Monday, September 1, 2014

Reliance on Integrity

Krishna-DwaipayanaVyasar (Veda Vyasar.) described a detailed interpretation on a man of righteousness, The 
Elder son of Pandu and Kunthidevi named Yudhisthirar. he is described as Nirvairata (means no enmity feelings), Dhairya (courageousness) ,Akrodha, kshama (No anger,forgiveness), Satya (Truthfulness ),Vidwata, Buddhimatta, Samata(Learned, Intelligent, Equality),Pavitrata, Prabhava (purity and impression), Udarata (tolerance),Tyaga (sacrifice)were the embodiment of all good qualities., Yudhishtrar referred to as Ajatasatru, meaning No enmity.
Perhaps one analyze the detail in order to discover the essential features of his characteristic and qualities, recall a brief incident then continue the analyzes...
After death of Pandu, Kundhi could not live in the forest so she returned back to Asthinapuram along with her five children. Under the adviceof Bhishmar, Dhritrashtra decided to divide the Hastinapuram kingdom between Kauravas and Pandavas. so Drithirashtra offered them a arid place called Kandavaprastham. No rain; dry; parched with heat place and uncultivated region, that was offered to Yudhirstra.. However it was, Yudhisthira gracefully accepted.( In this part it shows his humble nature, courage, and respect on his paternal Grand father and Uncle...).
Then with the help of Sri Krishna and the Deva architect Viswakarma, he constructed a new city, and the Asura architect Mayasura constructed the Mayasabha, which was the largest regal assembly hall in the world. The kingdom was called Indraprastham.. Yudhisthira crowned  as  king of Indraprastham. He ruled with absolute piousness, with a strict,  steady, and devotion to his  duties and service to his kingdom. The kingdom grew prosperous, and people from all over were attracted to it
Once he became a king of Indthiraprastham cruelly planned invitation for the dice game from his cousins. Unknowing this plan he wished to go and play, because he thought that they all are his cousins and relatives so nothing wrong to play, at that time his brothers Beema and Arjuna tried to stop him but their effort did not work. Yudhirstra trusted and played with them,yet he failed, so he met a huge down fall. (Here we learnt that without knowing the detail one should not participate in any occasion.) Inspite of that this kind of fate not only for Yudhirstra played dice game and lost the kingdom which is many kings fate.Those days the kings playing dice game was very prestigious issue .Practically it is a sinful game even though they play and drowned into the ditch. For example Monarch Nalan lost his kingdom and all that he possessed in gambling. The reason Kali was very angry when Damayanthi chose Nalan in the Swayamvaram hence Kali possessed Nalan and was defeated through his brother Pushkara. So Nalan lost all his wealth because of his fate.Yudhirstra lost his wealth including his wife because of his reliance on integrity.
He told a untrue massage In the battle field to his Guru advised by Sri Krishna. ..

A small explanation about this from Karma Rahasyam.:Purusha and prakrithi two kind. Purusha always steady in his all deeds this is called “Paripoornaatvam”  but  Prakrudhi can not be steady in its deeds. Yet once it has close relationship with Purusha at that time whatever Prakrudhi's deeds will become Purusha's action.
(In the dangerous critical time if one tell lie there is no sin.)

This great epic is celebrity of four vedams and it is said Mahabharatham is the fifth vedam. This is a best teacher for good nature of the full power to the mental strength. It taught us through Yudhirstrars character that a man survives because of his basic nature,and reality. Others within some thing in general and universal.
Therefore having memory, hearing or reading this epic will increase noble qualities to a man kind. all its teachings are mingled with the modern life,in addition even more then 5000 years old still this epic gleams as sun and its luminous light.


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