Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sparkling Mist

Ramayanam Speaks elaborately , about Ayodya the city is about 9000 years old. And also it speaks about the important characteristic of Kaikeyi and her birth, also her brave deeds and noble qualities.
Kaikeyi is only princesses' of the King Aswapathi. She is very beautiful looking girl and she is very good and efficient warrior, educated,smart very knowledgeable skill, capable to rule a country and also very good hunter and an expert in astronomy.
One day when she was young girl playing with her friends she happen to see a white beautiful Rabbit and she wanted to catch it so she was chasing it but it ran into a hermitage she also went in but that rabbit went to some where she saw a Rishi was doing penance with closed his eyes just she was in playing mood she covered the sages eyes with her fingers, but that sage angrily opened his eyes saw a girl in front of him very angrily cursed her as “O child you have covered my eyes when I am in deep penance to have Lord Narayana's Darshan but you disturbed me for its reaction your life also become dark reason of Sri Narayana.” As soon as she heard this words from the sage she ran to his father and told the whole story. The king convinced her and he was very sad about the sage's curse.
Years passed Kaikeyi become young maiden. Unexpectedly astrologer and Kaikeyi's guru entered Aswapathi's kingdom and the king welcomed the sage in a grand manner and offered a nice seat to him .
The king subtly requested the purpose of sage's visit. The sage smiled at a glance to the king and said “ O Aswapathy I have come here to remind about your daughter Kaikeyi's marriage; what is your intention and any proposal?
The king said that “O Guru I have not found any one till now also I have not see anybody seriously, without your permission how can it possible?.
Hearing this the sage was satisfied with the king and he told that “Aswapathy other day I met Vasister when I was having chat with him he told that Monarch Dasaratha fallen love with Kaikeyi, unexpectedly one day he saw during her hunting he noticed her ability of hunting and also her beauty so he fallen love with her, so Just I have come here to ask your opinion; What do you think? The king took some time to think. Then he implored the guru to stay for few days.
After a long, day and night thought he arrived with a diction and went to the sage and said “O guru I thought so but a small confusion not for he marrying my daughter he can marry her but already he is having two queens if his first wife have child he may have crown as monarch but I have not even think bad for Kaikeyi so minding my daughters welfare I have arrived to accept with a condition” that is my grand son only to have crown as monarch Hearing this the sage replied him that “Aswapathi according to her horoscope certainly she will marry the Ayodya monarch Dasaratha she will live happily but later stage her curse will start to play it's role”...The sage went. Incidentally the king was thinking about his fatal past life. Due to a boon, he was able to understand the language of the birds, beasts, and insects. However, this was accompanied by a warning that if he ever revealed the content of bird speak to anyone, even his own mother, that he would immediately lose his life; all the day it was very secretly he kept with him . One day, the King and his Queen were walking through the palace gardens during their walk the king happened to hear the conversation of a pair of mated swans. The conversation so amused him that he laughed a little loud.
Noticed his loud lough the queen insisted him to tell her the amazement thought she also enjoy . But he can not reveal the conversation according to his boon, perhaps he bring out the bird's conversation he will lose his life, he was very reluctant to tell her yet She started to grumble too much on and on hence he begin to dislike her so he had banished her from Kekaya because of her inquisitiveness it was her peculiar nature, he was afraid to lead a life with her. Kaikeyi never saw her mother again. She was grown from her childhood by her nursemaid, Manthara. Kaikeyi has seven brothers, she was only the girl child never enjoyed maternal affection from her childhood home. Poor she had grown up absence of motherly affection. Thinking her past his eyes filled with tear.
The King interrupted by a messenger from Kosala saying about Monarch Dasaratha's visit to meet king Aswapathi.
Soon Monarch Dasaratha came and accepted his wish that he will crown Kaikeyi's son, so the marriage held in Kekaya and Dasaradha brought Kaikeyi to Kosala with Royal respectfully as his integrity, beliefs and for his deeds:
The King Aswapathi, was delighted that Kaikeyi joined as a companion, of Kosala, Though something obstructs in his mind and he was worried all the time about Kaikeyis cursed life.
Mean while according to Indira 's request Dhasaratha went to have a battle with a demon called “Samhasura” Kaikeyi accompanied with him. During a furious battle between the two, the wheel of Daśaratha's chariot broke and Samhasura's arrow pierced the King's armor and lodged in his chest. Kaikeyi, who was acting as Dasaratha's charioteer, quickly repaired the broken wheel and then drove the chariot away from the battle field. She nursed the wounded King back to health and they killed the demon and won the battle. Touched by her courage and timely service, Daśaratha offered her two boons. She said that she will ask those boons when she needed so they were very happy.
Years passed King Dasaratha also getting old so he was worried because he has had no children to succeed the crown for that he consulted with his Guru Vasister and according to his advise they decided to perform Putrakameshti Yagam . During the same period of time; there was a group discussion of the devas in the heaven for the reason that Brahma the creator without thinking had granted the boon to Ravana, he has mighty power he is disrupting and killing all maharishis including women " it is beyond our capacity to subdue or kill Ravana. Sri Vishnu is our only refuge and it was for him to devise a method by which Ravana can be slain and his despotism ended".
Lord Brahma knew that he had granted the boon to Ravana that he would be invincible against devas, asuras, gandharvas and other such others. In his arrogance Ravana did not care to ask for security against mankind. As Brahma revealed this fateful omission all the gods rejoiced and turned to Vishnu.
All Devas surrendered themselves to Sri Vishnu and implored him to be born as a human being and put an end to Ravana and his atrocities. Sri Vishnu agreed and assured the devas that he would incarnate as the first of the four sons of King Dasaratha who was then performing a sacrifice for progeny.
The Yaga was performed in a grand manner. At the noon-time the sun god holding a bowl of gold, called the king by his name and said: "Dasaratha all the devas are pleased with you and are answering your prayers. Here is porridge sent by the gods for your wives. You will be blessed with sons if they have drink this divine beverage." Dasaratha's wives partook of the porridge and Sri Vishnu as he had assured the devas, incarnated as a son to King Dasaratha through his wife Kausalya. The child was named Sri Rama. Another child to Kaikeyi named Bharatha and Sumitra gave birth twin children Named Lakshmana and Chatrukana.
Kaikeyi was too affectionate with Rama then her own son Bharatha. Rama and his brothers sent to Gurukulam and so on they all are grown up became a youths and they married the Mithilapuri king Janaka's princess.
Oneday Kaikeyi was standing in her palaces attic and watching the sky atmosphere, when she was watching she found a comet (Val Nakshatram)If it fall down the king's position will be in danger in the country, also for 14 years the country would have been without king, and drought, the country will suffer she was so confused and came to the palace worshiping place and she worshipped the ancestors of Soorya/Ragu dynasty and the son god, went back to her palace sitting on her seat, at that time, a messenger from Kekaya and inviting her for some occasion, but she was so confused mind so in this state she can not attend, so she sent Bharatha and also Chatrukana accompanied with him.
In the mean time Mandhara happen to hear an announcement with drumbeat from the Monarch Dasaradha's external court saying that “The next day is Sri Rama's crowning celebrations so all the citizen of Ayodhi all their homes and the streets should be decorated in a grand manner” .once mandhara heard the news her ill will nature rose extensively against Rama she ran to Kaikeyi and told about the announcement from Royal court, hearing the news from Mandhara she became more bewildered, as soon as Mandhara sees Kaikayi's impression she used the opportunity and said “ Amma you have deceived by the king Dasaratha I heard an announcement that Rama is going to have crowning ceremony tomorrow itself,”
Itis said, The doctrine of analogy for a worried mind: The worried mind is more familiar to search or approachable way to reach all points. Alike Kaikeyi's mind was searching for a firm solution.
Hearing the news from Mandhara Kaikeyi asked her for a solution, and mandhara reminded about her two boons when Sambarasura battle so she asked Kaikeyi to use those two boons now, First is ask him to send 14 years Rama's exile from the country and the second is ask the king to crown your son Bharatha.
Then Manthara gave some instructions to Kaikeyi and went off.
When happily Monarch Dasaratha entered in the kaikayi's palace for his surprise it was messed up the king felt unpleasant experience  because Kaikeyi's palace is very famous for it's decoration, and cleanness. At the very moment that he sighted the state of the palace; all his merry mood vanished from his face. He went in further he saw kaikayi was lying on the floor with tears on her eyes, she ever before behaved like this. He stunned to see her and asked the reason and she lifted her head soon she saw the king she busted out but intensely she changed her face looked like angry and asked him“ before you take diction always you will consult me why you did not consult me about Rama's crowing ceremony; Independently  you have decided and announced  people of country you have taken last priority to inform to me why you did not ask before decide this big occasion”? The king said that “ Kaikeyi do not argue any thing more already when I entered here I saw lots of inauspicious signs so listen tome.” She did not listen in fact she was not in mood to listen so goes on the argument become strengthen at last he agreed to give those old boons then very happily she told the nature of boons. The first boon is Rama should exile for 14 years and the second boon is her son Bharatha should crown as monarch of the country on same time and same day. The mighty warrior, majestic personality of Monarch Dasaradha hearing this words he fainted, she was waited for he to awake soon he come around a little normal nature again he asked her if she has changed her mind but stubbornly  stood on her words and Dasaradha reluctantly granted the boons with lots curses and he again went in unconscious state. Soon she gain her boon sent message to Rama and he came to Kaikeyi and she told about her boon and told him to leave soon from the country to forest.
We should not think if Bharatha crowned as a king he also has to face the critical period.? Kaikeyi is Bharatha's own mother she new about his nature if all other brothers are affectionate to Rama but Bharadha is devotee of Rama.
After sending his son into exile, a grief-stricken Dasaratha died of a broken heart six days after Rama left Ayodya. She came to blame herself for this death. Furthermore, Bharata swore never to ascend the throne as it was his older brother's birth right. He further blamed her for his father's death and is said never to have addressed her as "mother" again. But later due to Rama's influence, he forgave his mother .. and her maid "Manthra".
if one with fear, or desire, identification of the truth and ones acts of good nature will not realize clearly . The King Aswapathi Kaikeyi's father did not even think about her only daughter, but his life was very much needed so Kaikeyi brought up without motherly affection, the second part was her married life . Her husband knew about her nature and he lived so long years with her but his exerted mind stopped his thinking power However she did not think about her own life but she protected the Ragu dynasty.. Her life was a sparkling mist.
The mist on the leaf shines like multi colored stars in the morning sun rays. But in the due courses will evaporate.
The Ramayanam epic is very precious chest and the best  teacher to mankind.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

