Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Righteousness Misdeed

The Mahabaratam is the great wisdom to a mankind, If one understand well about the divine wisdom, then he can know the differences between the true self and the divine soul... Which is the join companion, sophistication, and gives benefits of his worldly experience... Each and every character teaches the scholarly knowledge.. Once achieve the wisdom should learn to know the real and unreal. In this part is very difficult to understand, we can not punish any one without enquire the fact. Here Mahabhratham teaches that how to be a lawful. If one miss what will happened.
There was a very highly cultured life in the seclusion of forest recesses, centered round religious teachers. These Hermitages (ashramas) kept alive the bright fires of learning and spiritual thought. Young men of noble birth eagerly sought education at these hermitages. World-aged people went there for peace. These centers of culture were respected by the rulers of the land..
Sage Mandavya spent his days in long penance and meditations. One day he was under the mauna vratam (Meaning he won't speak that day)and deep in meditation, a group of robbers came to his hermitage, with stolen things  from the King’s palace and were being chased by the soldiers. They entered in to the hermitage and saw Rishi Mandavya in deep meditation . They hid the stolen things in his hermitage and ran away. After for some time , the soldiers came there and asked Rishi if he had seen any robbers.?

Rishi Mandavya was out of his meditation, but could not speak due to his mauna vratam. .he could not answered to the soldiers.. The soldiers rushed in to the hermitage and saw the Stolen things. The commander of the soldiers took the things and went to the king. And said “O your majesty.. I have found the chief of the robbers with these stolen ornaments. The robber is wearing the cloth as a Sage and pretending to be in mauna vratam.” Without verifying the facts, the King issued orders for Sage Mandavya to be speared. The commander speared the sage.
The virtuous Sage Mandavya did not die due to his yogic powers. The news spread in the kingdom the king was very frightened and surprised came to the spot and saw that sage was alive.. as soon as the king saw the sage he ordered to the soldiers to bring him down and the soldiers did so, The king did prenams and beg for his pardon and forgiveness..
Sage was not angry on the king and pardoned ..

.Then the Sage directly went to Dharma devan the head of the righteousness and asked “I have led a pious and virtuous life, yet I was subject to his punishment. What did I do wrong that I was punished thus?”
“Dharmadevan replied that he was poked the ants and insects with a sharp pin , It is law of Karma and sin. Any bad or evil deed will beget the punishment .
The Sage asked to Dharmadevan “When did I poked the ants and insects with the sharp pin ?”
Darmadevan replied that “You poked ants and insects when you were a child,”
Sage Mandavya got very angry and said, “Dharmadeva, your punishment far exceeds the sins committed as a child in ignorance. I give you a curse that you to be born in the earth as in a low class human being and live with grievous in that life till death.”
Lord Dharma who was thus cursed by the sage Mandavya incarnated as Vidura and was born of the servant-maid of Ambalika, the wife of Vichitravirya.

Each story of these teachings is a rare jewel. It is only when you completely understand the nature of the wisdom the path of righteousness. that one will be able to understand the Mahabaratam in full and live a life free of grief and sorrow.
Take great interest to learn properly the knowledge which is very essential one to discharge his/her duties. faith that you will be able to fulfill the role for which you have taken a human life. Faith in yourself and trust in God is the real secret of greatness. 

vacanam madhuram caritam madhuram vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram | calitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram madhuradhipaterakhilammadhuram ||

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