Monday, September 1, 2014

Great Value

karma bramotbavam vithi brahmakshara samutbavam|
thasmat sarvakatham brahma nityam yagye pradhishtitham||
(BahavatGita (Karma yogam))
The story is from Bhagavata Puranam
Ajamila was born to a religious Brahmin parents from Kanyakubja..He did not possess Brahmin-like sense of honour and strength of character, but he had studied some parts of the Vedas. Regrettably , Ajamila was a person of weak character. His parents acknowledged his weakness and so, they married him to a beautiful, virtuous girl. Hoping that he would have been happy with his wife and would be able to keep him in right path, particularly after their life he may follow the ritual activities .
Years are passed he got children, Ajamila's parents were very happy with the grand children . One day Ajamila went to a forest to pick up some ritual sticks (Samitthu) when he return to home unexpectedly happened to see a drunken former with a forest lady, Consequently he took the forest lady to his home as a maidservant. Unavoidably, he became so addict of drinking and enjoying with the forest lady so  he completely abandoned his parents, wife and children and went off with the servant maid . Because of his improper attitude , he lost all his good qualities. He became a thief,  liar,  drunkard, even a criminal. He completely forgot about his original training, and his whole life was ruined. At last he get married her and produced many children through her. When his seventies his wife carried his tenth and final child. It was a boy. They
named him Narayana.
In this place another account of story says that his first wife always pray to lord Narayana that “Deva you are my guide, my father and my guru, I am begging you wherever my husband be in this world please save him from any kind of danger” for her prayer Lord went as a sage to the Ajamila where he lived. As soon as he saw the sage he and his second wife welcomed him and paid good attention to the sage, the sage was very happy and said “Amma I am very happy with your kindness if I tell some thing will you follow”? They were very happy and agreed to follow his words the sage said that “ now this child will be a boy so you should name him as Narayana” Narayana grown up and he was very attached with his father.
One day he fall down some where and he became very sick so he has very fearful time so when he saw Yama doothas were coming to him he was so scared so he called his pet child “Narayana hay Narayana come soon” for this call Narayana doothas arrived in that place Ajamilan could see them and heard their conversation
As soon as Yama doothas saw the Vishnu doothas and asked them “Why you people came aboard to take this sinful creature”? Vishnu dootha replied them that he is not sinful he pronounced the Narayana's name so he has become a pious man” Yama doothas argued with Vishnudootha said “this man is so sinful, till the date he was doing all unrighteous activities one should follow his clan's principal and be pious. But he did not follow any of his rule, he abandon his wife and children and age old parents so he is a punishable then will awarded him another material body for the next life so that he can get the result of his sinful activity. I take him to my superior” The Vishnudutas said to Yama doothas , “Why do you consider Ajamila is a sinner? Do you really understand the factor of dharma? Do you know how to decide which man is not to be taken to hell?” The Yamadutas answered “ we are not scholars, we have heard that dharma comes from the Vedas, originating from the breath of Lord Narayana. He is the One who remains without change, while creating the universe. A man’s karma is witnessed by the fire, sun, sky, wind, moon, day and night, all eight directions, the waters, and above all, by Lord Yama. We know who is a sinner and who is not .People enjoy or suffer in afterlife according to their karmas. Since karmas done over many lifetimes dictate a person’s birth, just by looking at the activities in the current birth, it is possible to judge whether a person has been a sinner all along. Our Lord Yama can see everything people do. Ajamila had a sinful life, so we came to take him to our Lord. We know that Yama will send Ajamila’s  jiva to suffer in hell, and that suffering will pay for his sins.”
The Vishnu doothas replied, “What a calamity! Don’t you know that by chanting the name of Lord Narayana ?, Ajamila has already paid for all his sins Now, if you take him to suffer in hell, will it not be a miscarriage of justice? In his last moment, Ajamila had said“Narayana come here.” Even though he only meant to call his son,the power of the name of the Lord has paid for his sins.”
The word “Narayana” means ‘One who takes away all our blemishes and bad situations’further more Visnu doothas said “Chanting the name of the Lord is the highest quality than all the rituals. Moreover, by chanting, the four letter name Na-Ra- Ya -Na the normal human too get the redemptive qualities of the Lord. Conducting rituals said in the veda is for the trained mind . Chanting the Lord's name it cleans a person's mind, the power of the name of the Lord is such that even if one says it indirectly or in joke, or to add it to a lyric for rhyming, or even dismissively, it wil linstantly wage for all sins. When a person subconsciously says the name of the Lord while falling down from above, or stumbled on the street, beaten by someone, or snake bite , or any danger moment from worldly suffering, he does not have to suffer. The Lord’s name is like fire, if it catches even a full forest will burn to ashes.Chanting the name of the Lord works like a powerful medication.

Yamadharmaraja forgave his bad attitude and Narayana bestowed that he has to do penance in the rest of his life and at last he will have realization.
The virtues girls prayer answered....
This story taught a very nice and important message to mankind
Marriage is not solution to a weaker mind children. once parents understand the children nature perhaps they can correct them to the right path other wise just leaving is the better suggestion and pray to almighty of god for them. Otherwise irresponsible children s marriage will land up with tears and worries. Also they are not charge for that. How our ancient sages insist the human's duty through the stories. This story had written in Bhagavatha puranam for many years ago by Veda Vyaser, yet it suits today, tomorrow, and for ever it will be a great lesson to the world. If one tightly closing his eyes , grumbles that “I am not able to see the sunshine,” What to do and who's fault? so
Male,female,Youngsters, and Grownup Children. Whatever may have a very busy schedule but one should defiantly spare some time for prayer according to their own cult. All our ancestors, our Guru, and almighty of god's guidance to obey the ancient Veda puranas. We should not ignore the great value of the life...

மஹாபெரியவா அருள்வாக்கு :-

மனதுக்குஅமைதி கிடைத்தால் மகிழ்ச்சியும்கூடவே வரும்.
இப்படிஒரு அமைதி கிடைக்கத்தான்நாம் மனதைக் கட்டுப்படுத்துகிறோம்.
இந்தமுயற்சிக்குக் கடவுள் பக்திமிகவும் அவசியம்

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