A sign on God's grace

Once there was a debatable program held in the earth (Boologam) and Sri Naradha was a judge to the program. There was a heavy crowd and first Naradha gave the introduction of the theme and he explained. “I bless you all you audience and I explain the theme of discussion going to holding here.

Vaivasvata Manu, whose original name was Satyavratan, is the 7th Manu and considered the first king to rule the earth, The queen's name is Barhismati.

They had 10 sons 3 children died during their childhood the remaining 7 were crowned as kings of 7 islands, one of them is called Uttanapadhan he has two queens the first queen's name is Suneethi another queen’s name is Sruchi. They each have a son names the first son is Duruvan and the second is called Uttaman. One day that king was sitting on his Royal seat with his second wife Sruchi keeping Uttaman on his lap.  Seeing, this Duruvan running to his father and tried to sit on his father's lap but his second wife who under being jealous natures she pushes Duruvan and said “O child, if you want to sit on Uthaman father's lap, for that. either you should be born from my womb, or you have to perform penance. go away” telling this she pushed him. The unfortunate child ran to his mother Suneethi and told her the whole story. Suneethi told Duruvan that “O my child you don’t worry about all these happened, all these are because of our bad time yes, your stepmother's word is true my child you go to forest and do penance. As his mother's word he proceeds go to a forest to do penance and on his way to forest fortunately he met Naradha and Narada heard his sad news from him.  As soon he heard his sad story, compassionately who initiated the Vasudeva mantram to Duruva and also, he showed the way to the forest. Duruva pay his solutions to Naradha and followed the route and he reached to forest and he sat on a under a tree and become to start his penance. After a long year his penance Duruva got answer Narayana appeared in front of him, and he asked Duruva “O My Child I am very Happy for your devotion, what you the boon you wish from you? Duruva paid his solutions to God said "O god I don't want to go back to the country, I wish to get salvation to me and my mother “That is my wish. As soon heard his wish Narayana said to him “child I gave you the boon as your wish, however not at present, now you go to your country, and in appropriate age you will be crowned as an emperor and you rule the country at last in right time you will attain your salvation and shine as a star in the sky. God said to Duruvan disappeared from his sight. After finished his explanation of the topic of the program, Naradha announced the name of topic that is offence deed and pious deed. The debaters are very famous highly well-qualified. This program is for an hour kindly be seated and listen the arguments.” The argument was gone on for an hour with so many faults and good about Uthanapathan here have given the final part.

Offence deed I. “It is said the "Vaivasvata Manu" is one of the most important beings at the highest levels of initiation of the masters of the ancient wisdom, along with Maitreyar, and the MahaChohan. According to System of rules, each root race has its own Manu which physically incarnates in an advanced body of an individual of the old root race and physically originated the first individuals the root race. Manava grahasya sutra, Manava Silpa sastras and Manava Darmasastra (Manusmiruthi the rules) the theory of evolutionary works by on the law laid down for the most important and earliest metrical works of the Darmasastra textual tradition of Hinduism. If the king just kept quite that as the queen's word is right. Then what is respect of his ancestor’s rules? hence Uthanapathan is not a faithfully righteous man. Legally Duruvan is his own child and he has all right to have to be a king so, Duruva should be crowned as a king”.

