Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Remarkable Preceptor

In ancient times, The gods and demons were rivals and each had recourse to the skilled powers of the planets as Preceptors in mythology. Thus Jupiter(Brahaspathy) and Venus(Sukra) fought by taking sides with these rivals,The Jupiter is gods guru and the Venus is demons guru. This two of the celestial bodies , (these two planets) influenced the minds and bodies of these two races.
The demons had the formidable advantage that Sukracharya alone possessed the secret of Mrithyu Sanjivini which could recall the dead to life. Thus the Demons who had fallen in the battle were brought back to life again, and continued their fight with the Gods.. The Gods were thus at a great disadvantage in their long drawn-out war with their natural enemies...
So for the reason Indiran went to Kacha, the son of Brihaspati, and requested of gods favor and asked him to join as a pupil and win the good graces of Sukracharya . Once he admitted him he should close to him and gain his confidence, then in due course with good effort and achieve the secret of Mirtyu Sanjivini and remove the great handicap under which the Gods suffered.
Kacha agreed to Indiran's request and set out to meet Sukracharya who lived in Vrishaparvatham, the kingdom of the Demons. Kacha went to the house of Sukra, and he told his pranams and addressed him thus: "I am Kacha, the grandson of the sage Angirasar and the son of Brihaspati. I am a brahmachary seeking knowledge under your guidance."
It was the law that the wise teacher should not refuse a worthy pupil who sought knowledge of him. (Even now it is the rule, but for some reason or other the meritorious students are rejecting by institutions ) So Sukra accepted and said: "Kacha, you belong to a good family. I accept you as my pupil, the more willingly, that by doing so I shall also be showing my respect to Brihaspati."
Kacha spent many years under Sukracharya, rendering to perfection the prescribed duties in the household of his master. Sukracharya had a daughter called Devayani who was extremely fond him. Kacha devoted himself to pleasing and serving her with song and dance and pastime and succeeded in winning her affection, without damage to the vows of brahmacharyam.
When the demons came to know of this, they became anxious as they suspected that Kacha's arrival and they thought that before he learn the secret of Mrityu Sanjivini from their guru Sukracharya should kill Kacha. So they gave trouble and killed him twice but because of Sukracharya's daughter he recalled Kaccha in life..At last the demons made a trick that they killed Kaccha and burnt him and they brought the ash mixed with Sukracharya's drink and gave it to him.. once again Sukracharya 's daughter approached her father with her distressful appeal for Kacha.
Sukracharya tried to console his daughter and said . "Though I have again and again brought back Kacha to life," the Demons again and again killing him. Well, death is the common to all, and it is not good for a wise girl like you to sorrow at it. Your life is all before you to enjoy, with youth and beauty and the goodwill of the world."
She did not listen to her father Sukrachariyar and She said: "Kacha, the grandson of Angiras and the son of Brihaspati, was a blameless boy, who was devoted and tireless in our service. I loved him dearly, and now that he has been killed, I shall therefore follow in his path." .. Sukracharya, heart-stricken by his daughter's sorrow, became very angry with the Demons, and felt to destroy them ..
However for his daughter's sake he employed the Sanjivini art and called upon Kacha to appear. By the power of the Mirutyu Sanjivini Kacha dispersed as he was in the drink which was inside of Sukracharya's body at the time, regained life, but prevented by the peculiarity of his location from coming out, he could only answer to his name from where he was.

