Thursday, September 4, 2014

A sign on God's grace

Once there was a debatable program held in the earth (Boologam) and Sri Naradha was a judge to the program. There was a heavy crowd and first Naradha gave the introduction of the theme and he explained. “I bless you all you audience and I explain the theme of discussion going to holding here.

Vaivasvata Manu, whose original name was Satyavratan, is the 7th Manu and considered the first king to rule the earth, The queen's name is Barhismati.

They had 10 sons 3 children died during their childhood the remaining 7 were crowned as kings of 7 islands, one of them is called Uttanapadhan he has two queens the first queen's name is Suneethi another queen’s name is Sruchi. They each have a son names the first son is Duruvan and the second is called Uttaman. One day that king was sitting on his Royal seat with his second wife Sruchi keeping Uttaman on his lap.  Seeing, this Duruvan running to his father and tried to sit on his father's lap but his second wife who under being jealous natures she pushes Duruvan and said “O child, if you want to sit on Uthaman father's lap, for that. either you should be born from my womb, or you have to perform penance. go away” telling this she pushed him. The unfortunate child ran to his mother Suneethi and told her the whole story. Suneethi told Duruvan that “O my child you don’t worry about all these happened, all these are because of our bad time yes, your stepmother's word is true my child you go to forest and do penance. As his mother's word he proceeds go to a forest to do penance and on his way to forest fortunately he met Naradha and Narada heard his sad news from him.  As soon he heard his sad story, compassionately who initiated the Vasudeva mantram to Duruva and also, he showed the way to the forest. Duruva pay his solutions to Naradha and followed the route and he reached to forest and he sat on a under a tree and become to start his penance. After a long year his penance Duruva got answer Narayana appeared in front of him, and he asked Duruva “O My Child I am very Happy for your devotion, what you the boon you wish from you? Duruva paid his solutions to God said "O god I don't want to go back to the country, I wish to get salvation to me and my mother “That is my wish. As soon heard his wish Narayana said to him “child I gave you the boon as your wish, however not at present, now you go to your country, and in appropriate age you will be crowned as an emperor and you rule the country at last in right time you will attain your salvation and shine as a star in the sky. God said to Duruvan disappeared from his sight. After finished his explanation of the topic of the program, Naradha announced the name of topic that is offence deed and pious deed. The debaters are very famous highly well-qualified. This program is for an hour kindly be seated and listen the arguments.” The argument was gone on for an hour with so many faults and good about Uthanapathan here have given the final part.

Offence deed I. “It is said the "Vaivasvata Manu" is one of the most important beings at the highest levels of initiation of the masters of the ancient wisdom, along with Maitreyar, and the MahaChohan. According to System of rules, each root race has its own Manu which physically incarnates in an advanced body of an individual of the old root race and physically originated the first individuals the root race. Manava grahasya sutra, Manava Silpa sastras and Manava Darmasastra (Manusmiruthi the rules) the theory of evolutionary works by on the law laid down for the most important and earliest metrical works of the Darmasastra textual tradition of Hinduism. If the king just kept quite that as the queen's word is right. Then what is respect of his ancestor’s rules? hence Uthanapathan is not a faithfully righteous man. Legally Duruvan is his own child and he has all right to have to be a king so, Duruva should be crowned as a king”.

Pious deed 2. He begins his argument. “Some action, if a strange man see according to his opinion on Uthanapadhan's act would be a wrong but I will not agree “ There are various other attributes have two kinds, likings or hating. Not because of he loves second son that's why so he kept quiet. One cannot conclude that he is leading unrighteous way of life. He is not jealousy, he is a very truthful man, and he was not selfish. So, if he remained silent without saying anything which means there must be some real reasons behind it. All actions are performed by the Almighty of God, the ordinary human being is merely an instrument. If one does not have this realization, implying of his own ignorance will doom him into shackles of worldly bonds. Hence one cannot decide Uthanapathan is a slave to his second wife or he does not like Duruva. My conclusion part is Uthanapathan is pious person.

Once for all finished their argument now the judgement time and Naradha begins to announce his judgement.

All the people who were being listened the both of the pundits view of opinion’s; the things differ from another. but if you think deeply its reason and the truth will come to know. Uthanapathan has not hated nature, he loves all. He is the obvious influence of previous Dharma sutras and Arthasahatras, in particular, the Manu smriti. He is the first adopter the term of vyavaharapadas. He has shown in ruling the kingdom, particularly of the eighteen "Titles of Law" the Grounds for Litigation. Uthanapathan is the role model to the world. He is a prime example and never lose any of his ancestor’s patron of law. Now I come to Duruvans history, Utthanaptha did not take Duruva and made him to sit on his lap. This is not a major crime. He knew his second wife Sruthi’s jealousy nature of mind she was not right but sometime the devils also will tell positively specify words, as she told the positive words that do penance that was the positive action to Duruva. He might be thought that Duruva has to learn to live from his childhood, perhaps if he opposes Sruchi and alow Duruva to sit on his lap what will happen? Duruvan may feel happy then what will happen?  in the same way she will oppose for no reason, is that good to his feature life? so, that was the reason why he kept quiet. otherwise, how will Duruvan get Sakshat Sri Vishnu's bestows (anugrham) and crowned as an emperor of the country and at the end he will shine in the sky as a star? ('Nakshatra Padhavi')

If one wish to achieve something in his life he has to have strong determination, encouragement, presence of mind, ability, physically, mentally, legally, morally, one needs skilled training, and devotion from the childhood. One should certainly need Almighty of god's grace; this is what Duruvan got. Thus, Ultramarathon’s silent mode enlighten to Duruvans life. Heard Naratha’s judgement all the crowd very happily and heavily applauded, and gone to their places and Naradha too took leave from them.


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