Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just a Reminder

A Cardiologist went to a village to create awareness of heart disease stress management to the villagers. After finished the formal introduction he started to tell the cause of the heart disease.
“Ladies and gentlemen now I wish to inform you why people are getting heart attacks even the young ages 80% of people are getting this disease why? There are various reasons but the impotent causes are 1. stress 2.tobacco 3. fat food 4. opacity 5 alcohol 6 No exercise
First I come to the stress there is a proverb “The finest steel comes from the hottest furnaces” like a person has to face plenty of difficulties, good and bad incidents to come up in his career all that are common, but One should know how to handle them. For example a small bundle of grains (about one KG) if one hold for a minute nothing will happen the same bundle if one hold for five minutes hand start to have mild hurt but the same thing if hold half day hand will get ache, further if one hold that bundle for full day hand will get numb and motionless, alike all worries should forget soon otherwise one will enter with the following troubles like, Memory problems, Inability to concentrate, Poor judgment, Seeing only the negative, Anxious or racing thoughts, Constant worrying, Moodiness,Irritability, short temper, Agitation, inability to relax, Sense of loneliness and isolation, Depression or general unhappiness,finally end up with Physical problems as Aches and pains, Diarrhea or constipation Nausea, dizziness Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Frequent colds. So we should not wish to hold the bundle for all day along put down it similarly it is so important to remember all worries tensions to let go out from our mind, then only the concentration power will increase.
The second is tobacco there was an announcement says that“Cancer cures tobacco habit “(Smoking, chewing, or inhalations (snuff)... Tobacco use leads most commonly affecting the heart, and lungs. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks strokes ,chronic pulmonary deceases including the lungs abnormality, enlargement of air spaces accompanied by destruction of the tissue lining the walls and the air spaces and chronic acute inflammation of the membrane lining of the bronchial tubes, respiratory infection ,and cancer. It is also causes peripheral vascular disease and hypertension.The effects depends on the number of years that a person smokes and  how much he smokes. A person smoking cigarette from his young ageis higher risk of those diseases. Also, environmental smoke, or secondhand smoke, has been shown to cause adverse health affects in people of all ages. Significantly reduced lifespan – If teens continue their habit into adulthood, they can expect to spend money over several thousand extra for medical care.
Finally,fat food . Opacity, Alcohol, No exercise: These are chain relatives,The fat food is enemy to digest system, and indigestion will trigger to put on weight, because of heaviness body become slow inactive and, adding alcohol body system become completely sluggish. The result is indigestion food produces excess glucose Insulin deficiency results is diabetes. Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Cholesterol can be reduced by dieting program but Triglyceride is very hard to reduce if the both show high result is conformed heart attack. I am not against your eating habits, I am very practical person, for anything once in a while eating new things nothing harm,like holding the grain bundle for one minute, other wise it will lead to unhealthy life.
“Ladies and Gentlemen I have come here to give impart knowledge of a fact  how to prevent from heart disease and lead a healthy life. Kindly do not think that I scared up you all, whatever I told is true”. That doctor took leave and went .
99.9% of people know all above mentioned problems however just this is a reminder.

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