Wednesday, October 22, 2014


When Naradha was going to Vishnu Logam happen to hear a conversation between two hermits in the earth. He came down and invisibly stand close to them.
The first hermit told to another and said “Honorable sir I did penance for so many years but expect the “mantra siddhi” nothing happen my penance was for “Eswara Sakthi” even now I am doing dyanam for Eswara dharshan no luck I do not know when I will have bestow from that almighty of lord”
The other hermit replied “ sir you are better than me at least you have bestowed the “Mantra Siddi” my position is bad nothing happen I also did penance for many years for Eswara Sakthi but I bestowed “Mantratrik” only the any kind of mantra I can understand (If one understand the beejakshram he is called “Mantratrik”) then awake from the penance now I am doing dyanam with full concentration to have Eswara dharshan no luck to have dharshan “.
Heard their conversation Naradha muni appeared in front of them; as soon they saw him they did pranams many time and offered a seat to him and they did “Pada pooja “ to Nadhadha and They stood devotedly side by Naradha.
Naradha was very happy with their devotion and said to them “O men of hermits I heard your conversation so I am here; I feel very happy the manner of your devotion. Hence I expound the path of the devotion and related a story to you; kindly feel free and listen”.
Naradha begin the story. Once There was a king from 'Soorya clan ruling Kosala (The present Ayodya) named 'Doorvasiddhu' and he had two queens the first queens name is 'Manoramai' and the second queen's name is 'Leelavathi'
The king was happy with both the queens. Years passed first Leelavathi gave birth a male child then later a month after Manoramai also gave birth a male child , the king was very happy with the them and he gave name to his first child 'Satrujit' and the second child name is 'Sudharshan' and he celebrated the naming ceremony in a grand manner like a festival for a month. He was extremely happy with the two children and he showered his affection and love on  both of them.
One day the king Doorvasiddhu went for hunting because all the citizen of Kosala given complaint about botheration of the wild animals so he went, when he was hunting there was a wild line attacked him he fought severely with it but with its heavy scratch on his body he died in the forest. The soldiers went to the kingdom and told the news so the minister and guru vasister and the children went to the forest and did all the ceremony and all the minister including the citizen of Kosala decided to crown to Sudharshan even he is 30 days younger then Satrujit. Sudharshan was the legally crowned prince.but Lellavathi's father Ydhajit the king of Avanthi wished to crown to his grandson Satrujit; in the same way Kalinga king Veerasena Manoramai's father wished to crown to his grand son Sudarson.Conflict begun a battle with two countries at last Veerasena killed by Yadajit in the battle and Yadhajit as his wish he crowned to his grand son. Because he was a young king so he stayed and he ruled behalf of his grand son. One day he was planning to kill Sudharshan and his mother this news went to Manoramai through her well wishers so according to her well wisher advice she went to a forest on the way robbers they theft her all jewels and other things except their lives. At last she crossed the river Ganges the help of a sailor and reached the mountain Chitrakootam and walked for some distances and she found sage Bharatwaja hermitage and she went with her son and she surrendered to sage Bharatwaja and told her sad story to him the sage understood that Manoramai is queen of Kosala then he accepted and granted the permission to stay in his  hermitage (ashramam) along with his wife and other rishis wives. The boy grownup and he learnt all the lessons like archery , astronomy and so on from the sage. One day Sudharshan was doing some work in the hermitage there was a Rishi's son called him as “Kleemvane”he felt that word is a Beejaksharam“Kleem” Naradhar stopped this part of the story and asked the explanation to ”Kleem” to the Mantratrik hermit.
The hermit given nice speech of explanation of “Kleem the Bejaksharam.
This is the Kamabijam. Ka means Kamadeva, the Lord of desire; it also means Lord Krishna and Devi Durga as well as Kali. La means Indra,the ruler of Heaven, also lord of the senses. Ee means happiness and satisfaction. Nada and bindu mean those that bring happiness and sorrow.
Naratha asked the hermit what is the benefit bring if one chant this Beejam? And he replied
If one chant this Beejam constantly it gives mental satisfaction, fulfilled all the good desires, strength, wealth, piously good wife and one lost the things he will benefit more than he lost, putra bhagyam, Love, braveness, and mental strength, at last liberty and gods realization. Naradha felt very happy with the hermits answer then he asked to other hermit that what is the meaning of Kali, and Sakthi?

