Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"The Eternal Natural Way".

Amazing divine grace
 Understanding good and bad deeds(karma) are very difficult to learn. What is a karma, and how to become free from delusion? it is even more difficult to explain....
It is said  in this way the almighty of god given a nice thought that Sanadana darma to a mankind..It explains in detail that what is the eternal righteousness of spiritual laws. It is very necessary to a human life and this dharma is a natural law to the physical nom. The spiritual laws of life and eternal laws are existed before the ancient Rishis (sages) in during the Vedic period. It is a great Jewel to a mankind. Even it is matching  to this modern age...
The original term, predating these by more than million of years, was Sanatana Dharma, a profound term that is rich with beauty and existing wisdom. Sanatana Dharma is actually eternal, and thus is beyond any reference to the first usage of the term..

Sanatana means neither beginning nor the end, Dharma is intended to communicate the natural law
Sanatana Dharma declares that nothing can come out including the universe without manifestation of the divine power. This truth forms the referring of the Isa Upanishad

Poornam-adah, poornam-idam, poor-nath poornam-udachyate.Poor-nasya poornam-adaya, poornam-eva-va-sishyate.

The Meaning:: That is full; this too is full. The full comes out of the full. Taking the full from the full, the full itself remains.
The inner explanation:- This verse expresses the mystery of creation. This universe comes forth from the Divine, yet the universe takes nothing from the Divine and adds nothing to It. Divine remains ever the same. Since the universe has come forth from the Divine, all things and beings are sacred and must be treated the same.

Sanatana Dharma emphasis that all and every thing is one,that is all humans, other than human and creatures of the universally are one family, whole things are the divine creation.. in this principle the humankind to learn through acceptance and tolerance towards universal harmony . that will recognize the ultimate reality, which is the ground of immeasurably great and potentiality....It cannot be limited by any name or concept. Further all humans are spiritually united like the drops of water in an ocean. Don't enforce ones belief, one way of worship or one code of conduct for anyone. Do not attempt to destroy different forms of worship, claiming your own way to be the only right one. Perhaps such a argumentative demands of uniformity would be unnatural and opposed to the Divine Law. what is important in worship of God is the sincerity of heart and stay as it, not the outer form of worship. Don't divide the human race into conflicting manner and confused of Holy believers....
 Certainly one should following a some of the practical Dharmic values and principles to be lived in day to day life. by adopting a Dharma lifestyle, one can ensure a greater degree of happiness and prosperity both personally, and for whole family and society, finally can reach to gods realization .
The Nature of Sanadhana Darma:-
God is centred than prophet. Ones belief based on his experience. It is beyond the history.. The process of religious growth, which comes from the Existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable. The rest the beyond ordinary limits(supreme) The entire universe the divines warmly affectionate nature.

Very famous Vakiyam from Adi Sankarar as follows:
Brahma satyam jagat mithya, jivo brahmaiva naparah—
Meaning :- "Brahman is the only truth, the world is unreal, and there is ultimately no difference between Brahman and individual self” (Vivekachudamani by Adi Sri Sankarar)

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