Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Literature of Nature

The peculiar beauties of the Puranic literatures are act of nature and imagination. An incident In a delightful event in the Ramayanam, that Hanuman, who described with affectionately as very wise and earnest. When he imagined that the beautiful young woman he saw at Ravana's inner courtyard was Sita. Just fraction of a minute confusion that seconds his reaction was described really amazing. Wonderfully depicted when Hanuman found sita in Asoka forest and he saw her situation his narration in soft voice about  Rama’s birth till then to sita really marvelous wonder. All in them usually some background is given in explanation of animals having the gift of human speech. The Puranas are giving references about a previous birth of those creatures were human beings. For instance, a deer was a rishi in a previous birth, or a fox a king. These are occurred being degraded due to a curse. In such cases the deer will act as a deer and yet speak as a rishi, and in the fox the clever nature is shot through with the Characteristics of a wise and experienced king. The stories are thereby made interesting parts of the great truths to convey in the stories narrated in the Puranas, birds and beasts speak like men, and sometimes they give sound advice and even teach spiritual wisdom.
After death of Pandu and Madthuri Kunthi devi returned to kingdom with her five children, According to the rule kowravas to give half of the country to them so they offered a place that forest full of uneven places and thorns and prickles rotten with the wastages of a long dead city, called Kandavaprastham..It was indeed a frightful place when it came into the possession of the Pandavas. Birds and beasts had made it their abode, and it was cruel thieves and wicked men. Sri Krishna and Arjuna resolved to set fire to the forest and construct a new city in that place.
There was a rishi named Mandapala long lived faithful to his vow of perfect brahmacharyam but when he sought entry to the higher regions, the gatekeeper said: “There is no place here for a childless man" and turned him back. Any man or rishi perhaps who is not Sanyasi even he has to cross to reach higher degree those are follow the rule as Brahmacharyam, grahastasramam, vanaprastasram then he to try to obtain salvation. The sage Mandabala did not cross from the first step so he got curse to be born as a saranga bird. He was then born as a saranga bird and lived with a female companion in Kandavaprastham.
Female saranga bird hatched four eggs in time and they were the four birds. The male bird was pleasantly roaming about in the forest with another female bird neglecting wife and children. The mother bird looked after its young ones. As the forest was set on fire as  Commanded by Sri Krishna and Arjuna and the fire spread in all directions, doing its Destructive work, the mother bird  regretfully worried and She said” to the children “'The fire is coming nearer and nearer burning everything, and soon it will be here and destroy us. All forest creatures are in despair and the air is full of distresses with extreme crash of falling trees. Poor wingless babies! You will become a prey to the fire. What shall I do? Your father has deserted us, and I am not strong enough to fly away carrying you with me."
As they were the children of a rishi to the mother who was worrying thus, said: "Mother, do not worry yourself on our account. Leave us to our fate. If we die here, we shall attain a good birth in some future life. If you give up your life for our sake, our family will become no longer. Fly to a place of safety, take a mate and be happy. You will soon have other children and be able to forget us. Mother, reflect and do what is best for our race. “The mother has no mind to leave her children. She said: "I shall remain here and pass away in the flames with you."
Then all of sudden she struck with an idea and said to the children “Here is a rat-hole by the side of this tree. I shall put you there. You can get into the hole and escape the fire. I shall close the mouth of the hole with earth and the fire will not touch you. When the fire dies down I shall let you out. The children refused and said “Inside there is a big rat it will be eaten up” The mother bird tried to relieve the fears of the children and said: "I saw an eagle swallowed the rat. There is now no danger for you inside the hole.  The children refusing their mother’s idea and said: "There are sure to be other rats in the hole. Our danger is not ended by the killing of one rat by the eagle. Kindly save your life by flying before the fire reaches us and this tree catches fire. We cannot get into the rat hole. Why should you sacrifice your life for our sake? How have we tolerate it, which we have done nothing for you? We have only brought you unhappiness since we came into the world. Take another mate and live happily." Un happily the mother bird flown away.
In the meantime the fire which destroyed the whole forest yet mercifully left the baby birds lived part. When the fire had subsided, the mother bird came back and saw with wonder that her children were safe and chirping merrily. She embraced them and was intensely happy. While the fire was furious the male bird was very worried and anxious for the safety of his young ones, and flown from long way to see his children’s safety. After a long time the male bird entered the place where his children live and he saw the children and his wife are safe he was very happy. That saved forest made arrangements for water and all facilities to live all kind of animals and birds. All other left the forest came back and lived very happy
From this incidence Mahabharadham gave a message to the world that children are precious to all whether human beings, birds, animal and insects for everyone. Mercy nature is necessary to all. Arrogances should be avoided.  

Vyasam vasista Naptaram shakteh Pautrama Kalmasham Paraacharaatmajam vande Shukataatam Taponidhim. Vyasaya Vishnu roopaya Vyasaroopaya Vishnave Namovai Brahmanidhaye Vasistaya Namo Namaha

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