The second hermit he started to answering to sage Naradha.

“Deva; Kali means black in colour.”

Sakti meaning "Power" or "empowerment," is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe . Sakti is the individual, of divine feminine creative power, .sakti most actively manifests through female embodiment and creativity/fertility, not only is Sakti responsible for creation, it is also the cause of all changes. Sakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Sakti, a mysterious psycho spiritual force. Sakti exists in a state of independent (svātantra, means dependence on no one, being interdependent with the entire universe.)though it is also present in males in its potential, on manifest form.
Naradha felt very happy with the answer then he asked Devi Kali's nature?
Kali devi is the preserver of Earth, but due to her ferocious form she is known as “Ferocious Mother”. The name Kali means She, is Beyond Time. She is considered as a courageous form of Durga or Parvati, who is consort of Lord Siva. Devi Kali is simultaneously portrayed as the giver and destroyer of the universe. She is the mother of the world and the treasure-house of full compassion.
Naradha muni was very happy and he continued from stopped part of the story. Once Sudharshan heard the “Kleem” Beejam he told to his Guru Bharatwaja he was very happy and incited the ”Kleem” Beejam and asked him to do mannam (recitation) so according his guru's advice he recited so long Parasakthi's grace showered on him, he married a princes from Kasi pattanam and he regained his country. He established a temple for Devi Durga in Kasi and also constructed big temple for Devi Durga in his own country. King Sudharshan and his countrymen and the citizen of Kasipattanam worshiping devi and King Sudharshan happily ruled the country.
(even now we can see a Durga Devi temple in Kasi and Ayodhi.)
Naradha was so happy and said “O hermits I explain the philosophy of Nirguna Sakthi, feel free and listen.
“Once I asked my father Brhamma the creator that what is the Nigunam?Because I did long and deep penance in 'Swedhattweepam at that time I had vision on that Threguna (3 qualitative ) Siva Sakthi along with Siddha purushas and Mhans. But I could not have a vision on the “Nirguna Sakthi” (Meaning: devoid of all qualities)
Brahma replied to Naradha “O my son I tell you 'Gunarahita' ( means generating qualities) Sri Parabrahmam is the beyond the qualities whatever is the true sense of sight the same thing is invisible hence how can see the invisible.? The Parabrammam and Sakthi has no beginning and no end this we all knowing fact. Parabrammam and Sakthi are the same only one. One can cognizance it through devotion he can realize, other wise it is impossible to have direct vision. Their luminous power is every where and in every thing. only the possible is Sitroopa' Prabrhamma Sakthi could realize in our body through true devotion “Deho Devalayam” (Own body is a temple)Siva Sakthi are the same as one when you pray them you have to pray together other wise no use. if one pray with haughtiness and separately, one can not have their dharshan. They are sthoolam(huge)and sookshumam (very tiny) so pray them knowledgeably true devotion then you will realize the Nirguna Sakthi through your mind..
Once he finish his detailed description Naradha ask them any more questions for clarification? Then the hermits asked Naradha “Swamy how the Adwidha (One) bramham become Dwidham? (two) we wish to learn your explanation.” Naradha so pleasurably he started to explain.
“Omen of hermits listen the 'Dwidham' is two here is an example . If you take a grain when you see and touch it, it is stronghold one, but when it sprouts if you touch it will split into two likewise when the time of cosmos creation at that time the one split into two the 'Adwida Sakthi ' becomes 'Dwidha Sakthi' Male and Female form If a thing Split, into two it will be half and half ( half male and half female ) when you see it looks like two but half and half is one (1/2 +1/2=1)Jagatkarini Parameswari is one and she is parabrhamam. She is acting as male and female. Any processes without sakthi it will stop the movement. Even the human body is occupy half part, and ability or energy is occupying another half so he/she is consider as one so only one Brahmammam other than none.” after finished his lecture Naradha took leave and the hermits sit for ( Dyanam ) meditation. .

(Pressctrl+Click on the URL and enjoy the nice song)

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