Monday, September 1, 2014

The Farewell Massage

The God and the Truth are not on the same level. Truth means by words but god is expositor, empowered , absolute truth, eventually Ultimate Teacher and source of all energies. Sri Bhagavata puranam begins with“Satyam Param Demahi”and ends as the same. Sri Mahabharatam reveled Vishnu Sahasranamam,Siva Sahasranamam and Sri Bhagavat Gita.. The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and also revealed “ Hamsa gita “
What is “Hamsa Gita”? It is Same like Bhagavat Gita the mediator is different named Uddhava. Uddhava also Sri Krishna's close friend like Arjuna” The Bhagavat Gita upadesam was in the war field, but this Uddhava Gita is the great Lord's farewell message to the world. The teacher is the same but teaching is varied.
This Uddhava Gita contained the 11th and 12th skanthams in the Bhagavata Puranam. This Gita is 18,000 stanzas.
There are several independent scriptural texts by the name Gita, though this is a great to be similar with the Bhagavad Gita because taught directly by Lord Krishna,. Uddhava Gita known after the Lord's dear friend Uddhava when he was in consolable at the very thought of separation from him before he depart from the world. composed by Vyasa to highlight the glory of the Lord's lineage in the world, especially Sri Krishna incarnation.
Uddhava approached Sri Krishna and implored him to take him also. In reply Sri Krishna commons his teaching.
Lord Krishna advised him that “Uddhava you are so desirous of attainment to reach Vaikundam but you have to fulfil some of rituals. The first step take up sannyāsa by fixing your mind in me and establish yourself in theoretically and realized transcendental knowledge, and give up material things in a spirit of detachment is the source of the highest auspiciousness, but such renunciation is certainly very difficult to accomplish for living entities other than the devotees,because people are very attached to sense of gratification.”
Uddhava told that he himself had taken shelter of the only true instructor of the Absolute Truth Lord Nārāyana, the all-perfect, wast -knowing master of Vaikuṇṭham and the only real friend of all living entities.Hearing this, the Supreme Lord replied that actually the ( jīva ) soul is ones own guru. Within this human body, the living beings can search out the Supreme Lord through the constant meditation, pooja, sangeerthanam etc. For this reason the human form of life is most beloved to Almighty of God.. In this regard, Lord began to taught  many Upadesams then he told an ancient conversation between a brāhmaṇa avadhūtar and the great king Yadu.(Sri Krishna's great grand father because of Yadu that clan is called Yadu Vamsam orYadhava kulam.)
The son of Yayāti, Mahārāja Yadu, once he was unhappily walking in his Ubbarikai (balcony) unexpectedly he happened to see an avadoothar happily walking on the street, the king surprisingly thought himself that “I am a king and having so much of wealth but I am not being happy in my life but this man he has nothing and even has had no nice cloths how he can be so happy” thinking in his mind he ordered his men to invite that avadoothar to his palace, so accordingly be brought him to his palace and the king enquired  the avadoothar how he is so happy?
The Avadoothar said: O Maharaja, with my intelligence I have taken shelter of many spiritual masters. Having gained transcendental understanding from them,
I am now wander about the earth in a liberated condition. Please listen as I describe them to you.
He continued “O King, I have taken shelter of twenty-four gurus, who are the following: the earth, air, sky, water, fire, moon, sun,pigeon , python, the sea, moth, honeybee, elephant, deer, fish, prostitute Piṅgalā, the kurara birds the young girl, arrow maker, serpent, spider and wasp. My dear King, by studying their activities I have learned the science of the self. And as I explain to you what I have learned from each of these gurus. Further he continued:
(1) A good and self-controls,showing mental and emotional balanced a pious man any others trouble and awkward speeches or hurting words he would not feel any pain in his mind and nothing will stop his progressive life, alike even people doing often devastatingly or explosively powerful force or energy, as of a hurricane or whatever happens the earth is so patiently showing its serenity. so this rule I learnt from the earth.
(2) A man feels a nice aroma smell from a flower garden even that some miles away, he be happy inhis mind, and also to live a man needs (pranavayu,) oxidation otherwise he will die, one can not live without air it is so important to a man to keep alive and happy. The air is a must, equally a person should be very helpful to the world . This lesson I learnt from the Air
(3)People considers a things within the physical world to be most beloved to a man of attachment to such things one eventually becomes miserable. Otherwise if one who understands this gives up physical possessiveness and attachment he achieves unlimited happiness. because he is free to spread his mind as wide as the sky which covers the entire galaxy where as attached man is restricted to the materialistic bondage. I learnt this truth from the Sky.