Pious deed 2. He begins his argument. “Some action, if a strange man see according to his opinion on Uthanapadhan's act would be a wrong but I will not agree “ There are various other attributes have two kinds, likings or hating. Not because of he loves second son that's why so he kept quiet. One cannot conclude that he is leading unrighteous way of life. He is not jealousy, he is a very truthful man, and he was not selfish. So, if he remained silent without saying anything which means there must be some real reasons behind it. All actions are performed by the Almighty of God, the ordinary human being is merely an instrument. If one does not have this realization, implying of his own ignorance will doom him into shackles of worldly bonds. Hence one cannot decide Uthanapathan is a slave to his second wife or he does not like Duruva. My conclusion part is Uthanapathan is pious person.

Once for all finished their argument now the judgement time and Naradha begins to announce his judgement.

All the people who were being listened the both of the pundits view of opinion’s; the things differ from another. but if you think deeply its reason and the truth will come to know. Uthanapathan has not hated nature, he loves all. He is the obvious influence of previous Dharma sutras and Arthasahatras, in particular, the Manu smriti. He is the first adopter the term of vyavaharapadas. He has shown in ruling the kingdom, particularly of the eighteen "Titles of Law" the Grounds for Litigation. Uthanapathan is the role model to the world. He is a prime example and never lose any of his ancestor’s patron of law. Now I come to Duruvans history, Utthanaptha did not take Duruva and made him to sit on his lap. This is not a major crime. He knew his second wife Sruthi’s jealousy nature of mind she was not right but sometime the devils also will tell positively specify words, as she told the positive words that do penance that was the positive action to Duruva. He might be thought that Duruva has to learn to live from his childhood, perhaps if he opposes Sruchi and alow Duruva to sit on his lap what will happen? Duruvan may feel happy then what will happen?  in the same way she will oppose for no reason, is that good to his feature life? so, that was the reason why he kept quiet. otherwise, how will Duruvan get Sakshat Sri Vishnu's bestows (anugrham) and crowned as an emperor of the country and at the end he will shine in the sky as a star? ('Nakshatra Padhavi')

If one wish to achieve something in his life he has to have strong determination, encouragement, presence of mind, ability, physically, mentally, legally, morally, one needs skilled training, and devotion from the childhood. One should certainly need Almighty of god's grace; this is what Duruvan got. Thus, Ultramarathon’s silent mode enlighten to Duruvans life. Heard Naratha’s judgement all the crowd very happily and heavily applauded, and gone to their places and Naradha too took leave from them.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The cradle of spirituality

Hinduism is rightly called a Dharma that was evolved by the great Rishis (sages and hermits) of ancient India. It emphasizes the Dharma right way of living rather than a set of doctrines, and thus embraces diverse thoughts and practices. Hinduism has been called the "cradle of spirituality" and It is not a religion just a way of living in all aspects of life including family, social life, sciences, politics, business, art, and health behaviours. The sacred scriptures Vedas, epics, sastras, contain instructions on these aspects of life and have a strong influence on art and drama..... family life is also considered a sacred duty.
Hinduism commonly references the Bhagavad Gita is comprised of 700 verses from the epic Mahabharatram. Sri Rama and Sri Krishna incarnation is the important in the past 9 incarnations. Sri Krishna avathar is the full on the earth to fulfil two purposes  First to inspire and secondly to liberate. He inspires mankind through examples. He willingly takes upon himself all human limitations. Then through intense spiritual practice he goes beyond them and manifests his spiritual perfection. He goes through various spiritual disciplines and thereby manifests his perfection to set an example for mankind, just as a hen which even when not hungry picks and gobbles up birdseed just to teach its young ones how to eat; alike  Sri Krishna Incarnation for sake of mankind, goes through various duties quality in order to teach us how to attain perfection through spiritual practice through Bhakthi …. The aim of the Gita propounded in the incarnation of Lord Krishna is not so much to teach a theory as to enforce practice of dharma. We cannot separate in theory what is not separable in life. The duties of civic and social life provide religion with its tasks and opportunities.
The Gita explains the nature to increase one's awareness , the self, and the universe. It is the essence of spiritual and it is a marvel of practical wisdom.
It is Upanishad of Upanishats. It is a digest of the Upanishads, Gita is all essence of the Vedas hence it is very difficult to perceive the inner meanings.... Though t he way its concentration of teachings, to gain practical experience of the eternal truth, of bliss.
Sri Adi Sankarar emphasized in his Sankarabhasyam about Gita He says in his book that “The Bhavat Gila is symbolic of what transpires in every day of life. If one have a courage wavered of the mind gita will be a light to him 
Sri Krishna is the teacher par excellence (Jagat Guru) who teaching us the value of the life.
The Bhavat Gita is like the very big mighty ocean. Lots of people approach in this ocean for eternal bliss . Some might be collected see weeds, some sand particles yet some dive deep into it and retrieve precious pearls. Strictly speaking The Bhavat Gita is absolute duty of detachment (undesired karma) devotion ( bakthi) and (saranagathi) total surrender.
Sri Krishna says in Bahavat gita,..
When one abides in truthfulness,activity and it's fruition are grounded in the truth. When thought ceases checked by the exercise of discipline, he is content within the self, seeing the self Through himself.

Bahavat Gita will help us to learn to regulate our senses,righteousness, control our mind and gain spiritual strength. The Gita verses fresh an insight, and composed more than 5,000 years ago, still it is very much relevant to the modern life. People should Spend a few minutes daily read, they feel reflection of its message. One can experience its positive transformation. It is true. The Modern world people are busy they have no time. However somehow manage some time for this also, Then only our younger generation will learn and follow.
Gita is a tourch of ones life.

“Yatra yogeswaraha krishna yatra partho dhanurdaraha |
dhatra sri vijayo bhodirtruva needhir mama”||

Meaning: Wherever head of the yoga's Sri krishna and Archer Arjuna
is there in those places will be prosperously righteousness justice are for sure this is my conclusion of opinion .
We too pray to Nara Narayana (Sri Krishna Arjuna ) and get our eternal bliss.

the following URL is our guru's vakyam  listen and will be very nice enjoy.  


Arrogance Nature Destroy The Wisdom

God does not make one to suffer for no reason , and also he will not make one to be happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives exactly what one deserves.

