Monday, August 3, 2015

The Art of Hospitality

The Yajur Veda, is confirming the remarkable reverence for a guest equal to mother,father, and teacher, . The Sanskrit word for guest is Atithi. Atithi Devo Bhava regards a procedure of the host-guest relationship. Taittiriya Upanishad, Shikshavalli I.20 says: matrudevo bhava, pitrudevo bhava, acharyadevo bhava, atithidevo bhava. It literally means "be one for whom the Mother is God, be one for whom the Father is God, be one for whom the Teacher is God, be one for whom the guest is God." matrudevah, pitrudevah, acharyadevah, atithidevah are one word each, and each one is a Bahuvrihi samasta-pada. (Meaning : Bahuvrhi - beware, samastha- whole, pada -foot-step or verse or line ). Tithi in Sanskrit denotes a calendric date. In ancient times, the communication were limited hence it was not possible for guests to expect their date of arrival, Atithi which literally means "without a fixed calendric time" the visiting person who had no fixed date of arrival or departure.
The ancient Tamil scripture, Thirukkural, says, மோப்பக் குழையும் அனிச்சம் முகந்திரிந்து நோக்கக் குழையும் விருந்துmeaning is the Anicham flower fades in smelling, so the host should invite gusts with the smiling face other wise the guest will be offended.இருந்தோம்பி இல்வாழ்வ தெல்லாம் விருந்தோம்பி வேளாண்மை செய்தற் பொருட்டு. meaning is "The whole purpose of earning wealth and maintaining a home is to provide hospitality to guests.
All our ancient puranas also emphasizing about the hospitality to the guests. Here is a related story from 'Markandeya Puranam'.
There was a mountain called Brahmagiri, there was a cruel hunter living in the mountaintop. He was killing sages and saints other than his usual trait of killing birds and animals. Once he hunted immense of birds and animals and collect all things put them in his cages. he spent long time in the forest and also it became night and also started to rain, the hunter lost his way. Thinking all he climbed on a tree and decided to stay that night. yet his mind and thought on his wife and children at home. In the mean time there was a pigeon family living happily in the same treetop. Both of the pigeon-parents went to their pray. The father pigeon returned to the nest but the mother pigeon was missing, so the father was worrying about his wife. At that time he heard a feeble-voiced female bird and searched all over the tree. The female said that I am in the cage of the hunter. The father pigeon look at him so he said to his wife “ see this hunter is sleeping so I just relive you from the cage” the female said that “No don't do that , we living beings should respect to our guest now he is our guest so treating him and giving hospitality is our duty so I be his food so you look after other things”. Male pigeon said that “Yes darling you are right I forgot my sense of righteous way we serve our guest so we both give our lives to him that is our hospitality to our guest.” the rain is stopped so bring some dry leaves and light them up so we immolate in the fire ourselves and he can take our bodies as his food. The male did as the female said the both of them immolated in the fire. The hunter heard the entire conversation and wondered about pigeons selfless action and he saw that there were a sky-mount arrived for the birds to carry them to kailash . He saw the all amazement scenes and asked the two birds “ Mahatma “how I prevent all my sins,? And what kind of penance I should do please tell me the way. The birds said no need to do any penance "Go to Goutami, Ganga and take a dip continuously for fifteen days," your sins will be vanished” The hunter did as the birds advise. The place where the pigeons immolated themselves became a holy tirtham known as kapota-tirtha, the word kapota means pigeon. (For information Kapota-theerthas is under river Godavari. Another Teertha is called Kapothaka-theertha is under the river Sabarmati and the third one is called Kapoteeswara-theertha which is under Sri parvatham these all associated with the bird pigeon 
Based on a casual scrutiny of cordial reception from the historical date for centuries' with in the two types of society between the wealthy and poor; the wealthy who entertained lavishly to their own status but the poor people could celebrate as their best within their own family structures and they only have wide developing the art of hospitality.

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