Monday, September 1, 2014

Scholarly Knowledge

The Bhagavata puranam is the first puranam. It is explaining the details about all devotees devotion and also giving the great importance to the true advaida philosophy. Auther is Sri krishna dvampayana Vyaser.

″sarva vedanta saram yad bramhatmaikatva lakshanam vastwadwitiyam tannishtham kaivalaika prayojanam″

the essence of above slokam: All vedanta is the non-dual unity of atma and bramhan. Only this is the given subject of Bhagavata puranam.

The sanskrit word “Bhagavatas” Meaning is devotees. Bhagavata puranam telling the history of devotees devotion to Lord Vishnu
When emperor Parikshit had a curse that he will die of a snake bite in a week ,so he requested vyasa that he wish to hear the deiva sakshatkaram before he die . So for his wish Vyasa incited the Bhagavata puranam to Sugapramam and Vyasa asked Suger to recite to the emperor. So Sugabramam agreed and recited to all “Parama Bhagavatas devotion and Sri Krishna chaitanyam to Parikshit .
Sugapramam explained why Sri Vishnu incarnated as koormam (Tortoise)
Once Indira was riding on his white elephant, at that time Sage Doorvasa came to Indralogam and he met Indira on the way so he gave a ratna haram to Indira( gems garland) Indira disrespectfully accepted that garland with his left hand and he wore that to his elephant and it fell on the ground and the elephant stamped on that garland . Watching this all doorvasa lost his temper and very angrily he cursed Indira all devas to be bereft of all strength, energy, and fortune.
This is Indira's nature without curse he can not live-- Indira and all devas lost every thing so all devas went to Brhmma the creator he said that he can do nothing then they went to Kailasam lord Siva also showed about his nonacceptance . At last all devas went to Vaikundam to see Vishnu.

Vishnu told them that “the sage's curse I cannot do any thing but I can give a remedy to escape from this curse”All devas were waiting to have remedy sri vishnu told them that “see you all should churn the milk ocean. Mnnrachala mountain as a churning rod vasuki as robe with help of demons” All devas told vishnu that the demons are our enemy they will not come to help”No they will accept vishnu replied to them. Accordingly they start to proceed...
The churning of the milk ocean was an elaborate process. Mount Mandarachala, was used as the churning rod, and Vasuki the king of serpents, who abides on Lord Siva's neck, became the churning rope. The devas and demons standing the each side. The asuras demanded to hold the head of the snake, while the devas, taking advice from Vishnu, agreed to hold its tail. All begin to Churn the ocean. .

However, once the mountain was placed on the ocean, it began to sink. Lord Vishnu in (his second incarnation,) the form of a turtle Koormam, came to their rescue and supported the mountain on his back. (The Samudra Manthanam churning the milk ocean. First was the deadly poison (Halakala visham) emerged this terrified the gods and demons they could not with stand of the smell, on the advice of Lord Vishnu, the gods approached to Lord Siva for help and protection. Lord Siva took that poison in an act to protect the universe, and Goddess Parvathi pressed his neck to stop the poison in his throat in act to save the universe. the color of Lord Siva's throat turned blue. For this reason, Lord Siva is called Neelakantan (the blue -throat one; "neelam" "blue","kantham" "throat" in Sanskrit). When the heat from the poison finally became unbearable for Lord Siva, he used his trishulam to dig for water, thus forming the Gosaikuntam lake. Then emerged all kind of precious things like Iravatham (Elephant)Ucciravise (Horse) Psrijjatham tree, Sri (Lakshmi), at last Dhanvanthari with Amirtham kutam (Medicine pitcher) Emerged
The all other things except Sri Indira took and Sri is united with Vishnu. All the devas seeing the things from the sea they loose their determination so they did not notice the amirtham is emerged so all demons took it and ran off. The devas saw this went to Vishnu and appealed him sympathetic with them Vishnu took the form of Mohini. As a beautiful lady, She distracted the asuras, and she took the amritam pitcher, and distributed it among the Devas, Rahu, changed his appearance as a deva and drank some nectar. , the sun god and the moon god noticed . They informed Mohini before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini cut off his head with her divine Sudharsana Chakkaram. But as the nectar had gone down his throat he did not die. From that day, his head was called Rahu and body was called Kethu. Later Rahu and Ketu became shadow planets.(Chaya grahas) The story ends with the restore to youthful vigor Devas .

The part of Mohini did not meaning prejudiced so she did not give amirtham to asuras. In this part we have to think Mohini as a mother with some children . Healthy children do not need medicine but unhealthy one need, so she had to feed without knowing the healthy one and fed the sick one.

Very nice analogy :
The mind is represented as Milk ocean
Egoism represented as Mantrachala mount
Devotion represented as Vasuki
Churning is worshiping or meditation
poison is own nature
Sadasivam is ultimate Guru
Senses (Idiriyams) represented Tortoise

Explanation is : A jevan to get knowledge of wisdom he must churn his mind through devotion. When churning it deeply in the beginning all his own bad thoughts will be appear as poison if he has Sad guru's grace as Sadasivam it will disappear,then all kind of distractions like wealth and siddi will come if one stick with them than the wisdom of knowledge would have been difficult task alike that demons theft the amurtam .If one give his total surrender to the almighty of god like devas appealed to Sri Vishnu the wisdom of knowledge will be certain.


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