All deeds one s action is called karma.. Karma is not a punishment or evil . It is a result of one's natural act... (Karma means "deed" or "act") according to the modern universal principle of Cause and Effect. Action and Reaction,.. That to have predominant influence in all life. The effects will be known in one's later life and also able to learn a good lesson .
The Same principal Mahabharatram picturized to us to learn morels and ethics through the characters.... The story of Karnan cannot begin or end without Kunthii, she is the central character and also She was Karnan’s biological mother...
Ancient mythology said about Kunthi a symbol of the Earth... (the process of vegetating.) In Sanskrit, 'kum-ti' means the Earth. Kunthi's other name is' Pritha', meaning prithvi or the Earth. Life originated on this planet earth through the rays of the Sun, that is, vegetation, Karna, literally, means grain with chaff.(a grain with its husk ) Thus, he represents seed, the essence of kingdom's plant. But a seed cannot sprout without water. So, to hide her illegitimate child,(born of parents who were unmarried) Kunthi placed him in a box and floated the box in the waters of the river Aswathi. Karnan born with a golden protective armor and earrings in the Sanskrit words, Kavacham and Kundalam
A charioteer brought him up. Karnan was a great warrior and could match Arjuna in archery. But his life went very miserable and  wasted  by supporting evil force nature  of Duryodhana..
Duryodhana needs some one to fight with Arjuna so he bought a soul named Karnan for his purpose and made him as a king of Angadesam. Otherwise Karnan can not participate along with princes for the competition, so he was very aggressive arrogant , accepted his offer and he showed all his ability to the royal audience. Other word is..that Karnan sold his soul to Duryodhana forever.... . His wisdom was lost in friendship of Duryodhana and like others he was also thinking of ways to show Pandeva's in bad light..
Once he became as evil and joined with a big evil force he has to faced too many problems and struggled a lot...
The first part:
Indiran came as Braman and begged for his Kavacham and Kundalam to save his son Arjuna.. The sun god gave warning still he could not refuse so he cut them and gave it to him. ..
Indiran, was filled with surprise and joy. After accepting the gift, he praised Karna as having done what no one else would do, and, shamed into generosity, Greeting and prizing him and also he told Karnan that he can ask for any boon as he wished....
Karnan replied: "I desire to get your weapon, the Sakthi, which has the power to kill enemies." Indiran granted the boon, with a fateful condition that . He said: "You can use this weapon against one enemy, it will kill him whosoever he may be. After that , this weapon will no longer be available to you it will return to me." With these words Indiran disappeared. (He lost his protection)
The second Part :
According to Duryodhana's wish and Sakunis advise he went as a brahman. to Parasurama and told lies to learn Brahmastram...He was learning all the acts of delivery of weapons in a fast manner.. His style of act and learning capacities Parasurama surprised and suspected,, however he taught the expected brahmasra . Unexpected fatal day appeared in front of him, his Guru wished to recline his head on Karna's lap and he slept .. when a stinging worm drilled into Karna's thigh. terrible bleeding and began to flow and the pain was intolerable But Karna bore it without tremor and without disturbing his gurus sleep but his bad time Parasurama felt wetness to his arm and he awoke and saw the blood was oozing from the wound.
He said: "who are you..? you are not a brahman , A kshatriya alone can tolerate this kind of bleeding and unmoved bodily torments. Tell me the truth."
He could not deny the truth so he told the truth, the, punishment of the lie Parasurama angrily cursed him that "Since you deceived your guru, for the Brahmastra .. I give curse for your dishonest act that You will forget the spell of the Brahmastra at your fatal moment.” ..Karna felt very upset and sadly he returned back to the kingdom. That effort got fail .. (he became untrustworthy and earned curse)
The Third Part :
According to Sri Krishna's advise Kundhi went to Karna when he usually praying the place and she was waiting till his prayer is over. Once Karna finished his prayer he saw surprisingly Pandava's mother was waiting for him.. He humbly received her and enquired the reason of her visit. Kundhi explained all full tale of his birth and she said to him that “I am your mother you are not Radheyen you are kundeyan” ..”Shedding tears from his eyes and he said now is too late .I can not go with you and console your self, either with Arjuna you have five sons or with me five sons be satisfied with this” so to make sure she asked him for two kind of boons, first as he told should not kill all four sons other than arjuna , and second is he should not use Nagasthram more then one time on Arjuna Karnan laughed and said “Royal blood your presence of mind and motherly affection to protect your children”..Alright whatever happen that will be true” he granted the two boons to Kundhi and he also asked two boons from her that one is she should not tell anyone that he is her son till this war is over, second is perhaps he died in this war she has to keep his head on her lap as proclamation she should make know that he is her own son... very sadly she granted and went off..(he became pitiable)
The fourth part :
When he was practicing the shooting the arrow to the point.. by mistake it went and killed a cow of a brahmin family. That was their livelihood, that man got upset hence with his grief he cursed him that during the war time his chariots wheel be buried into mud.
Because of his arrogance nature and show that his goodwill to Duryodhana he earned another curse (Here he has committed two kind of sins one is Gohathi another is his bad Karma.)
The fifth part:
His charioteer Salyan with his overbearing pride he ditched karnan when he needed barely help to pull out the wheel of the chariot His uncooperative nature just he went off.. Helpless Karnan was struggling to pull the wheel. Out ,.At the time Krishna's advice .Arjuna shot his arrows on unarmed Karnan... Karnan reminded Arjuna of righteousness. At that time Lord Krishna reminded Karnan of all his evil deeds done by him. Karnan had no answer to that. He could only bow down his head in shame. Karnan died a death of shame and defeat... A great warrior lost his wisdom because he supported an evil force.....
Nothing is free in this world. If some thing find as free for sure there will be some kind of hidden catch. Many can think that he was being head of Dharmam. all happened bad to him... I wish to correct he was giving dhanam (Offerings )not Dharmam ..here is a differences between Dhanam and Dharmam.. Dharmam is act of pious deed.. But dhanam is offerings....
From this story of Mahabhratham teaches avoid Arrogantly crossing the own limits other wise have to face lots of difficulties. Sage Veda Vyasa munis message to the world...
Sri Bhagavat gita told in twice. First as the characteristic manner like story telling and second time as poems in the war field...!!


Some philosophical aspects of Ramayanam

Sita Lakshmana Baradha Chatrukana Hanumat Sametha 
Sri Ramachandraya Namaha.

A pandit was giving lecture about the moral truth in front of his Audience, comparing with Ramayanam. When he was discoursing about Ramayanam there was a man raised his hand and wished to ask a question to the Pandit. Noticed this he agreed to ask question to that man...
“Swamy Pranams...Sri Rama is considered as a god, to kill a demon no need to struggle that much, he could kill them directly from where he is. Apart from this sending a pregnant lady to the forest because of a lay man's word where is Dharmam in Ramayanam story?
The Pandit accepted about his question and begins to answer and explain that Gentle man's question.
"Gentleman you asked in one word and two kind of questions, so I explain the both of your questions separately. Good thought and good questions. He begins to explain about his questions.
“Ramayanam is one of the richest elements of the Culture, enriches and makes it a unique one in the world. Very interesting and intelligible aspects meant to convey rules and maximum guide of daily life to a mankind and powerful messages to the younger generation. The result of the natural evolution and its stories have gone in the process of being down from centuries. Ramayanam is in philosophically a logical epic of right: family, civil society, status, the highest moment in the development of absolute devotion.
The Ramayanam talks about life of Rama, who lived his entire life by the rules of dharma. When Rama was young, he shows his obedience to wards his teachers, (Guru) he was the perfect son, an ideal husband, and a responsible ruler. However, I come to his first question why Rama didn't kill the demon directly without struggles. Here is the brief answer.

