Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sparkling Mist

Ramayanam Speaks elaborately , about Ayodya the city is about 9000 years old. And also it speaks about the important characteristic of Kaikeyi and her birth, also her brave deeds and noble qualities.
Kaikeyi is only princesses' of the King Aswapathi. She is very beautiful looking girl and she is very good and efficient warrior, educated,smart very knowledgeable skill, capable to rule a country and also very good hunter and an expert in astronomy.
One day when she was young girl playing with her friends she happen to see a white beautiful Rabbit and she wanted to catch it so she was chasing it but it ran into a hermitage she also went in but that rabbit went to some where she saw a Rishi was doing penance with closed his eyes just she was in playing mood she covered the sages eyes with her fingers, but that sage angrily opened his eyes saw a girl in front of him very angrily cursed her as “O child you have covered my eyes when I am in deep penance to have Lord Narayana's Darshan but you disturbed me for its reaction your life also become dark reason of Sri Narayana.” As soon as she heard this words from the sage she ran to his father and told the whole story. The king convinced her and he was very sad about the sage's curse.
Years passed Kaikeyi become young maiden. Unexpectedly astrologer and Kaikeyi's guru entered Aswapathi's kingdom and the king welcomed the sage in a grand manner and offered a nice seat to him .
The king subtly requested the purpose of sage's visit. The sage smiled at a glance to the king and said “ O Aswapathy I have come here to remind about your daughter Kaikeyi's marriage; what is your intention and any proposal?
The king said that “O Guru I have not found any one till now also I have not see anybody seriously, without your permission how can it possible?.
Hearing this the sage was satisfied with the king and he told that “Aswapathy other day I met Vasister when I was having chat with him he told that Monarch Dasaratha fallen love with Kaikeyi, unexpectedly one day he saw during her hunting he noticed her ability of hunting and also her beauty so he fallen love with her, so Just I have come here to ask your opinion; What do you think? The king took some time to think. Then he implored the guru to stay for few days.
After a long, day and night thought he arrived with a diction and went to the sage and said “O guru I thought so but a small confusion not for he marrying my daughter he can marry her but already he is having two queens if his first wife have child he may have crown as monarch but I have not even think bad for Kaikeyi so minding my daughters welfare I have arrived to accept with a condition” that is my grand son only to have crown as monarch Hearing this the sage replied him that “Aswapathi according to her horoscope certainly she will marry the Ayodya monarch Dasaratha she will live happily but later stage her curse will start to play it's role”...The sage went. Incidentally the king was thinking about his fatal past life. Due to a boon, he was able to understand the language of the birds, beasts, and insects. However, this was accompanied by a warning that if he ever revealed the content of bird speak to anyone, even his own mother, that he would immediately lose his life; all the day it was very secretly he kept with him . One day, the King and his Queen were walking through the palace gardens during their walk the king happened to hear the conversation of a pair of mated swans. The conversation so amused him that he laughed a little loud.
Noticed his loud lough the queen insisted him to tell her the amazement thought she also enjoy . But he can not reveal the conversation according to his boon, perhaps he bring out the bird's conversation he will lose his life, he was very reluctant to tell her yet She started to grumble too much on and on hence he begin to dislike her so he had banished her from Kekaya because of her inquisitiveness it was her peculiar nature, he was afraid to lead a life with her. Kaikeyi never saw her mother again. She was grown from her childhood by her nursemaid, Manthara. Kaikeyi has seven brothers, she was only the girl child never enjoyed maternal affection from her childhood home. Poor she had grown up absence of motherly affection. Thinking her past his eyes filled with tear.
The King interrupted by a messenger from Kosala saying about Monarch Dasaratha's visit to meet king Aswapathi.
Soon Monarch Dasaratha came and accepted his wish that he will crown Kaikeyi's son, so the marriage held in Kekaya and Dasaradha brought Kaikeyi to Kosala with Royal respectfully as his integrity, beliefs and for his deeds:
The King Aswapathi, was delighted that Kaikeyi joined as a companion, of Kosala, Though something obstructs in his mind and he was worried all the time about Kaikeyis cursed life.
Mean while according to Indira 's request Dhasaratha went to have a battle with a demon called “Samhasura” Kaikeyi accompanied with him. During a furious battle between the two, the wheel of Daśaratha's chariot broke and Samhasura's arrow pierced the King's armor and lodged in his chest. Kaikeyi, who was acting as Dasaratha's charioteer, quickly repaired the broken wheel and then drove the chariot away from the battle field. She nursed the wounded King back to health and they killed the demon and won the battle. Touched by her courage and timely service, Daśaratha offered her two boons. She said that she will ask those boons when she needed so they were very happy.
Years passed King Dasaratha also getting old so he was worried because he has had no children to succeed the crown for that he consulted with his Guru Vasister and according to his advise they decided to perform Putrakameshti Yagam . During the same period of time; there was a group discussion of the devas in the heaven for the reason that Brahma the creator without thinking had granted the boon to Ravana, he has mighty power he is disrupting and killing all maharishis including women " it is beyond our capacity to subdue or kill Ravana. Sri Vishnu is our only refuge and it was for him to devise a method by which Ravana can be slain and his despotism ended".
Lord Brahma knew that he had granted the boon to Ravana that he would be invincible against devas, asuras, gandharvas and other such others. In his arrogance Ravana did not care to ask for security against mankind. As Brahma revealed this fateful omission all the gods rejoiced and turned to Vishnu.