(4) Water flow in the river the act or manner of flowing to reach its destination towardsthe sea, alike saintly persons knowledge and his penance will notstop even of any circumstances his aim will be to reach his destination to almighty of god. I have learned this lesson from Water.
(5) Fire is into the firewood yet is different from firewood, fire Which is to be burned to give supplying of light, similarly the sage within the body the self enlightened soul is different from physical body. This lesson I learnt from Fire
(6) How the various phases the physical body undergoes birth, growth,decreasing and death do not affect the embodied soul. Similarly the moon also has the same cycle like growing waning and invisible;but moon is firm and steady,, we just can't see it. And than after new moon, the moon is reborn just like us. So death is not the end, it is the beginning of something new. This I learned from the Moon
(7) Avoiding entanglement even while coming into contact with sense objects and the different modes of perfection based on seeing the real form of the soul and seeing false designation coverings. this lesson I learned from SUN
(8) A pigeon family was living on a tree I was sitting opposite side of the tree and watching them, the parents of pigeon went to pray some food for their children, at that time the children of pigeon by mistakenly fall down, unfortunately there were a hunter spread his net under the tree and they caught , in a few minutes mother came the children fall down into the net so the mother did not want to live without the children so it fall on the net soon the father came it saw his wife and children fall on the net so he did not wish to live with out wife and children he also fall on the net, after for sometime the hunter came and folded the net took them off. so this avadoodar thought the hunter is Kalan if he spread his net no one can escape. so the pigeon is a Guru.
(9) I walked further then happened to see a python was lying down with open its mouth so I went to close to it and asked him “ O fool and lazy if you laid down with open your mouth food will not come to your mouth“ but it did not say any thing with in a few minutes a rabbit came on its way and he fallen into his mouth he got his food then I learned that, a Sanyasi should not go to beg for food. I learnt this lesson from Python
(10)Further I was going some where then I saw a sea continuously waves touching the coast of the sea with noise. Then I saw whatever we throw in the sea it will not take it and bring back to the land so “I asked it these much of wide see if a small piece of wood fall on you, what will happen and why you are so selfishly neglecting it”? The sea replayed,” if allow this small piece of wood in feature it will spread with leaves and cover the entire water. People will struggle to identify the water. It will cause a big burden, so unnecessary burdens should not accept. this lesson I have learned from the SEA
(11) Once I was sitting under the tree, a wasp forced a weaker insect to enter his hive and kept him trapped there. In great devotion on his mother captor the weak insect without giving up his body, he gradually achieved the same state of being as the wasp. Thus one achieves continuance meditation on god he will have Bhagavat nature then Bhagavan and Bhaktha are one. I learnt this from Wasp
(12) Elephant is very sensitive if one touch him he will enjoy, so it is addict for“sparisam” . Deer is addict for sound. Moth is for vision if it happens to see a candle light certainly flown on light and fall in the flame and it will die.Fish for taste. Betel for smell. Honeybee it will travel flower to flower and collect Pollen (Maharantham produced by flowers) that save for honey once it implies readiness to be harvest, one day some hunter will come and light fire, that attitude became the reason to its death A Sanyasi religious orderly living in a monastery should not have those kind of addiction nature so I learnt a lesson from those creatures.
(13) Then I walk further some distance I happened to see an  Eagle was flying, and a huge group of rooks were chasing it, I thought why these rooks are chasing it and what kind of the mutual hostility? but the Eagle was very tired it could not fly further. Because the Eagle was holding a piece of meat, for that meat the group of rooks army chased..once  the Eagle realized its danger moment so it dropped the meat from its beak all the rooks stayed back but the Eagle flown for from the rooks. Similarly a person if he hold attachment on his body many kind of dangers will follow him once he realized the ultimate eternal truth he is free from danger this lesson I learnt from Eagle
(14) Further I moved to Janakapuri and I was lying down under a banian tree there was a bungalow type of house I saw there is a prostitute named Pingala was living, she was expecting some one, she use to wait for some time near the door step and go in, every time when she comes out use to changing her dress but all of sudden she saw a saint and on his sight she realized the truth, she begin to be sad and said “all these days I did not realize the reality of the truth, and I was leading a mistakable stupid life. I am a foolish woman... All these days I sold my body and live, but today I sold my self and bought “atma” (Narayana) and going to keep him in my heart and sleep”.. she left all her desires.
