Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Conclusion of an Argument

 Kabīrdass was a saint there are two account of legends. One says he is a Muslim origin other said he belongs a Hindu brahmin. Whoever he is but he was a great poet and devotee of Lord...
whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakthi movement
The basic religious principles he adopted in simple way... According to Kabir, all life is an influence of two spiritual principles. One is the personal soul (Jivatma) and the other is God (Paramatma). It is Kabir's view that ultimate salvation is the process of bringing these two divine principles into union.
His greatest work is "Seedling" an idea of the fundamental one. This collection of poems to provide the meaning of the universal view of spirituality. Though his the words of a language is abundantly with Hindu spiritual concepts, such as Karma and reincarnation, straightforward kind of philosophies. He simply followed Sahaja path, or the Simple/Natural Way to oneness in God. He believed in the concept of atman, he recognized the Hindu societal cast system and -Moorthy Bhajan(idol worship), showing clear belief in both bhakti and Sufi ideas. Kabir was a man of God, a lover of the Lord. Having attained the highest form of spiritual experience, which is God-realization, he was fully competent to guide others on the path. Spirituality he was a way of life for him. Kabir’s main concern was that whatever he did it was to seek Divine Grace. The aim of saints is this merging of soul with the Lord, Kabir played the role of a teacher and social reformer by the medium of his writings, which mainly consisted of the two line verses called Dohas. He had a strong belief in Vedanta, Sufism, Vaishnavism and Nath sampradaya. He applied the knowledge that he gained through the various experiences of his life. He was always in the pursuit of truth and nothing could hold him back. Kabir was well known for his religious associated... It is said that, when he headed his way for heaven, to struggle took place between the Hindus and Muslims over the issue of performance of the last rites. Eventually, in the memory of the great Kabir, his tomb as well as a Samadhi Mandir, both were constructed, which are still standing posture next to each other. According to another legend, in a short length of time before his death, Kabir took a holy bath in the two rivers, namely Ganga and Karmnasha, so as to wash away his sins as well as the good deeds and got gods realization..
Kabir's Philosophy and his poetry's proclamations that based of the concept of reincarnation and Karma. He trusted that living a life in a extreme simplism and very high and strong faith on god he said one of his popular poem that Koi bole Ram Ram Koi Khudai.... The basic idea was to spread the message that whether you chant the name of Ram or Rahim the fact is that there is only one God who is the creator of this beautiful world. …
His one of the poem says, Kabira Garv Na Keejiye, Kaal Gahe Kar KesNa Jaane Kit Mare Hai, Kya Des Kya Pardesh
Meaning:-Don't be proud and with out real significance, who knows when or where time will kill.
Yes he was right who knows..?here is the related story:-

All very well known the story of Jaya Vijaya that their birth line were Hiraya and Hiranyakasipu. Ravana and Kumbakarna, the lost pair of birth was Sisubalan and Dhanthavaktran,..Ramayanam explained only about Rama and he had not many relatives but Sri Krishna had really very huge and plenty of relatives. So one of his aunt (father's sister) gave birth a male child, that child was just like a spider and very ugly looking the mother of the child was very sad and she was praying to god,at that time she heard an areal voice that said one who touch this child, taken him in his arm, the child will become normal but it will die by him.
Once Krishna came to his aunt and touch lovingly the child and took him in his arms. Immediately, the child became normal. Sri Krishna's aunt asked him to give name and he named to the child Sisubalan.. then she requested a promise that he should not kill her son even any circumstances.. Sri Krishna told her “Yes I will not kill him unnecessarily but I can not tolerate his coarsely insulting words more than for one hundred times a day if it exceeds I kill him.” The aunt was satisfied, Sisupala grew up to be a person of bad character, He hated his cousin, and began to a position on an issue given wrongs against him. When Krishna married Rukmini, whom Sisupala wanted to marry her, his hatred increased. He did several things against Krishna, but Krishna excused him, as he had given his word to his aunt, (Sisupala's mother.) Once Yudhishtira performed a yaga called Rajasuya yaga. All the kings were invited. Sisupala, who was the king of Chedi, was also among the kings present. Krishna was also present. According to the rules of the yaga, Whoever to perform this yaga he should perform pooja to all those present. He had to choose one, to whom the pooja should be done first. At that time,the question arose as to who should be honored first. The grandsire Bishmar was emphatically of the opinion that Sri Krishna, the king of Dwaraka, should be honored first, which was also Yudhishthira's own opinion.
Yudhishthira followed the advice and under his instructions Sahadeva offered to Sri Krishna the honors enjoined by tradition. Sisupala, who hated Krishna as wickedness alone can hate goodness, could not tolerate it.
Sisubala  laughed aloud in derision and said: "How ridiculous and unjust, but I am not surprised. The man who sought advice was born in illegitimacy. (This was an insulting to the sons of Kunti) The man who gave advice was born of one who fall from high to low. (This is in reference to the fact that Bhishma was born of Ganga, the river naturally flowing from higher to lower levels.) And he who did the honors was also born illegitimately. And he started of insulting words more and more.. Sri krishna was counting and told his aunt that if he exceed one hundred time to day I kill him She was worried and never listen his mother he said “what shall I say of the man honored! He is a fool by birth and a cowherd by breeding. Stupid, goes on and on increasing the words The lord was counting, once he entered 89th time he told his aunt “do not blame me his voice and wrong words intolerable she was worried but he did not stop once he exceeded hundredth time Lord took his Sudarsana chakkaram and severed his head and Sisubalan died.

How long one can tolerate and keep quite and forgiving misdeeds? Even god also can not be quite for doing all cruelties he will give chances to a mankind to correct himself if not the tolerance will become to intolerance.,,
This epic explained that a man identified from his attitude and knowledge of appearance or characteristics.. One can "wish" to have something and anything, but should not be a bad and cruel wish..The story is meant that one is responsible for his Good or Bad actions. Even more if he think that he is capable,to act cruelly towards on other people in a religious ceremony, especially a divine service by that act, he will defined as a cruel and his end also cruelly punished..

Sri Krishnaya Vasudeva Devaki Nanthanayacha|
Nandhagopa Kumaraya Govindhaya Namo Namaha||          Home

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