Monday, September 1, 2014

Ancient Beauty of Sound

The Universal Eternal bliss is OM;it is all and beyond the explanation or commentary.  This sound is creating from insect to human,earth, sky, time, and the past, present or future. The OM sound is indestructible.All Upanishads begins. Om iti- ye - tatha -aksharam idam sarvam: Meaning: All in this world, whatever is visible, Understandings, within of the sense-perception, sound rhythm, circumstances or spoken evidence, vibration etc. all from OM    
There is a story behind this: Once the sages living in Naimicharinyam requested Saint Soodhar to explain how Jyothir Lingams came to this universe, and how Omkarm came into practice? 
Soodhar began to tell the Mahatmiyam to the sages "O virtuous men of God I will tell you the epic of Siva Puranam as far as I know and if there is any mistake Lord Maheswar should pardon me." with this  respected words  Soodhar begins to narrate as follows:
The great philosophers saw with their spiritual vision the phenomenal Image of Lord Siva as in Linga swaroopam,which no one can explain and no one can understand.
Brahman (as different from Brahmathe creator) has no beginning and also it has no end. Which is neither Sthulam(body) nor Sukshumam.(concepts) Everything is Brahman and Brahman is everything.
Brahman lovingly created prakruthi (Mayadevi) with eight hands - bright luminous and magnificent in all fine jewels. At the same time he also  created a handsome man.
The man and the Devi who thus came into being were confused why they had been created. On the spite of time an aerial voice told both to do penance. Accordingly they did penance for long number of years as advised by the voice. In the process they both were sweating and the sweat flowed like a stream from their body and the water became an ocean. The man and the Devi created by Brahman went into 'yoga-nidra'. From that time the man was named Narayana and the prakruthi devi was called Narayini.
( Prakruthi is the primordial matter which became the universe through the process of evolution.)
From the navel of Narayana originated a nice fragrant lotus with innumerable petals, and an immeasurably long and wide stalk. Brahma - the creator incarnated in the lotus.
Brahma saw around him, he could not perceive anything - which he was, where-from he came, why he was created and so forth. Hence he went down through the lotus stalk to find answers to these questions. He went on and on for years together, but he could not reach the bottom. He became very tired and turned round and began going up the stalk again for years and years. He could not reach the top either. He was confused when he heard an aerial voice which asked him to do penance.
Accordingly he did penance for 12 years. At last Sri Narayana appeared in front of him. Brahma saw and asked him who he was and why he appeared before him. Narayana said “I am the one that created you to do the work of creation". Brahma was disbelieving and responded that “If you say so I have been created to carry on the work of creation, yet I did not create you. Then how did you come into being?" while they were disputing vigorously all of sudden there was a billion times great luminous Jyothi(light) appeared. They both looked at the four directions for the source of the brightness. When they were searching the directions a big Lingam appeared in front of them. They were stunned and stopped penetrating. Looked at it and Narayana said to Brahma "you go up and see where this begins at the top and I will go down and see the end at the bottom"
Narayana took form of the white boar and drilling the earth went deep down. From that time he was called 'Swedha Varaham' and the 'kalpam"  became 'swedha varaha-kalpam'.
(When we do any pooja 'sangalpam this word 'swedha varaha kalpe' is mentioned) Brahma went up on his Hamsa vahanam (meaning: 'Hamsa' is a swan and 'Vahanam' is mounting). Years passed and they could not locate the end or the beginning. And they became humble and realized that there was one above them so they started to do prayer.
When they were doing prayer they heard sound "AUM”. They were searching for the source of the divine sound and they saw the letters 'agaaram' ( a ) on the south, on the north they saw" ugaaram " ( U ) and in between the "Magaaram" ( M ). The first letter ' Agaaram' was like 'Surya Mandalapradesam' (sun) ugaram was like the brightness of Agni (like fire) and 'Maagaram' was like the Chandra mandalapradesam (moon the satellite). Omkara Nadha Brahman appeared...Everywhere the omkara Nadham with that AUM they created all earth, sky, all creatures, human beings, animals, oceans all and you all should understand that omkaramis absolutely  Parameswara thatwam  the parameswara thatvam is Omkaram.
Aum, is called Pranavam, is the uniqueword of power. Without Aum chanting any hymn there is no power. This verbal sounds Prevailing in the whole universe. It is parameswara thatvam absolute supreme.
Padanjali muni says in his yogasastram :"Ishwara [God] is a particular Purusha. Who is untouched by the illnesses of life, and bad actions, He is the highest limit of wisdom and unconditioned by time. He is a teacher of Past, present, and feature even of the ancients. Almighty is a designator [vachaka] of Pranavam Om. Constant repetition and bhavam is the way of having good health. OM chanting result is the disappearance of difficulties and the turning to awareness. Disease, doubt,carelessness, laziness, delusion, non-achievement of a stage, instability,these cause the distraction of the mind and they are called the mental sickness.Pain, desolation, nervousness, and agitation are the symptoms of a distracted condition of mind. For removing these problems one should be the constant practice of the syllable OM (AUM) chanting.
A person performing yoga pronounces the syllable 'AUM' bytaking in breath first, inhaling the lungs and stomach enough to accommodate as much breath as possible and then exhales it to complete,if one do this, he is  the Healthiest man in this world. This is effect of ancient beauty of sound Omkara Nadam…   


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