There were demon's trouble intolerably cruelly gave to all sages, hermits, saints all people and gods. because of their problems all sages went to Vaikuntam to meet Lord Mahavishnu to pray and solve their problems. When sages try to enter in to sanctum, the twarapalagar called Jaya Vijay stopped them. Sages were so upset because of their bad behavior, they got very angry and cursed them to have birth as demon. Yogamayasakthi made them to get curse like that. Jaya Vijaya went in with all sages, and sages did prayer to Sri Vishnu and talked about their problems. Lord Vishnu said to the sages that “do not worry and I will take necessary actions in right time”. Happily, all sages went. Jaya Vijaya realized their mistake and prayed Vishnu to revive the curse. The Lord said that, he cannot revive sages, hermits, saints, and Guru's, courses but I can give suggestions that either as my enemy in 3 births or you can come back in 7 births as my devotee. They were very reluctant for 7 births so They agreed as three births so they born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasibu as their first birth and they took their second birth as Ravana and Kumbhakarna.  
Ravana was Siva's devotee. He put his nerves as Veena's string and sung samaganam, (normally people will say "Rakshasa pooja" as the same he worshipped Lord Siva) instead of Lord Siva Brahma appeared in front of him and advised to ask the boon as his wish. Happily, he asked boon that he should never die, and live for ever and ever.!  Lord Brahma said that apart from this boon ask some other thing. He thought for some time and asked the boon that he should not have death either by gods, demons and animals and so on, but he had not ask about a human being.  He forgot to ask. Lord Brahma granted the boon as he wished and disappeared. Ravana became as Ravaneswara and he became very stronger than before, he conquered all the demons’ kingdoms and he setup as all-in-one demon kingdom. As Mareecha Subagu like head demons became Ravana's slaves.  In the meantime Lord Vishnu told  Indira before he takes his embodiment in earth,  send an Apserass to Kekaya as a well-wisher to princess Kaikeyi. So, Indira sent an apserass to Kekaya as princess Kaikeyi's stepmother and well-wisher named Mandara and she instructed that should be a character of being Partial and dislike the first Dhasarata's child.  Lord Vishnu incarnated to King Dasaradha as his first son, Adhishesha and Shankam as the king’s twin sons and his Chakkaram incarnated as second child. His Majesty Dhasaradha gave names, first son is Raman the second son is Bharadha and 3rd and 4th Lakshmana and Chatrukna. Sri MahaLakshmi incarnated from the earth in Mithila as Janaka Maharishi's daughter and named Sita. The Lord's Padmam born as Ravana's Brother named Vebeeshana. Lords Gadha born as son of Vayu named Hanuman. So, all incarnated to “Dushta Samharam and Sishta Paripalanam. (Which means annihilations of evil forces and Protection of the universe) All Sages, Hermits, saints, devas felt very happy to see through their spiritual vision that the Lord incarnated in Ayodhi and all their problems will be set right soon. All trees’ and plants bloomed with colorful flowers, the rain showered tenderly, blew gentle and cool breeze with nice smell, all the greenish grosses rhythmically nodded their head, The thunder lighting played like drums, all birds sung melodiously, Age old Monarch Dasarada was walking to royal assembly hall  happily like a young man, People in Ayodhi were very happy. These all are essence of Ramayanam and we all know very well. Now the reply of why God struggled to kill a demon. The Pandit continued and said: he killed not only one demon; he annihilated a huge evil force.

I explain briefly as per my knowledge, the beautiful strategy, about divine’s annihilation of the evil force by step by step.

First step he made his own people as Ravana and Kumbakarna and many demons kingdom made as one. (Made for easy operation) The second step: was he put a person as informer Vebeeshana born as Ravana's own brother (to know the depth of strength) The third step all the devagana's born as monkeys and bears in between the place called Kiskinda. The Head Vali, Sugriva, Hanuman, Jambavan, and so on disguise in appearance of animals and monkeys. If anything passes that way so to get some evidences and also no one can find because they are animals.      The fourth step:

When Sage Viswamitra was doing his deep penance. when all other co working sages where worried about the safeguard of the penance. At that time Sage Visvamitra saw in his spiritual vision that Sakshat Sri Vishnu incarnated as Rama” Very happily opened his eyes and told this to all sages that he will bring Rama for their proposed Mahayagam. As he said he brought Rama and Lakshmana, to protect for their Mahayagam, On the way to Rama destroyed Thataki, then they destroyed during the yagam Subagu and a group of demons. The Mahayagam is been saved.  The fifth step:  Mandara's advice to Kaikeyi’s promises gave a way to Rama, Lakshmana and Sita go to the forest and stayed a place called Panchavadi That was Ravana's area. Because of Soorpanaga assaulted by Lakshmana, Ravana's angry motion of the scheme and arrangement and cruel motivation took to the huge destruction of the whole demon kingdom. That he sent Mareecha as a golden deer cub to he kidnap Sita. When the golden deer was playing near the hermitage Sita found that he was a demon. Rama too knew. She thought if miss the chance perhaps have to waiting for more years, so Sita humbly asked Rama, that she wanted the golden deer cub, and Rama chased to catch the deer cub, and it went too far from their hermitage and with no other choice, he shot an arrow at it. At the moment of its death turned into a demon as his original form, changed his voice like Rama and shouted out in a loud voice, "O Lakshmana, save me" As soon Sita hears his words, she got worried and sent Lakshmana to save Rama. As soon he saw that demon and thought that when he had been in Sidhasramam to protect the yagam he escaped from my arrows but now he was caught.

Sita is Sakshat Mahalakshmi she herself is a golden treasure trove, why does she need this monstrous fawn? because they incarnated as human beings so acted as such. Ok I come to the story.

During this time Ravana came as a sage to their hermitage asking something to eat. Sita was in worried mind, so she did not notice the fake sage. she was looking forward for Rama and Lakshmana arrival. He again asked food little loud voice. Sita noticed him and she went in to bring some fruits offer to him, and when she was to give those fruits to him but that Lakshmana's safety line stopped her. she went back. He arose very angry yet suppress his anger and he inquired about the details as if he knew nothing. She raised her head and told him why they have come to the place and about her worry regarding her husband and his younger brother and why delayed arrival with great pain. Angrily he laughed at her and said: "Sita I am Lankapuri king Ravaneswara I have come to take you to my country". as soon she heard his words very angrily saw him and then she ran into the hermitage. He was shouting and was calling her. she did not come out, and he cut up the earth include with Sita, and then he took with Sita the cut in to a piece of the earth and flown away. Rama and Lakshmana came to their hermitage and they found that Sita was not in their hermitage. Very worriedly Rama was searching everywhere in that forest, but Sita was not found anywhere. Without food they wandered somewhere in search of Sita.

In this part I would wish to write a small and very interesting incidence in Ramayanam.

