Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Special Aspect of Relativity (1)

This is a long article so I have written in 3 parts for your comfortable read. Happy reading!!

Ramayana Mahakaviyam is very famous and greatest, which depicts the story of Sri Rama the incarnation of Sri Vishnu. He was born as one of the sons of King Dasaratha. He lived the life as an ordinary human being, a role model to entire humanity. He moved like an angel and amiable human form combining moral excellence with the noblest qualities. He was the ocean in values. Every act of his, reflected a noble principle and logic

Dasaratha was known as such because he could fight in ten directions simultaneously. He was such a great fighter it is said once by Devendran's command there was a fight with the demons. So Dasaratha would go to the heavenly planets and fight with the demons. Normally all demons are experts in doing the miracles and tricks so they created darkness on the whole of heaven. So Dasarathas fighting looked like the ten kings and ten chariots fighting simultaneously… Dasa means "ten" and ratha means"chariot". That is how he got the name Dasaratha.

Dasaradha was the 36th monarch of Ayothi. He aged like a normal human being but he brought prosperity to his kingdom. As much as one could do in sixty thousand years that is the reason why it is said Dasaratha lived 60,000years. People of Ayodhi were very happy, all followed righteous and they were very proud for having such a noble king.
There is an incident that Srimat Ramayanam says that, once planet Saturn about to pass through Rohini star after staying in Krithigai, for a particular time. Sage Vasishta knows the astronomy sastram so he and other sages appealed   to Dasaratha that “His majesty if Saturn enter in Rohini, certainly a misfortune to the world. There will be extreme scarcity of food in country, everywhere for 12 years, animals and human beings to experience worst hardship so we request you to prevent it”. Dasaratha immediately got into his fast-moving chariot, carrying all Divine weapons and reached the star Rohini. He saw Saturn moving in his golden chariot towards Rohini and the king shot the Divine weapons including the "Samhara Asthram" towards saturn.
As Saturn saw the Samhara Weapon ,he admired  at the king's brave action  and said "Dasaratha no one is born till now even the 2x7=14 lokas to attack on me, yet you are brave and great warrior  I am pleased with your action tell me what is your wish I am happy to give you" King Dasaratha was very delighted to hear Saturn’s word and he prayed with a hymn and did pranams many times and said" O Mahaprabu you should not pass the Rohini, if you do so that next 12 years this world will suffer with drought kindly give me this boon not to pass the same now and in feature “ Saturn replied “ Dasaratha you are not only brave you are also a  wise man who acted effectively in an emergency, Yes I will be at your wish and also whoever prays to me with the hymn you composed,   I will save them and  they will not get any trouble from me. “

Saturn returned and King Dasaratha happily returned to his place. He got rain like a flowerily shower from the Heaven (devalogam) and all citizens...    
Though Dasarata had 3 queens and 350 wives he was not having any children.

Another account of the legend says that King Dasarata‘s fist wife Kowsalya gave birth to a girl child named Santhi. But at that time Dasarata was young and his friend, King Romapatha, the King of Anga was a little aged and suffered with longing for children, so Dasarata gave his daughter to King Romapatha for adoption. When she grew up, she became a beautiful maid and the King Romapata married her to a well-known sage Rishyasringa.
King Dasaratha’s fatal mistake was that he accidentally killed a dutiful son of a sage. Once the sage heard the news from the King, he cursed him that he will die with putra soham..
In the mean time because of Lord Parasurama’s promise, King Dasaratha was worried.


to be continued see relativity (2)


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