Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Intellectual Partner

The collection of past deeds which are responsible for the present body. Which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdham. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. Whomever maybe whether god, goddess, humans, or demons. It is only exhausted by being experienced.
Perhaps one should constantly be deep research on the reality of characteristic acts and the past deeds certainly will understand the epic of Mahabharadham.
It is said that In Krtayuga, Kali Devi, Saci Devi, Syamala Devi and Usha Devi went to Brahma Lokam and acted in to love in front of Four headed (Chaturmukha) Brahma to insult him. Brahma cursed the four Davis to be born as human beings and have physical relationship with somebody other than their husbands. Very sadly all the Devi's are approached Bharati Devi, the consort of Brahma was able to neutralize Brahma's curse. In Draupati's body there are five jivas. Four are mentioned above and in addition Bharati Devi is also there. When one of the husband comes to live with Draupati's, only the corresponding jivas will active by the grace of Bharati Devi. This is the solution of their curse begins to neutralize.. Draupati's is Swayam Sree. She was born with unlimited knowledge (Sarvagyana,) adorned with all the ornaments, youthful, and she is the most beautiful woman in the three worlds. She had the special presence of (Uma) Kali in her. She possessed all the auspicious physical features. For being superior among all women Draupadi got the name ‘Krishani’.because she has ‘Sri Krishna's complexion, and ‘She was a Lord Krishna devotee by having superior grace of lord...   Draupati's married Pandava's hence forth she earned name is Panchali.
Panchali was an intelligent women who often played a role in the affairs of the state. King Yudhishthira often sought her advice in matters related to state and wealth. Draupadi and Bhima had a materialistic view on matters of life compared to Yudhishthira who had a philosophical view often close to principles... Arjuna on the other hand was having mixed feelings about someone or something. With views ranging from high philosophy to intellectual and wealth creation. Nakulan was skilled in matters related to mathematics and Sahadevan in astronomy and predictions. Due to difference in attitude and interests, these six had heated but healthy debate on matters of life and philosophy of life and conduct of men and women. Many chapters in Vana Parva of Mahabharata is dedicated to conversations between these six which gives tremendous insight into the lives of men and women with varying technical aspects...
Panchali was not just a wife for the Pandava's but was like an intellectual partner in their discussions and a minister for king Yudhishthira. This could be the reason why only Panchali among all other wives of the Pandava's followed them in all their walks of life. She often offered healthy criticism for some of the actions of the king. Though the Pandava's held Panchali in high regard, she was often looked upon down by others like Karna and Duryodhana who had a very low view on women. They criticized Panchali for being the wife of five men and humiliated her in public at the assembly hall of Hastinapuram. This was the major reason that arose the anger of the Pandavas against the Kauravas culminating in the Kurukshetra War. Panchali was also accused of being partial to Arjuna, though in Mahabharatam we see her being close to Bhima and Yudhishthira as well.
Panchali had a friendly relationship with Sri Krishna and his consorts .Rukmini and . Satyabhama Conversation between Panchali and Satyabhama is a famous passage in the Vana Parva of Mahabharatam that asserts the independence and free will of women. Both Krishna and the five Pandavas respected the independence and free will of women. Even those days emphasized about women's freedom,
Because of her virtuous nature, Draupadi is considered one of the panchakanya, a group of five women who are especially venerated The other four are: Kunti , the mother of the Pandavas and an accomplished scholar of the Atharva Veda; Tara , the wife of Vali who was instrumental in reconciling Rama with Sugriva; Ahalya Sage Gautam’s wife who was given a blessing of purity from Sri Rama; and Mandodari, the virtuous wife of Ravana who had the courage to speak out against her husband when he kidnapped Sita. Simply remembering these virtuous women, according to tradition, destroys great sins.
The above interpretation merely seeks to draw attention to the importance of all aspects of the environment, for, as human beings, we have within us, all the elements that exist outside of us. The earth and its livings, Sri Krishna as Veda Vyasa is portraying mutual harmony and women's liberty to the common man through this epic story of Mahabharatam. Reading is not a waste of time. If anything is read to pass time, all will pass with time and nothing remains


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