by his side Rama. Now Sri Rama was thinking and consoled himself, that he was unable to perform his last right ceremony to his father Dasaradha, yet he got peace of mind thinking that it was done for Jatayu.  Pramanatwam of this incidence (it is said Jatayu's battle with Ravana is most important than the battles in Lanka.)  Sri Rama performed Jatayu's funeral ceremony in place is called Thirupullam Boothamkudi, Sri Rama gave Jatayu liberation here with a place in the heaven. There is a belief that Sita is standing on the golden lotus in the middle of the temple tank in this temple. Thiru means 'great” Pul means 'bird' bootham is 'soul' and kudi is “place”. That is why this place is called Thirupullam boothamkudi.

This place is 30 miles from Kumbakonam. From Chennai approx. 300 miles. The Pandit said: "ok I come the final story"     Final step is war:

After killed Ravana's sons and their troops and Kumbakarna troops. Vebeshana surrendered himself and went and joined with Rama. At last Ravana came to war field and he saw the beauty of arrayed of with the all-animal soldiers.  Rama and Lakshman, was   standing on the war car only people, Vebeeshana also standing along with them. He saw Rama at a minute of glance, he stunned to see his handsome aspects. The strait shoulders, million sun's brightness of his face's beauty, he stood in awe of his long beautiful arms up to his knees.  Then he thought “this is why Sita did not like me and always thinking about him Rama”. When Ravana was thinking Rama called him and said “Ravana, you surrender to me, and hand over Sita, if you not handover Sita to me I will kill you". Ravana did not agree surrender to Rama so, Rama Ravana war started and Rama made him unarmed and given a chance to think and asked him to come next day.  Ravana went to his palace and sit near God and thought loudly “I won the eight directions; I brought all devas and other people including Navagraha's all under my control.  A normal human being prince annihilated all my kingdom, my own people, friends, my brothers, and sons, all my family except me. Besides I ever seen the earth, and never ever bowed down my head but today I saw the earth however, I feel proud that I fought with a great warrior.” I don't care about tomorrow. As long as the story of Rama exists, so will my story, after swearing that the next day he went to battle field started to fight with Rama. after for some time Vebeeshana advised Rama that to shoot the arrow to in between stomach and chest accordingly Sri Rama executed the arrow on him and killed Ravana.

“Gentlemen any emperor in their life time only two people alone with the animal soldiers destroyed a huge evil force? Did happen in any were this world? Ever heard.? That is the pride of Sri Vishnu's incarnation as Sri Rama. From the beginning Sri Rama did not show any miracle. This was a specialty of this Avatar it showed and advises to the people that whatever problem occurs in the life, should not be panic, instead be brave and good, wise, and follow the rules regulations. With this I explained that God's evil destruction and its rules.

 Now I come to that gentleman's second question: What justification was there for sending a pregnant woman to the forest for someone's word? Where is Dharma in this? The answer is when Rama sent Sita to the forest again not because of an anonymous talk about Sita.  Once Sita was very intolerably grief, Rama saw and he asked Sita the reason of her distress. Sita said to Rama:  that “when we had aaranya vasam Ravana came to kidnap me, I understood that was the demon not a sage at that time I went in to yogagni and was staying with Agni Bhagavans place. Maya Sita went with him. I was safe without any difficulties but at that time nearly 10 months to a year Maya suffered and faced lot of difficulties, how much she struggled with that demon for me and how much she ill-treated by the demoness, poor Maya went to the end of the limit, she could not tolerate the awkwardly difficulties, and so that she tried to commit suicide, after Ravana vadam in that agni parikshai I my self-materialized out. That incident was for people of universe, and the world, in my mind that was not fair, and I will have nice life on other's plight, that was not wise, and I am not happy, I am feeling like my heart breaks and I can't take it anymore I pray humbly and requesting you that I wish myself to go to the forest once again. Satyam, Dharmam not only for the men those are applicable for ladies too. as soon hear the message from Sita, Rama was thinking about that, at that time co incidentally his minister told the tale of washer man about Sita, and Rama accepted Sita's request and sent her to the forest once again. O gentle man because of this reason Sita sent to the forest once again. 

The pandit finished the lecture and said "Janaki Kantha Smaranam," all audience replied "Jai Jai Ram Ram. "


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