Monday, June 1, 2015

The Spiritual Sight

India is a land of spiritual traditions and produced immense of sages, and saints. Their huge number of hymns and songs compositions with vast meaning and deep observances even today people are following and also all the songs are very familiar to the world.
Saint Surdas is among one of them. The saint was a poet and musician. His famous of devotional songs dedicated to Lord Krishna. Saint Surtas had spiritual sight but he cannot see the material world. He lived in 15th century. It is said Saint has composed a hundred thousand songs including his magnum composition the 'Sur Sagar' (Ocean of Melody), out of which only about 8,000 are surviving. he is considered a virtues (saguna bhakti) devotee and poet. The name Surdas literally meaning is the "servant of melody". His most famous work was charan Kamal bando hari rai. All his compositions are in Hindi Language.
Surdas is a important personality in Indian history. However his life history is unknown. He is a great legendary saint. Although some authentic life history of Surdas, it is said that he was born in 1478/79 in the village of Runakta,Mathura. Surdas was born blind so he was abandoned by his family; he left his home at the age of six. He lived in Bhraj near Mathura. Surdas developed Sri Krishna Bhakthi and composed jaunty rhythm and fine melody poetic music with deep devotion on Sri Krishna attracted much in praise. He became famous and his fame spread country wide.
The philosophy of Surdas' work is a reflection of the times. He was very much immersed in the Bhakti movement that was sweeping India. His spiritual empowered movement was very strong with massive groups. There was an incident which is said once Surdas fall in the well and he called Sri Krishna for his protection, Sri Krishna rescued him safely and brought him out of the well.

Saint Surdas’s greatest work the Sur Sagar and also he composed Sur-Saravali (which is based on the theory of origin and the festival of Holi), and Sahitya-Lahiri, devotional lyrics dedicated to the Supreme Absolute. In some other occasion Surtas composition about Sri Krishna Leela it is said that he was so pleading to Sri Krishna for his blessings so he could see personally and composed; it is lifted height the literary value of the Hindi language, and which is translated in many Indian languages.
Another legendary account says that Once he was singing devotedly With concern on Sri Krishna “O Mere sham this unlucky blind not able to see you” Sri Krishna showing his Dharshan and said “O Surdas I bestowed vision see me” soon he heard the Lord's voice raise his head and saw the Lord Sri Krishna as his descriptions in all his compositions he overwhelmed had his darshan from head to toe again and again many times did pradhakshanam many times and said “O prabo no one is describable in this world about your merciful nature, you bestowed me a vision to see you, Yes I have fulfilled of your darshan I drank completely and satisfied, after I had your sampoorna dharshan I do not wish to see anything more please take back the vision” God said that “O Surdas you perambulated me which is equal to have perambulate the earth many time, live more as your wish saying The Spiritual Sight
India is a land of spiritual traditions and produced immense of sages, and saints. Their huge number of hymns and songs compositions with vast meaning and deep observances even today people are following and also all the songs are very familiar to the world.
Saint Surdas is among one of them. The saint was a poet and musician. His famous of devotional songs dedicated to Lord Krishna. Saint Surtas had spiritual sight but he cannot see the material world. He lived in 15th century. It is said Saint has composed a hundred thousand songs including his magnum composition the 'Sur Sagar' (Ocean of Melody), out of which only about 8,000 are surviving. he is considered a virtues (saguna bhakti) devotee and poet. The name Surdas literally meaning is the "servant of melody". His most famous work was Charan Kamal bando hari rai. All his compositions are in Hindi Language.
Surdas is a important personality in Indian history. However his life history is unknown. He is a great legendary saint. Although some authentic life history of Surdas, it is said that he was born in 1478/79 in the village of Runakta,Mathura. Surdas was born blind so he was abandoned by his family; he left his home at the age of six. He lived in Bhraj near Mathura. Surdas developed Sri Krishna Bhakthi and composed jaunty rhythm and fine melody poetic music with deep devotion on Sri Krishna attracted much in praise. He became famous and his fame spread country wide.
The philosophy of Surdas' work is a reflection of the times. He was very much immersed in the Bhakti movement that was sweeping India. His spiritual empowered movement was very strong with massive groups. There was an incident which is said once Surdas fall in the well and he called Sri Krishna for his protection, Sri Krishna rescued him safely and brought him out of the well.
Saint Surdas’s greatest work the Sur Sagar and also he composed Sur-Saravali (which is based on the theory of origin and the festival of Holi), and Sahitya-Lahiri, devotional lyrics dedicated to the Supreme Absolute. In some other occasion Surtas composition about Sri Krishna Leela it is said that he was so pleading to Sri Krishna for his blessings so he could see personally and composed; it is lifted height the literary value of the Hindi language, and which is translated in many Indian languages.
Another legendary account says that Once he was singing devotedly With concern on Sri Krishna “O Mere sham this unlucky blind not able to see you” Sri Krishna showing his Dharshan and said “O Surdas I bestowed vision see me” soon he heard the Lord's voice raise his head and saw the Lord Sri Krishna as his descriptions in all his compositions he overwhelmed had his darshan from head to toe again and again many times did pradhakshanam many times and said “O prabo no one is describable in this world about your merciful nature, you bestowed me a vision to see you, Yes I have fulfilled of your darshan I drank completely and satisfied, after I had your sampoorna dharshan I do not wish to see anything more please take back the vision” God said that “O Surdas you perambulated me which is equal to have perambulate the earth many time, live more as your wish saying this he disappeared. Surdas lived some more years and composed 'Sahitya-Lahari' on Lord. His religious tutelage was under the great sage Vallabhacharya. He learnt all the great philosophies from him. After his training he followed the life that was typical religious man. He led pure bachelor life and lived on charity donations that were given as he sung bhajans and lectured on religious subjects and attained god realization in CE 1584

Indian land produced many saints from Purandara dasa to till then Surdas is one of the men of virtues saint; he did not have the physical sight but he had the pure and spiritual sight. This saint's parents neglected because he was sightless but almighty of Lord loved and compassionately cuddled him, Lord given him nice and virtues knowledge so he showered his compositions like heavy rain fall. It is said when he sing songs Lord Sri Krishna sit close to him listened his great compositions. Saint Surdas life is a commemoration to all mankind.


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