Why this prostitute story in Bhagavata puranam means the prostitute meant as a “Jevan” according to its previous Karma it is taking birth by birth as interchanging the dress, once it had satguru Dharsanam It got knowledge on  almighty of god . Sleeping means expelling of her ignorance.
The mind can be controlled when it is steadily fixed on the almighty of god. A person when his/her mind becomes free from impure desires and ignorance, he/she starts to execute spiritual activities, hence he attains a stable situation then he/she feels his/her mind is free, and the past existing style of nature is destroyed. then step-by-step learn the physical way of goodness. So one can achieve the destination via meditation,on the Supreme Lord. A jevan should work constantly to get atma sakshatkaram .
I leant this lesson and did pranams to Pingala so she is also a guru.
(15) Then I saw a child with out dress he was playing in front of his house, he did not feel ashamed, but every one were very affectionate and loved him. I thought if ones mind like a child there will be no complication in ones life.
One who has exceed physical good and evil automatically it will act according to the religious fastenings and avoids forbidden activities. The self-realized person does this like an innocent child, The child is a guru..
(16) I moved further I saw a serpent was crawling,I followed it at last it went in to an ants hill. I thought a Sanyasi should not have any thing by his own. I learnt this from a serpent so it is a guru...
(17) I moved further and I reached a village so I felt very thirsty I went a house asked some water to drink, a Young girl gave some water, when I was drinking there was a bullock cart came I moved to give a way the people to go inside and I could see the front and back side of the house. The girl one gave a glass of water she was pounding some thing so her bangles giving “kling kling”noise  so she took of some leaving two even though gave noise so she removed one more leaving only one so there was no noise from this incident I learnt a lesson that when you go to do prayer should not be crowded should have privacy and colm place
I learnt this from that Young Girls action...
(18) I walked further and reached a road side village there was a procession was going on, I was thinking which country king is going thoughtfully I went to a shop and there was a blacksmith making an arrow, just I touched and call him but he did not notice that I called after finished his work he saw me and asked me respect fully “Prnam sir, You need any help from me and what can I do for you?I asked him “ I called and touched, you were very busy with your work” the blacksmith answered “ sorry sir I did not notice “ I asked him that “ just a few minute ago there was a procession went just I asked you in which country king?”“ O sad I was very busy with my work because I have to submit this work before the evening so sorry I am not able to help you”
When one’s consciousness is completely fixed on the Absolute Truth,(Supreme Lord )then no longer sees duality, or internal and external reality. The example is the arrow maker who took the entire attention on his work that he did not even notice the kings procession, which was passing close to him. I did pranams to him because this Blacksmith is also a guru.
(19)I was sitting in front of the blacksmith's shop and I unexpectedly happened to see a Spider in his shop. It was spreading thread through his mouth and knitted a beautiful net and stuck an insect,it has swollen it and once it finished then it pulled it in,similarly the Almighty of God too like spider , he also knitting cosmic world like the net through his grace , and all his devotees swollen by him through his bestowed wisdom, at the end eventually he withdraws completely with in himself. so I learnt the Eswara Thatwam from this Spider it is a guru.
(20) O your Majesty I was sitting under a tree. That tree full of fruits and there were two Kurara birds sitting on the tree branch. One was eating the fruit but other one did not eat and just it was seeing the other one The two birds are friends and are of a same nature. The bird who does not eat the fruits is the Almighty of God, (Atma) who by his basic nature and its wide knowledge perfectly understands his own position. The eating bird does not understand himself or the Lord. He is covered by ignorance and unaware of eternally condition, whereas the Almighty of God, being full of perfect knowledge, is eternally liberated. I learnt this from Kurara birds
This Avadoothar told more to the king that One should learn basic knowledge from jgyana Guru rest of the things we have to learn from our own experience, not only that one has to see the parabrahmam as one, and his luminous light should be bright in his own heart not only with in him he has to see all and every creatures the same .Said this to king and he took leave from Yadu Maharaja. 


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