Sukracharya exclaimed in angry amazement: "O brahmachary, how did you get into me? Is this also the work of the Demons? This is really too bad and makes me feel like killing the Demons immediately and joining the gods. But tell me the whole story."
Kacha narrated it all, in spite of the inconvenience imposed by his position.
The high-souled and self-disciplined Sukracharya, became angry at the cheating..Then he told to his daughter and said: Dear daughter, here is a problem for you. For Kacha to live, he must rend my stomach and come out of it, but I will die . His life can only be bring by my death."
Devayani began to weep and said: "No! I will die either way. For if either of you precious to me, I shall not survive." Sukracharya sought a way out of the difficulty. The real explanation of it all flashed on him.
He said to Kacha: "O son of Brihaspati, I now see with what object you came and verily you have secured it! I must bring you out to life for the sake of My daughtor , but equally for her sake I must not die either. The only way is to initiate you in the art of Sanjivini so that you can bring me back to life after I shall have died when a way is torn out through my internal part”...Accordingly Sukracharya imparted the art of Mrityu Sanjivini to Kacha. Immediately Kacha came forth from Sukracharya's body, emerging like the full moon from a cloud, while the great preceptor fell down mangled and dead.
But Kacha at once brought Sukracharya back to life by means of his newly acquired Mrityu Sanjivini. Kacha bowed down to Sukracharya and said: "The teacher who imparts wisdom to the ignorant is a father. Besides, as I have issued from your body you are my mother too."
Kacha remained for many more years under the tutelage of Sukracharya. When the period of his vow ended, he took leave of his master about to return to the aboard of the gods.
As he was about to depart Devayani humbly addressed him thus: "O, grandchild of Angiras, you have won my heart by your blameless life, I have loved you long and tenderly, even while you were faithfully following your vows of a brahmachariam. You should now kindly accept my love and make me happy by marrying me. Brihaspati as well as yourself are fully worthy of being honored by me. "
In those days, it was no uncommon thing for wise and learned ladies to speak out their mind with honorable frankness. But Kacha said:
"O faultless one, you are my master's daughter and ever worthy of my respect. I got back my life by being born out of your father's body. Hence I am your brother. It is not proper for you, my sister, to ask me to wed ."
Devayani replyed "You are the son of Brihaspati , and not of my father. I have been the cause of your coming back to life, it was because I loved you as indeed I have always loved you as my husband. It is not fit that you should give up one like me sinless and devoted to you."
Kacha replied: "Do not compel me to unrighteousness. You are wise ever, you are with anger now think with calm mind . I am your brother. Pray for me. I Serve honestly to my master Sukracharya. ever and always, "
With these words Kacha gently leave himself and proceeded to the abode of Indran, the king of gods.

Every event in this epic has a special cause that brought it to learn. . Those days the education only through the ear with the sound , if one analyses the way of teaching really excellent and It purifies become broaden mind and clear vision of the heart. The great teachers and the pupils were honest and the students were also enthusiastically learnt and have attained that state of higher and their successes.. They have remarkable Teaching method, and They are capable of even death to be alive.

Nowadays the educational system is improved though very expensive elaborate has ignored instruction in morals. In the Gurukulams of the past, instruction was provided for right living, spiritual advancement and moral conduct and behavior. In those days students were trained to lead lives marked by humility, sense-control, virtue and discipline. Now, these qualities are vanishing  . Nowadays Gurukulams (resident schools, or collages very afraid affair to the parents) They are not aware of the meaning of sense- control. . The reason is to be found in the fact that the students are uncontrolled of unnecessary pleasure and evil habits.
Teachers have to identify their role and their responsibilities. They have to bear a major share to encourage their students and show the pious path and preserve mental and physical health of their tender, innocent students .       

Adharam Madhuram, Vadanam Madhram,Nayanam Madhuram,
Hasitham Maduram,Hrudhayam Madhuram, Gamanam Maduram,
Madhuradhipather Akhilam Madhuram.

Vachanam Madhuram, Charitham Madhuram,Vasanam Madhuram,
Valitham Madhuram,Chalitham Madhuram, Bramitham Maduram,
Madhurathipather Akhilam Madhuram.

Venur Madhuro, Renur Madhuraha,Panir Madhuraha,
Padhou Madhuram,Nrithyam Madhuram,
Sakhyam Madhuram,Madurathipather Akhilam Maduram

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