Friday, April 24, 2015


Pandharpuram is one of the most prominent pilgrimage places in Maharashtra. It is located on the banks of the BhÄ«ma River, also called river Chandrabhaga because it is half-moon shaped river. The city is named after a great devotee Pundalik, who achieved self-realization in padharpuram.
The worship of Vitthala in the Pandharpuram temple is based mainly on the contents of the puranas and the contributions of the Vaishnav saints of Maharashtra and Karnataka during the 13th through the 17th centuries.
The name of saints are Dnyaneshwar, Namadever, Gora Kumbhar, Janubai Chokhamela, Eknath, Tukaram, Purandara Dasa, Vijaya Dasa, Gopala Dasa, and Jagannatha Dasa.
The Pandharpuram temple covers a large area and has six gates. The eastern gate is known as the "Namadever Gate."
Pandharpuram throng pilgrimages of devotees in four seasons. They are the month of Ashada (June–July) this time the largest number of pilgrims—around 500,000 to 700,000 people. The months of Kartheega  (October–November), Magha  (January–February) and Sravana  (July–August) attract the second, third and fourth largest numbers of pilgrims respectively.
The legend says the most important explanation and how Vitoba came to Pandharpuram. Pundalik is a devoted son to his parents Janudev and Satyavati, who lived in a forest called Dandirvanam. But after his wedding, Pundalik begins ill-treating his parents. Vexed   with their son’s misbehavior and ill treatment, the elderly   couple   decides to leave for Kasi.  Upon hearing his parents' plans, Pundalik and his wife decide to join them on pilgrimage. The ill treatment continues. While the youthful son and his wife rode on horseback, the weak old couple walked in bad weather. Pundalik to be made his old parents to work for his own journey comfortable. On the way to Kasi, they reached a hermitage of a pious and revered sage, Kukkutswami.  The family was too tired so decided to spend a few days in the hermitage. That night, when all were asleep, Pundalik by chance awoke and saw a remarkable vision. There were a group of beautiful young women to  looks ugly  dressed up in muddy and stained clothes , enter the ashram; they clean the floor, fetch water and wash the sage’s clothes. After finishing their responsibilities, they go to the prayer-room. After prayer they appeared beautiful and their clothes ware spotlessly clean. Then, they vanished.  Pundalik with amazement was stunned.  It remains on his mind the whole day and he resolves to remain awoke the next night, and confirmed it was not a dream. Pundalik curiously approached the beautiful women and asked the facts. They reply that they are the Ganga (Ganges), Yamuna and Saraswathi the holy rivers revered for their holiness. Pilgrims wish to take a dip in their holy waters to wash away their sins, which in fact are soiling their clothes and become ugly. Then, the women said  " O Pundalik, you, with your ill-treatment of your parents, you are the greatest sinner of all, you don’t come near”. Heard this Pundalik is utterly shocked and his consciousness transforms. He realized his misdeeds, became entirely devotee to his parents and ensures their comfort. Devotion in any 
form reaches to God quickly. Impressed by Pundalik's devotion to his parents, Lord Vishnu thought to bless Pundalik immediately. So, He left Vaikuntham (His abode) and entered for Pundalik’s ashram and Vishnu knocked at Pundalik’s hermitage door, when he is busy serving food to  his parents so he does not  realize God is at his door however  he wished to complete his duties and only then attend the visitor, saying that Pundalik gave the Lord a brick to stand on and asked Lord to wait until his duty is  completed. The Lord was so pleased with his devotion that the Lord waited placing his hands on his hip    for him. When Pundalik came out, he asked God's forgiveness for neglecting Him, but the Lord happily told him to ask a boon and it would be fulfilled. What more could a devotee ask when his Lord was standing right in front of him? Pundalik asked that He should remain here as you waited  and bless all his devotees. His wish was granted and the Lord remained behind and is known as Vithoba or the Lord who stands on a brick. This form of the Lord is Swayambhu which means self existence. He is accompanied by His consort Rakhumai or Rukmini and bestowing to his devotees 
