Monday, September 1, 2014

The Fundamental Principles

Normally people won't read any philosophical stories and may not like, however I have decided to write so I have written
the heading is The Fundamental Principles It may or may not be enjoyable reading, Kindly don't blame me perhaps you feel enjoy reading.. Thank you very much.
The primary purpose of the Bhagavad- Gita is to illuminate for all of humanity the realization of the true nature of divinity; for the highest spiritual conception and the greatest material perfection to attain Gods realization !!
Genius veda vyasa composed the Mahabharata was declared as the fifth and the best Veda, containing the ten-fold meanings, propagating in all parts the glory of the Supreme Lord Krishna. For the realization of the Supreme Lord Krishna is verily better than even the study of the Vedas. Mahabhradham revealed Srimat Bhgavat gita taught the righteousness by Paramatma..

The Gita consists of the teachings given by Krishna to Arjuna and gives a clear explanation of the main regular line of Passage to the righteous : Karma,(Duty) Gyana,(Education) Bhakti,(Devotion) Mantra,(Hymn) Dhyana (Meditation) and Buddhi( Knowledge) and so on... Why he gave these kind of teachings such a big war field ..Because their talk about righteous. Although not personally for Arjuna on the war field, Sri Krishna and Arjuna's conversation was related to the blind Dhritarashtran by Sanjayan who has the gift of the supernatural power of seeing objects and the power to hear sounds. Dhritarastran although blind by birth but his inner eye of knowledge was very studious ; however due to being over affection and attached to his sons he lost the knowledge of righteousness and thus he was worrying that his sons might return half of the kingdom to the Pandavas who were the rightful heirs.

Sanjayan who was righteous by nature could understand the actual internal mood of Dhritarastran; but to state of peace, his anxiety that his sons would never give back half of the kingdom, he said in the beginning .the soldiers of the Pandavas are in military formation. The initiative taken by Duryodhana in approaching his preceptor in archery, the master Dronachari shows that internally he was feeling fearful at the sight of the Pandavas might. So with the pretense of going to offer respect, he approached Dronachari to conceal this fear. The word king indicates that Duryodhana was very expert in the diplomacy of politics and the use of the word implies that he would speak neat sentences filled with heavy import concerning the subject of war.
when King Dhritarastran came to know that Lord Krishna had accepted the position of charioteer for Arjuna, he immediately was suspicious and became doubtful of his son, Duryodhana's chances for victory. At that time he asked his minister Sanjaya a repeated question as what did his sons position..

Philosophical taught of the war the two Advocating the strategy of family wealth of existence. The teachings of the Gita is mainly that phenomenal existence is brought about by the two fundamental principles known on the level of each human, it is the physical body, energy body and mind (the personality). Pandavas and KundhiDevi symbolising that appropriate actions and thinking (the Pandavas) engender the awakening of the Buddhi.(Knowledge)because they always being with Paramatma symbolized realization. Kowrawas and Dhritarastra are purusha physical body they can not think their own and no righteous It is the region in which we live - awareness of the eternal subject. For simple example Purusha is the blind eye and Prakritti is the eye with its sight. These two principles through every particle of existence. Almost every verse of the Gita is giving references to this relationship of Purusha-Prakrithi. The Purusha is the concept , Prakritti is constant Energy and ever changing any kind of good or bad. Gita also teaches blind understanding and over affections leads to blind actions. In sympathy with her blind husband, Dhritarashtran’s wife, Gandhari, also blindfolds herself. This puts her in the same boat as her husband and indicates that a blind self importance, or ignorance, lead to blind and improper actions. Circumstances, or character stated born as intelligent or born as fool.

Sri Krishna says in gita not only Arjuna,also to the world that Fix your mind on me (meaning to be constant on reality) your complete devotion on me, your worship with regards and respect on me ,have me as your guru and your aim;at last you will come to me”. The sages and high philosophers explanation about this:- The ‘Me’ refers to Underlying Intelligence – call It by whatever name you wish - God, the Divine, the Supreme, Brahman, the Absolute, Bhakti Yoga is devotion to the Truth and Intelligence behind all things. You can consider this Intelligence as Him, Her or It, and in any form or non-form you wish. As a point of devotion, you may use any form, be it Krishna Shiva, or Rama, Goddess as your wish. It can be expressed towards a saint, or your Guru, whether dead or alive. If you wish, you can worship the Formless This is your choice and depends on your personality and cultural-religious background. They all lead to the same realization. The specific form is unimportant - it is the clarity, inspiration and energy generated by such devotion that is important. Bhakti opens up the doors of perception. Krishna makes it very clear in the Gita that when he uses the word ‘Me’ he refers to anything which symbolizes Reality; not just Himself

The Supreme Lord Krishna is beyond measure, beyond scope, complete within Himself. None is equal to or greater than can ever attain His greatness. splendid with all attributes, . None exists which is superior or equal to Lord Krishna.
Living entities in wisdom should perform prescribed ordained actions without fail. It is never possible for any living entity to entirely renounce all actions completely. Eating is an action, and if one has renounced food then drinking is an action, and if one has renounced drinking then breathing is an action and if one has renounced even breathing then living itself is an terrible action.
Thus for all living entities highest good they all should perform devotion in a regulated manner for the satisfaction and propitiation of the Ultimate Personality, the Supreme Lord Krishna and achieving this attain the goal of material existence.
Vasudeva sudam devam Kamsa, sanoora
mardhanam Devaki Paramanandham 
SriKrishnam Vande Jagat gurum  

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