Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Consecrate of Treasure

The significance of Gods incarnations are great philosophical thought and scientifically proven one.
Science tells us that early life forms on earth were fish or aquatic animals.Then came amphibians such as turtles. Then followed by land animals like boars- they were not quite human; then evolving into human beings.. The evolution into human being becomes complete. The resemblance between the Divine incarnations and evolving life forms on earth is undoubtedly quite fascinated...
Physics tells us about the theory of conservation of energy. According to this theory, energy is never destroyed; rather one kind of energy becomes transformed into another kind of energy. It can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms...As such God in order to incarnate on earth in human forms as Rama and Krishna creates an earthly body for himself through his inscrutable divine power and enters into it. By his invisible powers he gives others the impression that he was born of human parents and many of them..
Among the others Sri Krishna incarnation is the complete and his teachings are absolutely unique.
He played plenty of leelas (Pranks) we all aware of them, all have their own philosophy and Atma Sakshatkaram. It is said that the name Krishna it self is auspicious Krish+na = Krishna . Krish means plough Na means sowing , he plows and sows the knowledgeable (jgyanam) seed in the land of a humans mind that's why he is called Krishana.

Once the event of Rasa Leela took place in a vrindhavana forest on a beautiful full moon night. Lord Krishna begins to play his flute.at once hearing the melodious musical sound of Lord Krishna’s flute the Gopis secretly left their houses and went to the forest. Once they saw him they all became like mesmerized and demanded him for a dance ,,then they performed dance with Lord Krishna throughout the night. Once Brahma-Vidhya is awakened, the gopis abandon their belongings to reach Krishna.(Parabrahmam)
This event is very beautifully analyzed by Mahans:
It is said that the gopis are considered to be Sati. (sati is symbolized a attainable souls). Krishna plays the flute to call the gopis. The flute sound represents a teachers call , (guru) The music is knowledge of Brahma-Vidhya. The music flowing from the flute awaken the thirst for spiritual knowledge in the gopis. . Krishna is absolute true self. (Brahmanishtar) To see the event the moon is given more and more a luminous bright at the forest. The brahmadhi devas extended the night to enjoy more the Rasa leela

The Rasa leela took place in a circle form . The gopis represent the jeevatma. Sri Krishna in the middle is Paramatma in his absolute form. (All the jeevatmas entrusting to merge with Paramatma) There is only one krishna surrounded by the gopis. but he also appears as a partner for each and every gopi. There are as many Krishn as with gopis represents his Antharyami form
Thus the entire Rasa leela represents Sri Krishna's Sarva vyabi swaroopa dharshanam; He is absolute Parabrahmam.
The gopis originated the Brahma vidya from Sri Krishna through their own path as lovable devotion. If one even say their every action as Sri"Krishnarpanamasthu" Really He is there to save us.
Sri Krishna told in Bhagavat Gita that:

“Yeyada mam prabatyante yhams-thadaiva bhajamyaham |
mamavartmanuvarthade manushyapartha sarvachaha

The Meaning: Whoever may be any kind of the way they come to me I protect and give the salvation through their path ..

Out of compassion for his creatures who take refuge in him he absorbs their sins into his earthly body and suffers on their behalf and gives them salvation
The Bhagavata Purana says that whoever hears or describes the Rasa Leela he attains Krishna`s pure loving devotion.

(Please press ctrl+click on the URL enjoy the music)



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