When Rama was looking Sita through the places thoroughly, he happened to hear a faint voice that calling his name Rama, and he went through the direction of the voice, and there he found Jatayu was calling him in the state of death. Rama could see the marks of Jatayu last great fight all around. Unarmed he had opposed the Rakshasa who had all his weapons and his protection and magnificence of his pride at the cost of his own life. Tears flowed from Rama's eyes as he listened to Jatayu's tale. He flung aside his bow, and embraced the bird. The prince's sorrow knew no bounds. He lamented loudly, rolling on the ground and dust all over the body, with tears from his eyes.  The divine awesome actions are endless.  they have suffered with grieve like mortals.  Rama was sad that Sita was not with him when he was performing the last rites of Jatayu (wife's presence is a must when husband performs funeral rites.) Amazingly Site's shadow stood by his side Rama. Now Sri Rama was thinking and consoled himself, that he was unable to perform his last right ceremony to his father Dasaradha, yet he got peace of mind thinking that it was done for Jatayu.  Pramanatwam of this incidence (it is said Jatayu's battle with Ravana is most important than the battles in Lanka.)  Sri Rama performed Jatayu's funeral ceremony in place is called Thirupullam Boothamkudi, Sri Rama gave Jatayu liberation here with a place in the heaven. There is a belief that Sita is standing on the golden lotus in the middle of the temple tank in this temple. Thiru means 'great” Pul means 'bird' bootham is 'soul' and kudi is “place”. That is why this place is called Thirupullam boothamkudi.

This place is 30 miles from Kumbakonam. From Chennai approx. 300 miles. The Pandit said: "ok I come the final story"     Final step is war:

After killed Ravana's sons and their troops and Kumbakarna troops. Vebeshana surrendered himself and went and joined with Rama. At last Ravana came to war field and he saw the beauty of arrayed of with the all-animal soldiers.  Rama and Lakshman, was   standing on the war car only people, Vebeeshana also standing along with them. He saw Rama at a minute of glance, he stunned to see his handsome aspects. The strait shoulders, million sun's brightness of his face's beauty, he stood in awe of his long beautiful arms up to his knees.  Then he thought “this is why Sita did not like me and always thinking about him Rama”. When Ravana was thinking Rama called him and said “Ravana, you surrender to me, and hand over Sita, if you not handover Sita to me I will kill you". Ravana did not agree surrender to Rama so, Rama Ravana war started and Rama made him unarmed and given a chance to think and asked him to come next day.  Ravana went to his palace and sit near God and thought loudly “I won the eight directions; I brought all devas and other people including Navagraha's all under my control.  A normal human being prince annihilated all my kingdom, my own people, friends, my brothers, and sons, all my family except me. Besides I ever seen the earth, and never ever bowed down my head but today I saw the earth however, I feel proud that I fought with a great warrior.” I don't care about tomorrow. As long as the story of Rama exists, so will my story, after swearing that the next day he went to battle field started to fight with Rama. after for some time Vebeeshana advised Rama that to shoot the arrow to in between stomach and chest accordingly Sri Rama executed the arrow on him and killed Ravana.

“Gentlemen any emperor in their life time only two people alone with the animal soldiers destroyed a huge evil force? Did happen in any were this world? Ever heard.? That is the pride of Sri Vishnu's incarnation as Sri Rama. From the beginning Sri Rama did not show any miracle. This was a specialty of this Avatar it showed and advises to the people that whatever problem occurs in the life, should not be panic, instead be brave and good, wise, and follow the rules regulations. With this I explained that God's evil destruction and its rules.

 Now I come to that gentleman's second question: What justification was there for sending a pregnant woman to the forest for someone's word? Where is Dharma in this? The answer is when Rama sent Sita to the forest again not because of an anonymous talk about Sita.  Once Sita was very intolerably grief, Rama saw and he asked Sita the reason of her distress. Sita said to Rama:  that “when we had aaranya vasam Ravana came to kidnap me, I understood that was the demon not a sage at that time I went in to yogagni and was staying with Agni Bhagavans place. Maya Sita went with him. I was safe without any difficulties but at that time nearly 10 months to a year Maya suffered and faced lot of difficulties, how much she struggled with that demon for me and how much she ill-treated by the demoness, poor Maya went to the end of the limit, she could not tolerate the awkwardly difficulties, and so that she tried to commit suicide, after Ravana vadam in that agni parikshai I my self-materialized out. That incident was for people of universe, and the world, in my mind that was not fair, and I will have nice life on other's plight, that was not wise, and I am not happy, I am feeling like my heart breaks and I can't take it anymore I pray humbly and requesting you that I wish myself to go to the forest once again. Satyam, Dharmam not only for the men those are applicable for ladies too. as soon hear the message from Sita, Rama was thinking about that, at that time co incidentally his minister told the tale of washer man about Sita, and Rama accepted Sita's request and sent her to the forest once again. O gentle man because of this reason Sita sent to the forest once again. 

The pandit finished the lecture and said "Janaki Kantha Smaranam," all audience replied "Jai Jai Ram Ram. "


Arrogance will never be glorified

Once there was a knowledgeable pandit who was giving philosophical lecture about Sri Bhagavat gita in his neighbouring kingdom in front of the Monarch...
The Pundit won plenty of distinctions from many kingdoms and was honoured for his power of speaking and his literacy of research and had immense of titles. Hence the particular kingdoms monarch invited him to give a lecture of Bhagavat Gita.
He was engaged to give a lecture for one week. Four days are over the fifth day he has to analysis of the particular hymn and give the meaning.
The pandit begins the hymn and started to give explanation enthusiastically watching the king... (because if the King  shake his head that he be sure for his bumper prize,) so he explained the slokam impressively.. the king instead of shaking his head he said that the meaning is wrong. The first time pandits face begins sweating.. sadly flash a smile at the king and told sorry again he told changing the words and explained but, that was also wrong ..and many way he tried and failed.. the entire courtiers opposed about his wrong meaning of the hymn. The king was very angry and sent him home and ordered him to find the accurate answer..and asked him to come next day...
The pandit was returning home unhappily . on the way home he was thinking about his honers, and his ability, and the power of literacy, and his knowledge...every thing has gone he felt loudly to cry.
At last he reached home and sadly went to bed and lay down. Seeing this his wife asked him the reason why he is very sadly returned home...? he was insulted than happened in the kingdom that she asked question about literature, he thought him self about her “ what does she knows except cooking in the kitchen and than eating”..thinking meanly about her... and reluctantly  he told her the entire story happened in the kingdom...
The wife was thinking for some time and asked her husband to repeat the meaning what he told and which place of the hymn..
The Pandit flash a smile mockingly at her and reluctantly told the meaning that how he explained in the kingdom ...
Thinking a long time his wife told him that “yes the king is absolutely right'.. The explanation you gave to the hymn was incorrect, in this kind of wrong meaning how the king approved..? inaccurate and fancy mare truths furnishing to king won't work...The pandit became very mad with his wife and asked her that..what does mean about those words that you spelled to me..? I am not illiterate, That king may have money and you have big mouth but no brain”...! His wife kept quite for some time and told him “ see anger cannot make wrong to right.. repeat the hymn once again think with calm mind you will arrive the correct answer”..The pandit repeated the same hymn loudly word by word but he was struggling to land to the correct answer... his wife saw his struggle and she felt pity on him and said “My respected husband I tell you the accurate meaning if you think is right then you go to kingdom tomorrow and give a speech..listen “Sri Krishna said very clearly in those verses “If one always think and worship him(Lord Sri Krishna) and total surrender to Sri Krishna he will full fill all his salvation”..
Also she explained the inner meaning that “Yogam..Means if one get things unexpectedly..that is called Yogam (Luck) Kshemam means one already having things keep safely”..is called kshemam (cautious) this is what the following hymn's meaning

