Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The cradle of spirituality

Hinduism is rightly called a Dharma that was evolved by the great Rishis (sages and hermits) of ancient India. It emphasizes the Dharma right way of living rather than a set of doctrines, and thus embraces diverse thoughts and practices. Hinduism has been called the "cradle of spirituality" and It is not a religion just a way of living in all aspects of life including family, social life, sciences, politics, business, art, and health behaviours. The sacred scriptures Vedas, epics, sastras, contain instructions on these aspects of life and have a strong influence on art and drama..... family life is also considered a sacred duty.
Hinduism commonly references the Bhagavad Gita is comprised of 700 verses from the epic Mahabharatram. Sri Rama and Sri Krishna incarnation is the important in the past 9 incarnations. Sri Krishna avathar is the full on the earth to fulfil two purposes  First to inspire and secondly to liberate. He inspires mankind through examples. He willingly takes upon himself all human limitations. Then through intense spiritual practice he goes beyond them and manifests his spiritual perfection. He goes through various spiritual disciplines and thereby manifests his perfection to set an example for mankind, just as a hen which even when not hungry picks and gobbles up birdseed just to teach its young ones how to eat; alike  Sri Krishna Incarnation for sake of mankind, goes through various duties quality in order to teach us how to attain perfection through spiritual practice through Bhakthi …. The aim of the Gita propounded in the incarnation of Lord Krishna is not so much to teach a theory as to enforce practice of dharma. We cannot separate in theory what is not separable in life. The duties of civic and social life provide religion with its tasks and opportunities.
The Gita explains the nature to increase one's awareness , the self, and the universe. It is the essence of spiritual and it is a marvel of practical wisdom.
It is Upanishad of Upanishats. It is a digest of the Upanishads, Gita is all essence of the Vedas hence it is very difficult to perceive the inner meanings.... Though t he way its concentration of teachings, to gain practical experience of the eternal truth, of bliss.
Sri Adi Sankarar emphasized in his Sankarabhasyam about Gita He says in his book that “The Bhavat Gila is symbolic of what transpires in every day of life. If one have a courage wavered of the mind gita will be a light to him 
Sri Krishna is the teacher par excellence (Jagat Guru) who teaching us the value of the life.
The Bhavat Gita is like the very big mighty ocean. Lots of people approach in this ocean for eternal bliss . Some might be collected see weeds, some sand particles yet some dive deep into it and retrieve precious pearls. Strictly speaking The Bhavat Gita is absolute duty of detachment (undesired karma) devotion ( bakthi) and (saranagathi) total surrender.
Sri Krishna says in Bahavat gita,..
When one abides in truthfulness,activity and it's fruition are grounded in the truth. When thought ceases checked by the exercise of discipline, he is content within the self, seeing the self Through himself.

Bahavat Gita will help us to learn to regulate our senses,righteousness, control our mind and gain spiritual strength. The Gita verses fresh an insight, and composed more than 5,000 years ago, still it is very much relevant to the modern life. People should Spend a few minutes daily read, they feel reflection of its message. One can experience its positive transformation. It is true. The Modern world people are busy they have no time. However somehow manage some time for this also, Then only our younger generation will learn and follow.
Gita is a tourch of ones life.

“Yatra yogeswaraha krishna yatra partho dhanurdaraha |
dhatra sri vijayo bhodirtruva needhir mama”||

Meaning: Wherever head of the yoga's Sri krishna and Archer Arjuna
is there in those places will be prosperously righteousness justice are for sure this is my conclusion of opinion .
We too pray to Nara Narayana (Sri Krishna Arjuna ) and get our eternal bliss.

the following URL is our guru's vakyam  listen and will be very nice enjoy.  


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