Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Humble Service

The Almighty of god created the universe and created the scriptural laws for means of livelihood and maintaining of the universe. These laws are actually form of doctrine of dharma. Which is guidance of human beings easily to follow... It is a leading steps to liberate to gods realization. Among all the creations of the god the human alone,  is sanctified with spiritual qualities and powers.. There are plenty of ways to attain god’s realization but Bakthi is the best and easy way to reach the salvation.
The great example is Sabari one of the woman saints in Ramayanam her guru Bhakthi and Sri Rama Lakshmana dharshanam her ever shining libration there is no word to explain in this world.
  Sabari belongs a hunter tribe. When she was a 5 years old her parents every day leave her near a Hermitage for her safety and they go for their work . That was Sage Mathanga's hermitage.  She grew with the sage and hermits surroundings in a due course she refused to go home with their parents and stayed back near the hermitage. Every day shewas doing her service to the sage.
Cleaning the hermitage, collecting flowers, fruits so on and on. One day sage Madhaga was very surprised and asked his disciples that who does all the cleaning and everything..? They too did not know, one day one of his disciple hid himself and was watching the sabari's work to the hermitage and informed to the sage. The next day the Sage called Sabari and enquired why she is working to the hermitage for free..?
 She was a little nervous and replied" Swamy I am belonged a hunter's tribal family I wish to give my service as a god like you I want to be here kindly allow me to do till my age last.."
 appreciation of her Guru devotion the sage told her that " O Sabari I am very delightfully pleased about your devotion you can stay here as long as you wish also I have decided to initiate "Sri Rama Taraka Mantram" chant all the time soon or later Sri Rama will come here and you will have libration from the earth." Sabari was very happy she got initiated Sri Rama Taraka Mantram and haply continued her service to her guru Sage Madhanga ...
 The years passed sage Madhanga attained Heavenly abode...She did all her devotionally respectful pranams to her guru and was waiting for Sri Rama's arrival for many years..
 Finally one day Rama with Lakshmana came to Matanga's hermitage  and Sabari was pleased to welcome Rama and served fruits, but she had a doubt that whether all the fruits are sweet or savored so before she offer the fruit to Rama, first she use to  taste and then she will offer, Sri Rama also happily took however Sabari offered.
 Finally she got Kabala Moksham and merged her soul with divine vision to her gurus lotus feet from the world and Sri Rama and Lakshmana were witnessed to that incident..
 This event gives a best way of devotion. It explains definition of devotee in detail. There is many ways some will do aradhana, some will do archana, even others yaagam, yagnam, penance and so on but what sabari did was earnest devotion on her guru. Guru Bhakthi is the best way to reach god. We can say many examples Agalya Guru (Viswamitra) and almighty of god's incarnation Ramas grace she got free from her curse.. Saints like Namadevar, Gyaneswar, Janabai,Tyagarajar and so on they all satvika devotees by composing devotional songs... Saint Tyagarager mentioned in one of his songs that "Entha ninne varninthune sabari nee bhagyamu" No one can find anything better than this... one’s mind get purified through constant  pious service and true devotion, but it will come only by experience.. There is no age limit...
 Raajendram satyasandham Dashrath tanayam
shyaamalam shaantmurtium Vande Lokaabhiraamam
Raghukultilakam Raghavam Raavanaarim |
Ramaay Rambhadraay Ramchandraay Vedhasey
Raghunaathaay naathaay sitayah paataye namah
 Sri Rama Rama  Ramedi  Rame rame ManorameSahasrana thatthulyam Rama nama varanane 


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