Monday, September 1, 2014

Conventional Wisdom

There are lot of evidences about mind or thoughts become cruel because of the circumstance like ,time, place, event or ones up bringing, or contact..
We all may experience about this in our life. Unknowingly ones intention by force will lead towards unrelated or in corrected way,however if one brought up in a good manner and  clever will escape. Others will settled in
If one has wandering mind without thinking the reality, his mind will change as a greed. That kind of greediness always will not satisfy and it will looking to capture others wealth, or fame. in addition constantly planing to reach put all his effort to attain on particular matter.

Related this Mahabharatham explained a small incident about Duriyodhana's greed.
From the  beginning  Dhuriyodhna and his greed was indescribable he bothered Pandavas in a great extent at last he made them to exile from the country. Though they exiled Duryodhana still no peace of mind He was grumbling angrily walking in restless manner.
He called Karna and said “stupid Pandavas should not return even after thirteen years from the forest,whenever this thought comes in my mind really I broke and could not stand”.
Karna replied to Duriyodhana that “O my friend you should not worry
in front of me, I go right now to the forest and kill Padavas and Drowpathi”
When Karna was challenging to Duriyodhana at that time Vyasa was passing them to meet Durtirashtra happened to hear Karna;'s challenge, who came close to Karna and said “Atrocious this is not the good thought to a close friend you Just stop this stupid idea “”warned them and he went... Karna stopped the plan ...
Later one day Duryodhana wished to see the Pandavas sufferings in the forests and at the same time show off his wealth to them. So he organized a Ghosha yatra (a trip which is undertaken by the king or someone under him to check on the cattle and the other animals in the area) to the place which was the closest to where the Pandavas were staying. Indira came to know this news,he wished to teach a lesson to Duriyodhana and Karna he sent Chitrangadha to the area near the forest, and he asked Chitrangatha to have fight with them for no reason and arrest them all including Karna. As Indira's instruction as soon as Duriyodhana and Karna troop entered in the forest Chitrangatha fought with them for no reason and arrested them.Duriyodhana and Karna tried their best but all their effort in vain That was not easy task. Yudihrstra came to know about this who sent Arjuna for their rescue. Giving respect to his brother Arjuna came to the field and fought with Chitrangatha effortlessly   he defeated Chitrangatha and he released Duriyodhana, his brothers and Karna..They all saw this and felt ashamed and their violent nature arose more because of their hatred past experience

Sage Vyasa taught a very good lesson to a parents ,Teachers, and all common widespread people in this world through this Small incident.
All children never be bad when they born in the earth,Yet Genetic relation, growing surrounding environment teachers criticism, etc according as the child's nature will be settled .. Some children fast learner and some are slow we never ever compare the slow children with studious one.
For example above mentioned part in Mahabharatam telling us that If one all the time comparing with others particular child felt very sad unhappiness  will begin to jealous  then in due course of time he will change as a criminal. Duriyodhana was a nice ghathayudha warrior and energetic prince but every body, and all the time including his teacher praising Arjuna and comparing Duriyodhana with Arjuna , he did not like so he became very vulgarly idiot.

Through this small incidence   Mahan  Vyaser Pictured indirectly to a mankind. Directly he spoken through Sri Krishna kept Arjuna as a mediator via Sri Bhagavat Gita to the world.
Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita mentions kama at one point it is identified with krodha. so which are called Demonic quality, further gita  mentions passion, ill will, attachment, delusion, egoism,greed, conceit and ignorance all are sin. So think good, do good...
Whoever pray Sri Krishna, out of compassion for his creatures who take refuge in him he absorbs their sins into his earthly body and suffers on their behalf and gives them salvation. .
The Bhagavat Gita is like a mighty ocean. Several people approached for different purposes some collect sea weeds, some sand particles but intelligent went to deep dive into it retrieved precious Pearls..
Learning Bhagavat Gita is a life enhancement...

(Pressctrl+click on the url given below) Enjoy and listen Bhajagovindam

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