Monday, September 1, 2014

Sightless Compassion

Once a poor man came to a house and asked something to eat The kind lady of the house took pity on him wished to offer food and she told him to sit under a tree in her home garden. She went to her kitchen and brought some food to him. ,He did prayer to God and began to eat,
That house lady closed the door and was busy with her work completely she for got about him... the servant who came to that house as usual for watering the plants...who went to back yard and brought hose and some thing and came to front begin to watering the plants,
When he was watering the plants suddenly he noticed that lots of crow crowd was picking some thing from the floor..surprisingly he went to near that place, as soon as he saw he felt very afraid and ran to the door step knocked the door and he called that lady with trembled voice ...The house hold lady is a nice artist so she was painting some picture..As soon as she heard the Gardner annoyed voice she kept her painting aside and came and esquired him..showing the crow crowd and said that “Madam some thing happened wrong madam”
She saw that he showed the direction there was lots of crows were picking and eating some thing then she got remember that some one came this afternoon and she gave food may be some thing spilled out the crows are eating, presuming that” what was wrong..? if crows picking up some thing from the floor.. is that wrong..?.the servant told her “No madam if crows eat some thing from the floor not a wrong action but there is a dead body lying under the tree all crows are picking food from that body madam ..?..
Heard this from him that she asked him again and he told the same.. she went to that place and saw that body who came for food he did not eat full but he died how..? Immediately she informed her husband who is a police officer..he came home with an ambulance and with all other people, the body has taken to the hospital for autopsy test.(A medical examination on a dead body is called autopsy test)because the death occurred in a police officer home garden by law of the state, even cause of death is unknown the autopsy test is a must, because the record must be clear. That police officer was asking his wife the tale of the incident again and again, and she was repeating the same...
when he was eating some thing happened he died was an absolute mystery to every one....!! What would be happened..? what would be the medical officer's result ..?
Poor lady she has got confused,.. please tell her a consolable words till the result comes that.... what would be happened...? 


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