Anayachinthayato mam...ye jana paryupasate
tesam nityabiyukthanam...yogakshemam vahamyagam
The pandit heard his wife's explanation he stunned... he felt ashamed to see her  and quietly went to his bed..
Arrogant man learnt a good lesson 


The Knowledge of Nature

There was an inspection going on in a school, so all the class teachers were very carefully teaching their subjects to the students in the class room. Once the Inspector finishes his work in some classes, he entered to the next class room. The teacher was teaching about discipline comparing with Ramayanam and Mahabhratham. and their daily affairs

The Inspector was sitting for some time and watching, He thought the Teachers way of teaching is a little different method. and also, he felt that this teacher is insisting the children too far from their age so he told to the teacher that “Sir as my opinion your way of teaching is too harsh. Avoidable very burden to the young students, what and why for they need scriptural truths and deep philosophical concepts they cannot follow and understand. ..matter of fact you should change your way of teaching, this kind of precepts may screened from their social contact and activity”..
Further he said that “I don't believe all old scriptures now the science is so advance so learn to teach children the modern way”..
The teacher was very upset of the Inspector but he did not show that he smiled at him and said,..”Sir we always look at it from a respectful point of view and also from our core best way of taught.. . Our way of teachings, children will get strong self-confidence, braveness, truthfulness, they can face any kind of troubles and problems.... For example: a little bird which flown and sit on a branch of a tree where it continues to sit for some time. Unexpectedly strong wind hit up and the branch starts to move, swaying back and front. The little bird will not get frightened by this movement of the branch. Why? Because it does not depend on the branch for its support. It depends on its wings and it has strong self-confidence, even if that branch breaks, the tiny bird would not threaten or cause it to falls. In this way the children should have self-confidence, even you feel harsh or hard but children should learn.
The Inspector was not convinced on his words so further he was blaming about pranayama and meditations ,to the young children ..Scientifically teaching is better way.
Teacher replayed and said “ if you think so I have to give more explanation about your thought are you free today sir,”?
“Yes no question of free or busy this is my profession continue your explanations”
“Sir as far as I know science is the performance of human effort to understand the history of the human body how naturally works ,with the formulation and testing of proposition based on observational evidence; experiments are important where applicable, but their function is merely to simplify observation by imposing controlled conditions. This is fundamental. and lot more to learn, In the same way pranayama and mediation are also the same and lot more to learn just they are very initial lessons and very fundamentals.... here is the explanation...
pranayama is controlled the chest congestion and breath; it gives protection from pulmonary disease. One of the major secrets of capacity for survival and make fresh is a purified blood circulation... The fast and most effective way to purify the blood is by taking in extra supplies of oxygen from the air we breathe. The Pranayama (Breathing exercise) helped more and the most effective methods best solution the blood with extra oxygen... Poor oxygen supply affects all parts of the body. The oxygen supply is reduced to all parts of the body, when one gets older due to poor lifestyle. Many people even young need reading glasses and suffer with hearing problems...
When an acute circulation blockage led to the heart of less oxygen, the result is a heart attack. If this occurs to the brain, the result is a stroke. The brain needs more oxygen than any other organ. If it doesn't get enough, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts and depression and, eventually, they will enter vision and hearing problem.... even the young people will suffer from depressions and They get irritated for everything..., To all the prevention and the remedy is doing pranayama from young age will be the best this is a subject in our school.
The older children are learning meditation, which will give calm mind. The popular understanding of the word, meditation refers to concentrating on an object, which is not true... The true meditation is Think nothing just relaxing the body which is need to this stressful world. These exercises are essential from the young age. I hope you too aware of this sir”?
Inspector said that “I am aware our body needs oxygen .but really I am unaware this much of detail ..”My suggestion is even if not practice from the young age at least from now on should learn and do practice” he took leave and went.
This crystal like true allows to realize and secure knowledge on the simple way prevention of the big diseases  


Intellectual Partner

The collection of past deeds which are responsible for the present body. Which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdham. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. Whomever maybe whether god, goddess, humans, or demons. It is only exhausted by being experienced.
Perhaps one should constantly be deep research on the reality of characteristic acts and the past deeds certainly will understand the epic of Mahabharadham.
It is said that In Krtayuga, Kali Devi, Saci Devi, Syamala Devi and Usha Devi went to Brahma Lokam and acted in to love in front of Four headed (Chaturmukha) Brahma to insult him. Brahma cursed the four Davis to be born as human beings and have physical relationship with somebody other than their husbands. Very sadly all the Devi's are approached Bharati Devi, the consort of Brahma was able to neutralize Brahma's curse. In Draupati's body there are five jivas. Four are mentioned above and in addition Bharati Devi is also there. When one of the husband comes to live with Draupati's, only the corresponding jivas will active by the grace of Bharati Devi. This is the solution of their curse begins to neutralize.. Draupati's is Swayam Sree. She was born with unlimited knowledge (Sarvagyana,) adorned with all the ornaments, youthful, and she is the most beautiful woman in the three worlds. She had the special presence of (Uma) Kali in her. She possessed all the auspicious physical features. For being superior among all women Draupadi got the name ‘Krishani’.because she has ‘Sri Krishna's complexion, and ‘She was a Lord Krishna devotee by having superior grace of lord...   Draupati's married Pandava's hence forth she earned name is Panchali.
Panchali was an intelligent women who often played a role in the affairs of the state. King Yudhishthira often sought her advice in matters related to state and wealth. Draupadi and Bhima had a materialistic view on matters of life compared to Yudhishthira who had a philosophical view often close to principles... Arjuna on the other hand was having mixed feelings about someone or something. With views ranging from high philosophy to intellectual and wealth creation. Nakulan was skilled in matters related to mathematics and Sahadevan in astronomy and predictions. Due to difference in attitude and interests, these six had heated but healthy debate on matters of life and philosophy of life and conduct of men and women. Many chapters in Vana Parva of Mahabharata is dedicated to conversations between these six which gives tremendous insight into the lives of men and women with varying technical aspects...
Panchali was not just a wife for the Pandava's but was like an intellectual partner in their discussions and a minister for king Yudhishthira. This could be the reason why only Panchali among all other wives of the Pandava's followed them in all their walks of life. She often offered healthy criticism for some of the actions of the king. Though the Pandava's held Panchali in high regard, she was often looked upon down by others like Karna and Duryodhana who had a very low view on women. They criticized Panchali for being the wife of five men and humiliated her in public at the assembly hall of Hastinapuram. This was the major reason that arose the anger of the Pandavas against the Kauravas culminating in the Kurukshetra War. Panchali was also accused of being partial to Arjuna, though in Mahabharatam we see her being close to Bhima and Yudhishthira as well.
Panchali had a friendly relationship with Sri Krishna and his consorts .Rukmini and . Satyabhama Conversation between Panchali and Satyabhama is a famous passage in the Vana Parva of Mahabharatam that asserts the independence and free will of women. Both Krishna and the five Pandavas respected the independence and free will of women. Even those days emphasized about women's freedom,
Because of her virtuous nature, Draupadi is considered one of the panchakanya, a group of five women who are especially venerated The other four are: Kunti , the mother of the Pandavas and an accomplished scholar of the Atharva Veda; Tara , the wife of Vali who was instrumental in reconciling Rama with Sugriva; Ahalya Sage Gautam’s wife who was given a blessing of purity from Sri Rama; and Mandodari, the virtuous wife of Ravana who had the courage to speak out against her husband when he kidnapped Sita. Simply remembering these virtuous women, according to tradition, destroys great sins.
The above interpretation merely seeks to draw attention to the importance of all aspects of the environment, for, as human beings, we have within us, all the elements that exist outside of us. The earth and its livings, Sri Krishna as Veda Vyasa is portraying mutual harmony and women's liberty to the common man through this epic story of Mahabharatam. Reading is not a waste of time. If anything is read to pass time, all will pass with time and nothing remains


