Monday, September 1, 2014


SriParamacharyar advised some simple instructions and proposed to the people to lead a purposefully conducive to moral general well-being in their life. This included their own duty with a sense of social
responsibility and  god-consciousness, showing unconditional love and mercy on all including pasu, pakshi, practising  of unselfish concern for the welfare of others, cultivating the ability to discriminate between good and evil and looking forward wisdom as the goal of life.For all these one should be knowledgeable

There are three kinds of knowledge:
1.Social-Knowledge (Vidyaor adhividya): That which is gained in school and colleges. This knowledge just gives the means of earning a living.
2.Yogic-Knowledge (YogaVidya): The knowledge of the secrets of this world and the world beyond the reach of physical senses.
3.Self-Knowledge (Atman Vidya or Brahman Vidya): The knowledge of the souland the supreme soul, the knowledge of self-realization, the knowledge of ones union with God.

All of these knowledge should be acquired in life. If Social-Knowledge is acquired but there is no Yogic-Knowledge,(Yogic means not exercise) then one will get lots of material comforts in life but his life will be devoid of peace of mind. Absence of peace of mind would result in unrighteous attitude. One may acquire Social-Knowledge and learned to create several objects and even make powerful bombs, but even after all this, one will not get peace. Hence it is necessary to aware of Self-Knowledge along with Social-Knowledge.
The first part initiating upadesam from a Sat Guru is a very essential.
For example A medical student is required to do residency under the guidance of experienced doctor even after he/she has completed the studies from medical school; A law graduate needs to practice law under the guidance of an expert advocate; similarly to have knowledge about the spiritual activities , one needs to take the help of somebody who knows the path very well.

Further Kanchi Mahan said that,initiating is as a healthy attitude. For instance if one sow a seed in the earth, in due course it will sprout then it will grow a plant and it will become a tree and give flowers and it will give raw fruit and that raw fruit will become nice sweet fruit. But if you pluck the raw fruit from the tree you will see some kind of wet like a drop will see from the plucked raw fruit, but once it completely ripe it will drop by it self from the tree.
Alike earth is our mind one should sow a seed of spirituality along with ones other studies. The learning process will be on, in due course his mind will open as a flower from a tree, in this time mind will be steady and concentrate more when he became learnt should not be pride like plucked raw fruit, even more learning like a ripe fruit god and he are one.
God is the source of supreme bliss and supreme peace. Because of ones super knowledge on God he becomes stronger, so he will have bliss and peace. Then wherever he goes, bliss and happiness will be with him.Others also will feel peaceful and happy with his company.
Then only he is eligible to teach other the art of living and talking on the right way of dealing with people as a great preceptor. He is the standard of perfection or excellence for everyone.

For example : The greatness nature of echo can re-generates the same sound... Similarly if one had been with a Sat Guru he will behave the same way as guru wherever he goes.
So Kanchi Mahan is Sakshat Parabrhama swaroopam (Kamakshi) for us she incarnated as Sri Maha guru.she sustained as sage of Kanchi for some time now she disappeared but certainly she will incarnate again.
Until then we all follow Mahans advice and the great teachings as “MahaMantram”

enjoy the rare vedio of Kanchi Mahan's explanation on Sri Sankara jayanthi day.

press ctrl +click on URL given below enjoy music


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