All Devas surrendered themselves to Sri Vishnu and implored him to be born as a human being and put an end to Ravana and his atrocities. Sri Vishnu agreed and assured the devas that he would incarnate as the first of the four sons of King Dasaratha who was then performing a sacrifice for progeny.
The Yaga was performed in a grand manner. At the noon-time the sun god holding a bowl of gold, called the king by his name and said: "Dasaratha all the devas are pleased with you and are answering your prayers. Here is porridge sent by the gods for your wives. You will be blessed with sons if they have drink this divine beverage." Dasaratha's wives partook of the porridge and Sri Vishnu as he had assured the devas, incarnated as a son to King Dasaratha through his wife Kausalya. The child was named Sri Rama. Another child to Kaikeyi named Bharatha and Sumitra gave birth twin children Named Lakshmana and Chatrukana.
Kaikeyi was too affectionate with Rama then her own son Bharatha. Rama and his brothers sent to Gurukulam and so on they all are grown up became a youths and they married the Mithilapuri king Janaka's princess.
Oneday Kaikeyi was standing in her palaces attic and watching the sky atmosphere, when she was watching she found a comet (Val Nakshatram)If it fall down the king's position will be in danger in the country, also for 14 years the country would have been without king, and drought, the country will suffer she was so confused and came to the palace worshiping place and she worshipped the ancestors of Soorya/Ragu dynasty and the son god, went back to her palace sitting on her seat, at that time, a messenger from Kekaya and inviting her for some occasion, but she was so confused mind so in this state she can not attend, so she sent Bharatha and also Chatrukana accompanied with him.
In the mean time Mandhara happen to hear an announcement with drumbeat from the Monarch Dasaradha's external court saying that “The next day is Sri Rama's crowning celebrations so all the citizen of Ayodhi all their homes and the streets should be decorated in a grand manner” .once mandhara heard the news her ill will nature rose extensively against Rama she ran to Kaikeyi and told about the announcement from Royal court, hearing the news from Mandhara she became more bewildered, as soon as Mandhara sees Kaikayi's impression she used the opportunity and said “ Amma you have deceived by the king Dasaratha I heard an announcement that Rama is going to have crowning ceremony tomorrow itself,”
Itis said, The doctrine of analogy for a worried mind: The worried mind is more familiar to search or approachable way to reach all points. Alike Kaikeyi's mind was searching for a firm solution.
Hearing the news from Mandhara Kaikeyi asked her for a solution, and mandhara reminded about her two boons when Sambarasura battle so she asked Kaikeyi to use those two boons now, First is ask him to send 14 years Rama's exile from the country and the second is ask the king to crown your son Bharatha.
Then Manthara gave some instructions to Kaikeyi and went off.
When happily Monarch Dasaratha entered in the kaikayi's palace for his surprise it was messed up the king felt unpleasant experience  because Kaikeyi's palace is very famous for it's decoration, and cleanness. At the very moment that he sighted the state of the palace; all his merry mood vanished from his face. He went in further he saw kaikayi was lying on the floor with tears on her eyes, she ever before behaved like this. He stunned to see her and asked the reason and she lifted her head soon she saw the king she busted out but intensely she changed her face looked like angry and asked him“ before you take diction always you will consult me why you did not consult me about Rama's crowing ceremony; Independently  you have decided and announced  people of country you have taken last priority to inform to me why you did not ask before decide this big occasion”? The king said that “ Kaikeyi do not argue any thing more already when I entered here I saw lots of inauspicious signs so listen tome.” She did not listen in fact she was not in mood to listen so goes on the argument become strengthen at last he agreed to give those old boons then very happily she told the nature of boons. The first boon is Rama should exile for 14 years and the second boon is her son Bharatha should crown as monarch of the country on same time and same day. The mighty warrior, majestic personality of Monarch Dasaradha hearing this words he fainted, she was waited for he to awake soon he come around a little normal nature again he asked her if she has changed her mind but stubbornly  stood on her words and Dasaradha reluctantly granted the boons with lots curses and he again went in unconscious state. Soon she gain her boon sent message to Rama and he came to Kaikeyi and she told about her boon and told him to leave soon from the country to forest.
We should not think if Bharatha crowned as a king he also has to face the critical period.? Kaikeyi is Bharatha's own mother she new about his nature if all other brothers are affectionate to Rama but Bharadha is devotee of Rama.
After sending his son into exile, a grief-stricken Dasaratha died of a broken heart six days after Rama left Ayodya. She came to blame herself for this death. Furthermore, Bharata swore never to ascend the throne as it was his older brother's birth right. He further blamed her for his father's death and is said never to have addressed her as "mother" again. But later due to Rama's influence, he forgave his mother .. and her maid "Manthra".
if one with fear, or desire, identification of the truth and ones acts of good nature will not realize clearly . The King Aswapathi Kaikeyi's father did not even think about her only daughter, but his life was very much needed so Kaikeyi brought up without motherly affection, the second part was her married life . Her husband knew about her nature and he lived so long years with her but his exerted mind stopped his thinking power However she did not think about her own life but she protected the Ragu dynasty.. Her life was a sparkling mist.
The mist on the leaf shines like multi colored stars in the morning sun rays. But in the due courses will evaporate.
The Ramayanam epic is very precious chest and the best  teacher to mankind.


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