The True Devotion

Ancient Sages are the most thoughtful people, and their literature is characterized by constant concern with humanity's spiritual destiny. In response to this concern they have created to elaborate philosophical concepts and wrote great epic, poems, narrative literature, and fiction. These vast  four Vedas, were originally transmitted by a phenomenal human chain of memory, and the epics, only written down centuries after their actual compilation. Even today this oral tradition exists in our country.
It has many sacred writings which serve as a source of doctrine. The most important texts include the Vedas, Upanishads, the Puranas, (the Epics) - Ramayanam, Mahabharatam and Bhagavad Gita.

The Bhagavad Gita encouraged by the power of meditation within the controlled environment, It changes behavior to promote peace and deep concentration. However, there is much to learn about the relationship between the mind and matter. Bhakthi and Dyanam..
Sri Krishna is parabrahmam and everything is achieved through his grace. This is the main essence of Gita..
If we do Karma sincerely, it will allow us to reach Bhakti. we should see Lord Krishna's explanations about the nature of our true selves! Only when we know our true nature, would be able to realize our goal and the ways to reach them. The Lord Krishna explaining about our true nature. .All Souls (Atmas) are the same. The different bodies they get are due to their accumulated (karmas)deeds . We need to see beyond the bodies and understand the true nature of our souls and adopting the meaning of Bhakti through Karma, and Jnaanam,
Here is simple way to have Bhakthi to the Lord there is an incident A servant if he work with methodically and enthusiastically truthfully do his work his employer gives extra  wages more than his actuals.  In due course he may be made him as his working partner. Alike if any one as Bhagavans ordain follow him and be trust and truthfully  surrender  him he will be Sri Lord's devotee it is called truthful devotion. If one be as that Sri Lord himself becomes as his devotee which is true. Srimat Bhagavatham says that .

“Yevam swabhakthayo rajan Sri Bhavan Bhakthiman”.!!!

So we should hold the feet of Lord Krishna, to have our salvation which is our ultimate purushartham.
“Santhoshastreshu karthavya swadhare bojane dhane
 threeshu chaivana na karthavyaha swatyaye japa dhana yoho” ||

The meaning:-
Wife, children, relatives, eating, wealth, for all these one should have full satisfactions soon. But Education, Pooja, Sthotram, Namajabam, keerthanam, Dhanam and dharmam all for these any one should not be satisfy... the reason is wife and wealth etc one will get according to his past deeds, even try hard won't get more than that... Yet one get human body  the duties, In any reason we should not be satisfied

Righteousness Misdeed

The Mahabaratam is the great wisdom to a mankind, If one understand well about the divine wisdom, then he can know the differences between the true self and the divine soul... Which is the join companion, sophistication, and gives benefits of his worldly experience... Each and every character teaches the scholarly knowledge.. Once achieve the wisdom should learn to know the real and unreal. In this part is very difficult to understand, we can not punish any one without enquire the fact. Here Mahabhratham teaches that how to be a lawful. If one miss what will happened.
There was a very highly cultured life in the seclusion of forest recesses, centered round religious teachers. These Hermitages (ashramas) kept alive the bright fires of learning and spiritual thought. Young men of noble birth eagerly sought education at these hermitages. World-aged people went there for peace. These centers of culture were respected by the rulers of the land..
Sage Mandavya spent his days in long penance and meditations. One day he was under the mauna vratam (Meaning he won't speak that day)and deep in meditation, a group of robbers came to his hermitage, with stolen things  from the King’s palace and were being chased by the soldiers. They entered in to the hermitage and saw Rishi Mandavya in deep meditation . They hid the stolen things in his hermitage and ran away. After for some time , the soldiers came there and asked Rishi if he had seen any robbers.?

Rishi Mandavya was out of his meditation, but could not speak due to his mauna vratam. .he could not answered to the soldiers.. The soldiers rushed in to the hermitage and saw the Stolen things. The commander of the soldiers took the things and went to the king. And said “O your majesty.. I have found the chief of the robbers with these stolen ornaments. The robber is wearing the cloth as a Sage and pretending to be in mauna vratam.” Without verifying the facts, the King issued orders for Sage Mandavya to be speared. The commander speared the sage.
The virtuous Sage Mandavya did not die due to his yogic powers. The news spread in the kingdom the king was very frightened and surprised came to the spot and saw that sage was alive.. as soon as the king saw the sage he ordered to the soldiers to bring him down and the soldiers did so, The king did prenams and beg for his pardon and forgiveness..
Sage was not angry on the king and pardoned ..

.Then the Sage directly went to Dharma devan the head of the righteousness and asked “I have led a pious and virtuous life, yet I was subject to his punishment. What did I do wrong that I was punished thus?”
“Dharmadevan replied that he was poked the ants and insects with a sharp pin , It is law of Karma and sin. Any bad or evil deed will beget the punishment .
The Sage asked to Dharmadevan “When did I poked the ants and insects with the sharp pin ?”
Darmadevan replied that “You poked ants and insects when you were a child,”
Sage Mandavya got very angry and said, “Dharmadeva, your punishment far exceeds the sins committed as a child in ignorance. I give you a curse that you to be born in the earth as in a low class human being and live with grievous in that life till death.”
Lord Dharma who was thus cursed by the sage Mandavya incarnated as Vidura and was born of the servant-maid of Ambalika, the wife of Vichitravirya.

Each story of these teachings is a rare jewel. It is only when you completely understand the nature of the wisdom the path of righteousness. that one will be able to understand the Mahabaratam in full and live a life free of grief and sorrow.
Take great interest to learn properly the knowledge which is very essential one to discharge his/her duties. faith that you will be able to fulfill the role for which you have taken a human life. Faith in yourself and trust in God is the real secret of greatness. 

vacanam madhuram caritam madhuram vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram | calitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram madhuradhipaterakhilammadhuram ||