Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Arrogance Nature Destroy The Wisdom

God does not make one to suffer for no reason , and also he will not make one to be happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives exactly what one deserves.

All deeds one s action is called karma.. Karma is not a punishment or evil . It is a result of one's natural act... (Karma means "deed" or "act") according to the modern universal principle of Cause and Effect. Action and Reaction,.. That to have predominant influence in all life. The effects will be known in one's later life and also able to learn a good lesson .
The Same principal Mahabharatram picturized to us to learn morels and ethics through the characters.... The story of Karnan cannot begin or end without Kunthii, she is the central character and also She was Karnan’s biological mother...
Ancient mythology said about Kunthi a symbol of the Earth... (the process of vegetating.) In Sanskrit, 'kum-ti' means the Earth. Kunthi's other name is' Pritha', meaning prithvi or the Earth. Life originated on this planet earth through the rays of the Sun, that is, vegetation, Karna, literally, means grain with chaff.(a grain with its husk ) Thus, he represents seed, the essence of kingdom's plant. But a seed cannot sprout without water. So, to hide her illegitimate child,(born of parents who were unmarried) Kunthi placed him in a box and floated the box in the waters of the river Aswathi. Karnan born with a golden protective armor and earrings in the Sanskrit words, Kavacham and Kundalam
A charioteer brought him up. Karnan was a great warrior and could match Arjuna in archery. But his life went very miserable and  wasted  by supporting evil force nature  of Duryodhana..
Duryodhana needs some one to fight with Arjuna so he bought a soul named Karnan for his purpose and made him as a king of Angadesam. Otherwise Karnan can not participate along with princes for the competition, so he was very aggressive arrogant , accepted his offer and he showed all his ability to the royal audience. Other word is..that Karnan sold his soul to Duryodhana forever.... . His wisdom was lost in friendship of Duryodhana and like others he was also thinking of ways to show Pandeva's in bad light..
Once he became as evil and joined with a big evil force he has to faced too many problems and struggled a lot...
The first part:
Indiran came as Braman and begged for his Kavacham and Kundalam to save his son Arjuna.. The sun god gave warning still he could not refuse so he cut them and gave it to him. ..
Indiran, was filled with surprise and joy. After accepting the gift, he praised Karna as having done what no one else would do, and, shamed into generosity, Greeting and prizing him and also he told Karnan that he can ask for any boon as he wished....
Karnan replied: "I desire to get your weapon, the Sakthi, which has the power to kill enemies." Indiran granted the boon, with a fateful condition that . He said: "You can use this weapon against one enemy, it will kill him whosoever he may be. After that , this weapon will no longer be available to you it will return to me." With these words Indiran disappeared. (He lost his protection)
The second Part :
According to Duryodhana's wish and Sakunis advise he went as a brahman. to Parasurama and told lies to learn Brahmastram...He was learning all the acts of delivery of weapons in a fast manner.. His style of act and learning capacities Parasurama surprised and suspected,, however he taught the expected brahmasra . Unexpected fatal day appeared in front of him, his Guru wished to recline his head on Karna's lap and he slept .. when a stinging worm drilled into Karna's thigh. terrible bleeding and began to flow and the pain was intolerable But Karna bore it without tremor and without disturbing his gurus sleep but his bad time Parasurama felt wetness to his arm and he awoke and saw the blood was oozing from the wound.
He said: "who are you..? you are not a brahman , A kshatriya alone can tolerate this kind of bleeding and unmoved bodily torments. Tell me the truth."
He could not deny the truth so he told the truth, the, punishment of the lie Parasurama angrily cursed him that "Since you deceived your guru, for the Brahmastra .. I give curse for your dishonest act that You will forget the spell of the Brahmastra at your fatal moment.” ..Karna felt very upset and sadly he returned back to the kingdom. That effort got fail .. (he became untrustworthy and earned curse)
The Third Part :
According to Sri Krishna's advise Kundhi went to Karna when he usually praying the place and she was waiting till his prayer is over. Once Karna finished his prayer he saw surprisingly Pandava's mother was waiting for him.. He humbly received her and enquired the reason of her visit. Kundhi explained all full tale of his birth and she said to him that “I am your mother you are not Radheyen you are kundeyan” ..”Shedding tears from his eyes and he said now is too late .I can not go with you and console your self, either with Arjuna you have five sons or with me five sons be satisfied with this” so to make sure she asked him for two kind of boons, first as he told should not kill all four sons other than arjuna , and second is he should not use Nagasthram more then one time on Arjuna Karnan laughed and said “Royal blood your presence of mind and motherly affection to protect your children”..Alright whatever happen that will be true” he granted the two boons to Kundhi and he also asked two boons from her that one is she should not tell anyone that he is her son till this war is over, second is perhaps he died in this war she has to keep his head on her lap as proclamation she should make know that he is her own son... very sadly she granted and went off..(he became pitiable)
The fourth part :
When he was practicing the shooting the arrow to the point.. by mistake it went and killed a cow of a brahmin family. That was their livelihood, that man got upset hence with his grief he cursed him that during the war time his chariots wheel be buried into mud.
Because of his arrogance nature and show that his goodwill to Duryodhana he earned another curse (Here he has committed two kind of sins one is Gohathi another is his bad Karma.)
The fifth part:
His charioteer Salyan with his overbearing pride he ditched karnan when he needed barely help to pull out the wheel of the chariot His uncooperative nature just he went off.. Helpless Karnan was struggling to pull the wheel. Out ,.At the time Krishna's advice .Arjuna shot his arrows on unarmed Karnan... Karnan reminded Arjuna of righteousness. At that time Lord Krishna reminded Karnan of all his evil deeds done by him. Karnan had no answer to that. He could only bow down his head in shame. Karnan died a death of shame and defeat... A great warrior lost his wisdom because he supported an evil force.....
Nothing is free in this world. If some thing find as free for sure there will be some kind of hidden catch. Many can think that he was being head of Dharmam. all happened bad to him... I wish to correct he was giving dhanam (Offerings )not Dharmam ..here is a differences between Dhanam and Dharmam.. Dharmam is act of pious deed.. But dhanam is offerings....
From this story of Mahabhratham teaches avoid Arrogantly crossing the own limits other wise have to face lots of difficulties. Sage Veda Vyasa munis message to the world...
Sri Bhagavat gita told in twice. First as the characteristic manner like story telling and second time as poems in the war field...!!


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