Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Knowledge of Nature

There was an inspection going on in a school, so all the class teachers were very carefully teaching their subjects to the students in the class room. Once the Inspector finishes his work in some classes, he entered to the next class room. The teacher was teaching about discipline comparing with Ramayanam and Mahabhratham. and their daily affairs

The Inspector was sitting for some time and watching, He thought the Teachers way of teaching is a little different method. and also, he felt that this teacher is insisting the children too far from their age so he told to the teacher that “Sir as my opinion your way of teaching is too harsh. Avoidable very burden to the young students, what and why for they need scriptural truths and deep philosophical concepts they cannot follow and understand. ..matter of fact you should change your way of teaching, this kind of precepts may screened from their social contact and activity”..
Further he said that “I don't believe all old scriptures now the science is so advance so learn to teach children the modern way”..
The teacher was very upset of the Inspector but he did not show that he smiled at him and said,..”Sir we always look at it from a respectful point of view and also from our core best way of taught.. . Our way of teachings, children will get strong self-confidence, braveness, truthfulness, they can face any kind of troubles and problems.... For example: a little bird which flown and sit on a branch of a tree where it continues to sit for some time. Unexpectedly strong wind hit up and the branch starts to move, swaying back and front. The little bird will not get frightened by this movement of the branch. Why? Because it does not depend on the branch for its support. It depends on its wings and it has strong self-confidence, even if that branch breaks, the tiny bird would not threaten or cause it to falls. In this way the children should have self-confidence, even you feel harsh or hard but children should learn.
The Inspector was not convinced on his words so further he was blaming about pranayama and meditations ,to the young children ..Scientifically teaching is better way.
Teacher replayed and said “ if you think so I have to give more explanation about your thought are you free today sir,”?
“Yes no question of free or busy this is my profession continue your explanations”
“Sir as far as I know science is the performance of human effort to understand the history of the human body how naturally works ,with the formulation and testing of proposition based on observational evidence; experiments are important where applicable, but their function is merely to simplify observation by imposing controlled conditions. This is fundamental. and lot more to learn, In the same way pranayama and mediation are also the same and lot more to learn just they are very initial lessons and very fundamentals.... here is the explanation...
pranayama is controlled the chest congestion and breath; it gives protection from pulmonary disease. One of the major secrets of capacity for survival and make fresh is a purified blood circulation... The fast and most effective way to purify the blood is by taking in extra supplies of oxygen from the air we breathe. The Pranayama (Breathing exercise) helped more and the most effective methods best solution the blood with extra oxygen... Poor oxygen supply affects all parts of the body. The oxygen supply is reduced to all parts of the body, when one gets older due to poor lifestyle. Many people even young need reading glasses and suffer with hearing problems...
When an acute circulation blockage led to the heart of less oxygen, the result is a heart attack. If this occurs to the brain, the result is a stroke. The brain needs more oxygen than any other organ. If it doesn't get enough, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts and depression and, eventually, they will enter vision and hearing problem.... even the young people will suffer from depressions and They get irritated for everything..., To all the prevention and the remedy is doing pranayama from young age will be the best this is a subject in our school.
The older children are learning meditation, which will give calm mind. The popular understanding of the word, meditation refers to concentrating on an object, which is not true... The true meditation is Think nothing just relaxing the body which is need to this stressful world. These exercises are essential from the young age. I hope you too aware of this sir”?
Inspector said that “I am aware our body needs oxygen .but really I am unaware this much of detail ..”My suggestion is even if not practice from the young age at least from now on should learn and do practice” he took leave and went.
This crystal like true allows to realize and secure knowledge on the simple way prevention of the big diseases  


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