Monday, September 1, 2014

Immortal teaching

In the Mahabharatam, Drona was a brahmin teacher appointed by the Royal Family of Hasthinapuram to teach theyoung Kaurava and Pandava princes .. He himself was trained by Parasurama,
Ekalavya was the son of Hiranyadhanus, king of the Nishada. He approached Drona to learn the arts of war, especially archery. After a long waiting he met Drona..In the beginning Drona was quite impressed the young boy and his sincere desire so he asked Ekalavya about his background. Once he found that he was a lower cast that Drona did not like, He could not tolerate that boy in front of Arjuna and other Royal students...He saw Ekalavya, looks soil stain had matted locks (onhead), ugly clothing bearing a bow in hand and was constant shooting arrows comparing with the royal children Drona could not bear so he refused to teach him...
Deeply hurt by Drona's rejection, Ekalavya returned home, but he was firm to learn and to be a master in archery, so he went into a jungle and made a statue of Drona. the statue as his guru and practised in front of it
His belief that the statue would teach and kept him determined. He went through a disciplined program of self-study over many years. Eventually, Ekalavya became an archer of exceptional ability, greater than the royal princes,
One day the young Kaurava and Pandava  princes went for hunting with their teacher Drona to a jungle but coincidentally they reached the jungle where Ekalavya lived. While the princes were hunting around in the jungle, they happen to stay for the night. It was a new moon day (amavasai) and the night was completely dark. All of sudden the Princes stunned at a wiled dog

at the same time , Ekalavyawas practising  archery. He heard a dog barking and fired seven arrows in rapid succession to fill the dog's mouth without injuring it.
Drona and his students confused manner they saw the dog its mouth sewn shout by arrows.Amazed at this, Arjuna asked Drona “how could this be possible in the dark night:? he replied that it is called  shabda bhedi, aiming at objects by its sound,” this skill Arjuna had not yet learnt. Drona mapped the direction of the shooting arrows and lead his students to the place from they were being shot.There they found a dark young boy practising archery. Drona recognized Ekalavya and asked him “did you shot the wild dog”Ekalavya replied “Yes I am indeed did so sir”. Impressed and curiously Drona asked Ekalavya who is his teacher ““. The boy bowed to Drona with respect and touched his feet, replied, "Acharya (Sir), it is you who taught me I learnt .everything "
Being surprised Drona asked him how could he learn from him in the forest while Drona at the palace with the royal princes. Ekalavya showed them the statue of him that he made, explaining that he had accepted the form Drona in the statue as his guru, with deep prayer he got trained... , Drona  was impressed but also enraged. While he was Carry through his aim to protect the superiority of Arjuna, Drona angrily demands Ekalavya his fees (Dhakshinai). Ekalavya tells Drona that he would pay anything he asked, immediately Drona without any hesitation responded that he wished to have his right thumb .as his dhakshinai,Arjuna shocked about his guru's fees but Ekalavya cut off his right thumb and gave it to his guru, thereby disabled himself and ruined his abilities as an archer. Arjuna felt a great archer punished cruelly by his guru
Ekalavya did not feel regret later he learned to shoot again using only four fingers and left-handed and was a mighty warrior hailed in several places in the Mahabharatam. Even now Ekalavya has been glorify by many Indians, including adivasis , as a role model of achievement who achieved great heights through his own self-initiative, without formal tutelage
The Upanishads explained in a great manner about the guru-shishya relationship and how he should be act with the people and pupil ..
The Guru is united with God. He inspires devotion in others. His presence purifies all. . He is a being raise his students in high position He should raise his hands for the struggling individuals, helpless. A Teacher has to be an ocean of bliss, knowledge and mercy. .He should remove ones troubles, sorrows and obstacles. He should show the right divine path. in addition. a guru should be without prejudice, injustices and free from politics or politicians.

The sastras say that the education should be as service, but nowadays which is not practical so he can collect fees from the rich but poor peoples education should be truthfully free of cost .Then only his(guru) education will full fill in his life

Sri Krishna told in Gita “among all sages I am Viyasar.” So Sri krishna as Vyasar showed in Mahabharatham that how a guru shouldnot be in his life and how will be impact of the result and his end..(Drona's life ended by Arjuna's arrows ).. no one encourage any partiality. . Sri Ramayanam and Mahabharatam are institutes of a person whether a Guru, Sanyasi, friends, and all in this world..

The education to all there is no dissimilarity...

"Vasudevasudam devam Kamsa sanoora mardhanam 

devaki paramanandam Krishnam vande Jagat gurum"


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