Monday, September 1, 2014

The Great Wisdom

 The Genesha puranam and,the Mudgala Puranam are interconnected exclusively on Ganesha. Theyare called Upapuranams,that includes many stories and ritualisticelements relating to Ganesha. The Ganesha Puranam and the Mudcalapuranam arecore scriptures for devotees of Ganesha, known as Ganapatyas( Gāṇapatya).These are the only two Puranas that are exclusively dedicated to Ganesha.

Especially the Mudcala purana says in detail that lord's varies eight different cosmic forms associated with the philosophical concepts..The Lord is the ultimate reality of being. As such, his manifestation.s are endless among them his eight incarnations are very important and they appeared in the following order:

Vakratunda ("twisting trunk "), first in the series, represents the absolute as the aggregate of all bodies, an embodiment of the form of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Matsaryāsura (envy, jealousy). His mount (vāhana) is a lion.

Ekadantha ("single tusk") represents the aggregate of all individual souls, an embodiment of the essential nature of Brahman. the purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Madāsura (arrogance, conceit). His mount is a mouse.

Mahodara ("big belly") It is the absolute as it enters into the creative process. It is an embodiment of the wisdom of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mohāsura (delusion, confusion). His mount is a mouse.

Gajavaktra (or Gajānana) ("elephant face") The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Lobhāsura (greed). His mount is a mouse.

Lambodara ("pendulous belly") is the first of four incarnations that correspond to the stage where the Purāṇic gods are created. Lambodara corresponds to Sakti, the pure power of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Krodhāsura (anger). His mount is a mouse.

Vikata (Vikaṭa) ("unusual form", "misshapen") corresponds to Surya. He is an embodiment of the illuminating nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Kāmāsura (lust). His mount is a peacock.

Vighnaraja (Vighnaraja) ("king of obstacles"), corresponds to Vishnu, He is an embodiment of the preserving nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mamāsura (possessiveness). His mount is the celestial serpent Shesha.

Dhumravarna ("grey colour") corresponds to Siva. He is an  embodiment of the destructive nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Abhimanāsura (pride,attachment). His mount is a mouse.

Traditional stories tell that One day Goddess Parvati was preparing for a bath.As she didn’t want to be disturbed, hence she told Nandi, to guard the door and let no one enter. Nandi faithfully guarding , But,unexpectedly when Siva came passerby , happened to see Nandi and he had to let Lord to pass, being loyal first to Siva. Parvati was angry at this indifferences, so the next day when she preparing to bath she applied turmeric paste on her body , when she was applying it she was rolling with finger on her body from that she took some turmeric paste from her body and created a boy bestowed life and she declared him to be her own loyal son. She asked him to guard and instructed that no one should let in. Unknowing about this the Lord Siva entered in and saw a strange boy was standing out and very furiously he did not allow lord to enter in. Siva angrily severed the boys head.

When Parvati learned of this, she was so enraged and insulted that she emerged to destroy the entire world, Siva could not control her, all the trinity of gods appeared and pleaded her to be calm, She said that “If you all wish to be calm Yes I will be calm with two conditions” Lord siva accepted she spelled out her wishes ,that“The boy should be brought back to full form with life and the second is he be forever worshipped first any rituals or any others “
Realizing his mistake, Lord agreed to Parvati’s conditions. He sent Brahma out with orders to bring back the head of the first creature he crosses that is laying with its head facing North. Brahma soon returned with the head of a strong and powerful elephant, which Siva placed on boy’s body. Breathing new life into him, The Lord declared that this boys name is Ganesha to be his own son as well,and gave him the status of being foremost among the gods, and leader of all the ganas gana+isha = Ganesha. (Gana means Siva ganas and isha means leadership )
If  one read this story just like a very simple fairy tale but the inner meanings are fantastically explained the true and nice yogic way of life.
It is said thus:
Parvati took the turmeric paste from Her own body, and with it created Ganesha.. Yellow is the color associated with the Muladhara chakra,(where the kundalini resides), Ganesha is the deity of this chakra.Devi needed to create Ganesha, who represents the earth bound awareness, as a shield to protect the divine secret from immature minds. However if one worship to lord Ganesha then awareness begins to turn on knowledgeable of the world, and onward to the Divine, which means Mooladhara in the beginning parental affection, protective nature only can reach the gods realization

Siva is the Lord and Supreme first teacher. Ganesha here represents the ego-bound Jiva. When the Lord comes, the Jiva, surrounded as it is with the nebulous mind of ego. Egoism is the worst enemy of a human.Therefore, the Lord, in the form of the Guru, to suppress the ego cut off egoism and fixed the big head . Which means Guru only can cut of the egoism therefore one need Guru's advices and teachings.

Devi threatened to destroy the whole Creation after learning of the boy demise. Jagan matha fought to bring up that jiva to merge into the Supreme. (the mother one who will fight with father and make him to sign in child's progress report ) further more  Siva restoring life to Ganesha, and replaced his head with an elephant’s, means the Lord first replaces jiva from narrow mind to broad mind, because of Jagan matha,that Jiva bestowed with lots of knowledge and brought him as a supreme, and gave him a boon that If any one without consider about Gonesha his desire will not fulfil his wish will be obstacle....Which means if one wish to understand the ultimate reality in his mind without obstructions he must first receive the blessings from Ganesha.
we bow to Lord, Sri Ganesha, and pray for his bestow and full grace to all.
Such is the greatness of Sri Ganesha chadhurthi

Ps: It is said that Kannada speaking people the first day of Vinayakachadurti they will celebrate Gowri pooja even now it is in practice.The reason is because of gowri  Sri Ganesha's incarnation happened.

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