Monday, September 1, 2014

Incomparable Unity

prapancha sruShTyunmukha laasyakaayai samasta samha
araka taanDavaaya |
jagajjanyai jagadekapitre namaha shivaayai cha
namaha shivaaya ||

Ardhanareswarar means an androgynous form of nature, that of the Supreme being divinity. Lord Siva and Sakthi  the united from of masculine and feminine energies. half-male and half-female formed together into one Body.  symbolizing the oneness of all beings.  this aspect is the fundamental root of Advaitha Philosophy...
The puranas  are tremendously  explained about this concept of Ardhanariswarar. It is said that Ardhanariswarar is a combination of three words “Ardha means Half Nari means woman Iswara means god” , which put to gather represents a creative and protective union  power of the Two Forces.
The legend  goes like this  the Creator Brahma   when  he  was thinking  about the  creation in his mind, only appeared male forms he was confused about this so he went to meditation  to Lord Siva, and he  appeared as Sakthi and Siva in joint form and said to Brahma during the creation I be as sakthi and siva, (I split my self into  male and female.) During  the destruction  we merge and do the action as well as the preservation also  to become combined form as ‘Prakriti’ and ‘Purusha’ as one  form.. While Prakriti is associate  to the creative energy of Nature, Purusha is the conscious, that is the power of Brahman. While Prakriti gives shape to things, Purusha helps manifest them as part of the universal consciousness.  So the Lord is  ultimate divinity and thus he is beyond  any sex. he  can be male, female, and even neuter. So Lord  existing as Ardhanarishvara.

Vedhantha mahans say that the according to the Vedas   the  principal of  unity in several word   existing things- example  Agni and Soma,   Kumara and Kumari, Pita and Mata, Linga and Alinga , Mehagna and Mehagni, Prana and Aprana, Nara and Nari, Heaven and Earth and so on.
Further  more  according to the Sankhyobanishat shows about the clear vision  between  the Prakriti and  Purusha, this  two aspects that cause the universe to behave in a certain way. the Prakriti is the material cause of this universe, the Purusha is the efficient cause of the universe. more it says  that both Prakriti and Purusha are Sat (good and real) and both are Anaadi (without a beginning) and Ananta  The Purusha is detached from the material world, hence it is Asanga
The puranas tremendously  explains about this concept of Ardhanariswarar. It is said that Ardhanariswarar is a combination of three words “Ardha means Half Nari means woman Iswara means god” , which put to gather represents a creative  protective  and destruction  union  power of the  Forces.
Siva Purana says that  when the creation time the creator Brahma was thinking  about the  creation in his mind, only appeared male forms he was confused about this so he went for  meditation  to Lord Siva and  he appeared as Sakthi and Siva in joint form and said to Brahma during the creation I be as sakthi and siva, during  the destruction  we merge and do the action as well as the preservation also  to become combined form  so ‘Prakriti’ and ‘Purusha’ as two separate forms of Creative Consciousness. While Prakriti is associate  to the creative energy of Nature, Purusha is the consciousness that is the power of Brahman. While Prakriti gives shape to things, Purusha helps manifest them as part of the universal supreme power . further  the Vedas have perceived this biological unity in several dully  existing things- Agni and Soma  as 'aprana' and 'saprana'. The matter with life has life but is just the single Egg, (“Andom”) the inseparable aspect of the female, as by itself it is unable to farther the creative process and it is thus only the inactive 'Bhuta'. It is only after the male energy fertilizes  it becomes the  Egg  the life-bearing one.
“Prakriti” means the “primary.” This word is a combination of the two words “Pra,”  means – “Before or Prior” and “Kriti”, meaning “to make or create.” The Prakriti is prime force of energy, which has created the entire universe. But, Prakriti cannot create anything by itself without the support of the Purusha.
The Purusha merely plays the role of an activator and cannot create anything by himself. Purusha is not material in nature. It does not depend on anything, nor does anything depend on it.  The Purusha is shashvatam  (ever present, undying) and nirguna or without qualities. It is omnipresent and goes beyond the boundaries of maya (illusion), buddhi (intellect) and the indriyas (senses). It is  beyond time and space and is permanent and immutable. This aspect is  unaffected by the effects of the three Gunas or attributes, namely, “,Aham brahmasmi” ... Ardhanarishvara  is swaroopa bhavam and Sivalingeswarar is Aroopa bhavam. The name it self is the same “Namaha Sivaayai cha Namasivaya”
Lord  is beyond the concept of any sex. So Lord Siva  can be male, female, and even neuter. So god existing in this real  condition is referred as Ardhanarishvara.
Pruhjjapala upaniashad  says
“oortasakthi mayaha soma Adho sakthi mayoanalaha | napyam sambudidhasmat chachcat visvamidham Jagat” ||(5)
“Sivachorttvamayaha Sakthi rordhavam sakthi mayaha Sivaha thaditdham  Siva sakthipyam navyapthamihakinchana” ||(9)

Meaning:- Soma  (water)  is up in the sky the  agni (fire) is in down when this two mix together this universe is working constantly.(5)
The upper (sakthi)energy is sivam, that same sivam him self is (sakthi)energy without Sivasakthi there is nothing in this world.(9)

Adi Sankaracharya  says, “Maya is the principle of illusion veiling the real Brahman by projecting the non-real world.” Due to the power of Maya, the world appears in plurality or multiplicity though in reality it is non-dual. But Maya is neither real nor unreal;

In conclusion, one may say that Siva and Sakthi are one and the same Supreme.

Poet Kalidasa acclaim  them as inseparable -
“vAk arthA viva samprakthau
VAkartha pprathipathayae
Jagatah pithrau vandhe
Parvathi Parameswarau”

The Ardhanarishvara form is constant, which  is confirm  and the continuity process  of the creation, destruction  and sustain in this universe. 

Please listen this Ardhanariswara astakam composed by Adi sankaracharya really very nice
press ctrl + the Url given below

I wish to write some thing : The artists when draw Lord Siva should not color  blue shade .To Sri Krishna “ yes” but according to  vedas, puranas, Lord Siva should be drawn either white or light golden color. 


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